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10 Conditions That Medical Marijuana Can Help

10 Conditions That Medical Marijuana Can Help

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Medical marijuana, or cannabis and cannabinoids, is a growing and thriving industry as more and more states legalize it's use. Doctors are beginning to suggest medical marijuana over pharmaceutical drugs for their patients for treating symptoms of illness and other conditions even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved or recognized cannabis as medicine. It's actually still listed as a Schedule 1 drug, which means it's believed to have a  high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use. Is that the truth, though? As a matter of fact, research proves that medical marijuana can be used for a variety of illnesses and other conditions. It has even been legalized by the District of Columbia and 29 states, although it's still considered illegal at the federal level, and another 18 states have passed laws for use of Cannabidiol, or CBD, products. Soon, all of the states will have got on-board because medical marijuana works. It works without all the nasty side effects you get from taking pharmaceuticals. The following is a discussion of 10 conditions that medical marijuana can help.


It is estimated that about one third of adults experience insomnia at one time or another. That equates to some 50 to 70 million adults in the US alone, as reported by the American Sleep Association. Some have a hard time falling asleep, some have trouble staying asleep, and some have both. Not getting a good night's sleep can impact not only how you feel all day, but prolonged insomnia can also have a negative affect on health overall. Any amount of insomnia can cause an adverse affect on the way you think, work, drive, react, eat, and exercise. It can even affect the way you sleep when you finally get to. There are many medications on the market, both prescription and over-the-counter for treating insomnia. These medications come with a litany of side effects, such as some of the side effects for Ambien which are the following: • Blurred vision • Headache, muscle pain • Amnesia, forgetfulness • Anxiety, aggression, feelings of restlessness or agitation • Hallucinations, confusion, changes in personality • And so much more! Some medications for insomnia even list death as a side effect! For the complete list of Ambien side effects, check here: There's 75 of them!

Medical marijuana has little to no side effects and it's effective as a sleep aid because it restores your natural sleep cycle. During a recent study at Alberta University in Canada where they were investigating the effects of THC on appetite, specific to cancer patients, and an unexpected result was found that THC also promotes sleep.  Medical marijuana can help you fall asleep faster and this is especially true for those who's initial cause of insomnia is due to a primary reason, such as chronic pain, PTSD, or multiple sclerosis. If you have insomnia and don't want to take harmful medications, try medical marijuana. Remember, edibles take longer to kick in than smoking or inhaling, (vaping) but their effects last longer. Choose what's best for you.

#2-Back Pain:

Chronic back pain is on the rise at an alarming rate. It's estimated that 80% of Americans will experience some type of back pain in their lifetime, costing in excess of $100 billion every year.  In addition, back pain is not only the most frequent but also the most common. There's literally 31 million Americans with back pain at any given time, like right this very minute! If you're between the ages of 30 and 50, you've probable already experienced some back pain for yourself. Between aging and a more sedentary lifestyle, it just becomes more common. However, you don't have to suffer. Studies have shown that medical marijuana can help reduce back pain in both men and women. Without the awful side effects that come with most of the other remedies, you don't have to worry about addiction problems which come with some of the other choices. There are a number of ways in which medical marijuana can help you and your back pain, such as the following: •Reducing or eliminating your back pain, which will allow you to be more active • Reducing or eliminating your use of medications which have dangerous side effects or addictive ingredients • Reducing or eliminating your anxiety, depression, and insomnia, all of which are associated with chronic pain • Feeling better due to using a natural treatment • Having better quality of life - Medical marijuana can either reduce or completely eliminate your pain. What are you waiting for? Stop taking harmful drugs, stop living in pain and start living again! If you have chronic back pain, try medical marijuana; you won't be sorry.


According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) 40 million adults are affected by some type of anxiety every single year. That's roughly 18% of the entire population! What's worse, is that even though anxiety and anxiety disorders are highly treatable, less than 37% of those who suffer seek treatment.  The truth is, people don't look at mental illness the same as they do physical illness. Most people, if they have back pain, they will go to the doctor, talk it over, and agree on an appropriate treatment plan. When people have anxiety, though, they tend to shrink away from going to the doctor, much less discuss it with them. The first problem we, as a whole, need to overcome, is the feeling of embarrassment that seems to come along with having anxiety disorders and realize it's a lot more common that we thought. Then, find a suitable treatment. Prescription medications for anxiety are some have some of the worst side effects. Some of these can cause heart problems,pulmonary hypertension, increased bleeding risk, and countless interactions with other medications.  Why risk it? Medical marijuana is a much more effective than these other medications and begins to relieve symptoms almost immediately. Medical marijuana can be even be used in acute forms of anxiety, but doesn't require regular or daily dosing. It's effective for treating both anxiety and depression. In addition, it doesn't have unwanted harmful side effects and it doesn't leave you feeling groggy or hungover.

#4-Crohn's Disease: 

Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, (IBD) is characterized by redness, swelling, and pain of the digestive tract, or gastrointestinal (GI) tract, which includes the mouth, esophagus, then stomach, both small and large intestines, and the anus. Crohn’s is can affect any part of the GI tract resulting in fatigue, abdominal pain, weight loss, severe diarrhea, malnutrition, and many, many more side effects; it can also affect they eyes, skin, and joints. Crohn's disease can be painful and debilitating, possibly leading to life-threatening complications and there's no cure. However, there are some effective treatments which may greatly reduce its signs and symptoms; many with this disease are able to function well with treatment. Some may even bring about long-term remission. I and even bring about long-term remission. What's the best treatment? There is no cure for Crohn's, but there are some choices of treatment. Currently the goal is to lower the effects of Crohn's by preventing the inflammation which triggers the signs and symptoms. This treatment includes drugs such an anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids, which they will only give as a last resort and then only for a few months, because they're so bad for you. This treatment also includes immune system suppressors, also for bringing down inflammation, which are some really scary drugs that need constant monitoring, in addition to antibiotics and other medications. Medial marijuana is another proven treatment for Crohn's disease. Endocannbonoids, molecules found n the body which play a role in limiting intestinal inflammation resemble those found in marijuana. In fact, some who have used medical marijuana are now in remission. Medical marijuana has little to no side effects and even less lasting effects. It's much healthier and much less dangerous. If you decide you want to check it out, do so here:https://www.happymd.org/crohns-disease-medical-marijuana-treatments-santa-cruz-ca/


Arthritis, although very common, is not very well understood. First of all, “arthritis” is not just one single disease. Instead, it is a sort of informal way of referring to a group of ailments which involve joint pain and/or joint disease with more than 100 different types and related conditions. Arthritis is not picky, either. It affects people of all ages, sex, and races and is the leading cause of disability in America, affecting over 50 million adults and 300 thousand children, but it's most common among women and the aging.

There are several treatments options available to someone who suffers from arthritis. There are several types of medications, such as analgesics. Analgesics can be anything from Tylenol, which can destroy your liver so has to be limited, and opioid pain relievers, which are highly addictive. There are biologics, which is basically a genetically engineered virus that they give you in order to stimulate your own's body response. Then there's corticosteroids which are just bad or NSAIDS, such as aspirin, which still kills around 2000 people a year. You could have joint surgery as well or you could try a natural treatment first. Medical marijuana is one such natural treatment. Scientist have found that cannabidial found in marijuana can blockjoint inflammation from worsening, therefore preventing further pain and inflammation. If you have tried everything else and feel like you're never going to find something that works, it may help you to know that marijuana has been used for treating arthritis since 2800 BC! It's a natural way to help reduce arthritis pain and symptoms without all the terrible side effects. Make up your mind my checking out this page: [https://www.happymd.org/arthritis-medical-marijuana-treatments-santa-cruz/]


Osteoarthritis (OA) is sometimes referred to as degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis and is the most common joint condition. This disease affects approximately 27 million Americans. OA can affect any joint, causing soreness or stiffness, but most often occurs in the neck and lower back, hips, knees, the small joints of fingers, and the bases of thumbs and big toes. Both inactivity and overuse can affect this condition which has a myriad of signs and symptoms. Since OA can't be cured, it's important to know the various treatment MMJ cards. The most common treatment plan includes managing symptoms, such as pain, stiffness, and swelling, improving mobility and flexibility, losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight and not being sedate, moving around, and getting enough exercise. These are all great steps for a treatment plan, but what are you going to choose to combat pain, stiffness, and swelling? You could choose pharmaceuticals of one type or another, but let's face it, they all have horrible side effects at the least and at most are highly addictive. Studies have shown that medical marijuana not only helps reduce pain but also limits further joint damage. Marijuana can work as both a pain killer and an anti-inflammatory. Try a natural arthritis remedy with no harmful or lasting side effects.

#7-Chronic Pain:

Chronic pain is generally defined as any pain which lasts more than 12 weeks. It's persistent, often lasting for months and sometimes even longer. Chronic pain may come from a variety of reasons, such as an injury, an ongoing cause, such as an illness or disease, and other reasons. Sometimes there doesn't appear to be a clear cause, but it can limit your movement, flexibility, strength, and stamina and make it hard to carry out activities, such as work or even enjoyable activities. This can lead to disability, depression, and despair. Obviously, treating chronic pain is a must; unfortunately, the first course of treatment is typically medication, occasionally accompanied by physical therapy. The most common types of medication given for chronic pain or NSAIDS, pain relievers, and muscle relaxers, all of which have side effects, some harmful, and almost all are addictive. Bottom line, there's better. Medical marijuana is a natural treatment for chronic pain and it has little to no side effects and almost no lasting effects. If you don't want to have to worry about what you're putting into your body, here's your answer. If you have chronic pain due to an illness or disease, such as fibromyalgia, then you've already got plenty other to worry about with just handling your illness and shouldn't have to worry about what your meds are going to do to you. Try medical marijuana for chronic pain and be safe.


There are more than an estimated 11 million people in the United States alone who have some form of cancer. There are more than 200 types of cancer, although some are quite rare.  In addition, there are some who are quite common, such as the following: skin, lung, breast, prostate, colorectal, (colon & rectal) bladder, melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, kidney, and leukemia. Almost all of these types of cancer may end up being treated with radiation therapy. Radiation therapy, which uses high-energy radiation, shrinks tumors and kills cancer cells. Radiation therapy can cause both early, referred to as acute, and late, referred to as chronic, side effects, none of which are generally mild. The acute effects can happen any time during the treatment to immediately after, but the chronic effects can appear months or even years later! Treat some of those side effects with medical marijuana. Although it's still up for debate whether marijuana can cure types of cancers, research has shown that it is an amazing medicine for many cancer and treatment-related side effects. Medical marijuana helps the side effects of cancer and radiation therapy, such as, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, pain, insomnia, and even depression and anxiety. See if medical marijuana is right for you.


AIDS, as it's referred to, or Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is a chronic and potentially life-threatening condition caused by HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus. HIV interferes with your body's ability to fight disease, damaging your immune system. Without medication, the HIV will continue to weaken your body until you have AIDS. As there is no cure for HIV/AIDS, there are medications that can dramatically slow it's progression. However, it is common that drugs for AIDS and HIV have side effects. These side effects range from mild to life threatening. The most common, though are feeling tired, nausea and upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever, muscle pain, occasional dizziness, and insomnia, just to name the mild ones. [https://aidsinfo.nih.gov/understanding-hiv-aids/fact-sheets/22/63/hiv-medicines-and-side-effects]

Marijuana research might be limited, but there are plenty of studies which support it's success of eliminating nausea, vomiting, and appetite. These effects also help to restore weight, while maintaining essential nutrients. Medical marijuana, whether inhaled or consumed as an extract, also targets neuropathic pain. If you want to give medical marijuana a try, get in touch with a doctor who can help you feel better here:


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