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Posted 12/31/2021 in Culture by HappyMD

Bongs - What is a Bong?

Bongs - What is a Bong?

Bongs - What is a Bong?

A water pipe that is used to smoke marijuana

To use a bong, you fill the small bowl at the bottom of the water pipe, then light the marijuana bud. Once lit, the smoke is then filtered by the water that travels through the stem. The stem is usually a cylinder piece of glass with holes that connect it to the bowl and the bong.



After that, the smoke finally travels up the neck to the opening where the user inhales it.



What is a bong



No one really knows where the bong was first used. It could have been in the Middle East where the bong resembles the hookah pipe or it could have been in Asia. Both China and Thailand have been known to use the bong in earlier centuries.



The word bong could also be derived from the Thai word ‘baung’ which means ‘a round wooden tube made from bamboo.’ The typical bong used today does look exactly like that description.



Bongs are frequently custom-made and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. However, their design is basically the same where the neck connects to the base and the bowl. Their design is up to the designer and some bongs are single straight tubes while others have a pinched neck or multiple gravity chambers.



The professionally made bongs are made from glass while homemade versions are made from a variety of materials.



What is a bong used for



Advantages of bongs



The basic advantage that comes from using a bong is that they are very easy to use. The best-designed ones are simplistic and facilitate a smoother hit while eliminating harsh dry smoke through its water filtration.



For cooler hits, you can add ice to the water. Some bong versions have an ice pinch that allows the marijuana smoke to be cooled and provide a smoother flavor. This device is easier to use than some of the other smoking devices you can buy.



They are less work when you are prepping your hit and can offer a stronger hit when done right. Also, the small bowls help avoid any tar build-up that comes with smoking a joint.



Do bongs filter smoke



The design of the bong and the use of water helps filter out any carcinogens and other toxins that are produced by smoking cannabis. This is made more so when the bong is designed with a diffuser or percolator.



Also, the water helps filter out cytotoxins acrolein and acetaldehyde. These are major influences that harm your lung defense cells. They are also present in tobacco which makes smoking either marijuana or tobacco hazardous to your lung health.



Disadvantages of bongs



One disadvantage is that the water filtration and cooling aspect of the bong design filters out some of the THC and other psychotic components most marijuana want out of their hits. In fact, the water will filter out more cannabinoids than tar which means the user needs to smoke more to get their desired effect.



Another disadvantage to using a bong is its cost. Their purchase price is often much higher than a joint will cost. There is a good side to this disadvantage. The bong, if treated right, will last a lifetime and you shouldn’t have to buy another one any time soon.



You can go cheap and pay only $10 for the lower-priced bongs or you can show off your status and wealth and spend thousands of dollars on a special artisan model. The third disadvantage is that bongs do require some maintenance and upkeep if they are going to last and provide you with great flavor, etc.



Bong water needs to be changed regularly or it can develop a very bad odor that may put some users off. Plus, when the water gets bad, it is harder to clean the device. You also want to get rid of any tar and other residues that have built up over long-term use.



History of the bong



The origin of the bong is clouded in history. Some historians and archaeologists have come to the conclusion that the bong started somewhere in Asia since that was the origin of cannabis. They also feel that the bong is descended from the hookah.



Further archaeological work has uncovered more discoveries that may upend that conclusion. Those newer finds suggest that the bong started in parts of eastern Africa some 3300 years ago approx. In 1924, Arthur Dunhill determined that the bong originated in Africa after studying the water pipes found on that continent.



He came to this conclusion due to the absence of any pipe in Europe and to him, that absence meant the water pipe originated in Africa. Dunhill’s conclusion competes with J.C. Dumbrowski’s conclusion, another noted archaeologist, so it is hard to determine exactly where and when the water pipe was invented.



The difference between the African water pipes and other ancient ones is that it is thought that the former version was used only for tobacco. This early conclusion helped steer the origin theory towards Asia. However, J.C. Dumbrowski, in his work, found traces of cannabis in the African pipes.



Right now the most plausible conclusion is that the water pipe originated in Africa. The bong may not have started in Asia but that region of the world made its use very popular in 16th century A.D. China. Around the time of the late Ming Dynasty period.



From there the use of the water pipe spread westward through the Middle East, Europe along the Silk Road, and then towards eastern Asia. As the popularity of the water pipe grew so did the creativity in making them. As more and more people started making them more materials were used to create different and unique designs, shapes, and sizes.



The bong renaissance



There may have been a period of time where bong use fell out of favor but the 19th-century glass industry boom may have brought that back. In the 1960s and 70s, Bob Snodgrass helped the resurgence with his glass bong designs. He is called the godfather of the bong renaissance as his designs were influenced by his w=travels with the Grateful Dead.



When he finally settled in Eugene, Oregon, Bob Snodgrass began to teach others how to make his glass bongs. During this time he discovered what is called ‘fuming’ which is a process of using gold and silver to color borosilicate glass. From there the rest is history as they say, as his students spread across America and opened their own shops.



Today, bongs are more than just a smoking device. In the tradition of Snodgrass, glass blowers made bongs an art form. The makers have turned this device into a functional, interactive art piece.



The resurgence of American pipe making



Under the Controlled Substance Act bongs were declared illegal unless they were made exclusively to smoke tobacco. Operation Pipe Dream conducted by the U.S. Dept. of Justice conducted a sting operation against dozens of glassblowers making illegal drug paraphernalia.



The most famous person caught with these illegal bongs was Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong fame. He received a 9-month jail sentence for trafficking in illegal drug paraphernalia while other glassblowers were given different sentences length. This sting operation unknowingly helped spark the underground legalization movement to make glass pipes and bongs legal for cannabis use.



The controversy surrounding the arrest and confinement of Tommy Chong and other glassblowers was all the spark the movement needed to get going.



How to use a bong



Bongs may be easy to use but when you start using a new or unfamiliar way of smoking, the process can be a bit confusing to start. here are some steps to guide you in your use of a bong. Once you get enough practice and master its use, you can then develop your own smoking style.



#1. Fill the bong with water- pour it into the mouthpiece and when it is filled the downstem should behave no more than 1 inch of water inside the bong. Any more than that and you may inhale some water along with the smoke.



#2. Prepare your cannabis- grind it up with a grinder or a pair of scissors. Or if you want you can break it up with your fingers.



#3. Pack the bowl- you do not want to pack too tightly. You will need some airflow to get the smoke up to where you want it and make sure the bud is lit properly



#4. Hold the bong in your hand- you can use your non-dominant hand for this and then hold the lighter in your dominant hand.



#5. Take a few deep breaths making it easier to inhale when you are ready. This will help you take a longer hit.



#6. Put your mouth on the mouthpiece- make sure to create a tight seal by placing your lips inside the rim of the bong’s mouthpiece.



#7. Light the bowl- place the lighter on the marijuana, tilt the bowl slightly and take a deep breath. This will draw the smoke up to your mouth.



#8. Continue smoking- once you have done these steps all that is left to do is continue smoking. Once there is enough smoke in the tube, pull it away from the bowl and inhale the smoke. Hold for a few seconds and then exhale.



Why do bongs hit harder



The design of the bong, its large chamber, and water filtration system allow you to get a bigger hit of cooler smoke. It also allows you to get a larger quantity of smoke which in turn produces a bigger hit. The key is to learn the proper amount of smoke to inhale to avoid over-inhaling and coughing.



It takes time and some trial and error to get the right amount of smoke. Start with smaller slower hits, then adjust as you get better at inhaling.



Key components



The bong has a minimal set of simple yet functional components that are indispensable to bong use as well as its identity. The essential components found in almost every bong are:



  1. tube- it is also known as the vessel or neck and the tube is the cylinder that brings the smoke and air to the user. The tube has three styles-straight, angled and custom
  2. base- this is the chamber that gets filled with water. It is the lower portion of the bong as well as being the largest and widest part. Bongs are often categorized by the look of their base type which is straight, beaker, or round. The straight tube design is the classic design that holds only one straight cylinder as the main body. The beaker bong has a cone type or beaker-shaped base and the round base bongs have a spherical look to them and a flat bottom. The only difference between these types is the airflow.
  3. Downstem- This is the part that is inserted through the base into the water. Its purpose is to initiate filtration and it comes in two types, the classic and diffused. The former type is a solid cylinder while the diffused has extra holes in it. Those holes cool the smoke and provide a smoother pull
  4. bowl- this holds the marijuana and comes in one of three main sizes- small, medium, and large with the small being 10mm, the medium 14mm, and the large 19mm.


Advance designs and stemless bongs



Over the years, different bong makers have experimented with their bong designs and have created some nice developments along the way. For example, the gravity bong comes with a glass percolator in the base of the bowl. The smoke is diffused through its many arms.



multi-chambered bongs simply offer more chambers which are normally found in the tube or base. These chambers filter the smoke and cool it. Then the stemless bong connects directly to the base usually at a 90-degree angle. This design improves the diffusion of the smoke



Bong Accessories



The majority of accessories are just advanced filtering designs that help make the smoking experience better and improve the overall function of the water pipe. Here are some of those accessories:



#1. Percolator- this is a diffuser that smooths and cools the smoke. it is found in the tube normally. The most common types of percolators are:



  1. Honeycomb- a disc with tiny holes that breaks down bubbles
  2. Turbine- cut discs that are lining the tube and help in the diffusion through a whirlpool effect
  3. Fritted discs- a glass disc that uses porous surfaces to diffuse the smoke
  4. Tree- made from several downstem like diffusion arms and have slits on the end
  5. Carb- this is a hole located between the neck and the base and is used to control the air and smoke intake. The user puts their thumb over the hole while lighting and then remove it to allow air to enter and remove the smoke


#2. Rubber Grommet- This is a circular piece that rests in the hole where the downstem goes into the bong. Some bong makers replace this piece with a glass holder attached to the downstem.



#3. Ice pinch- a series of glass indentations, usually 3, that is big enough to hold ice



#4. Splash guard-this is just a dome that catches the water and allows the smoke to flow freely through






The best bongs are made from a variety of construction materials but for the artist in you, the glass bong is the way to go. However, glass is fragile and can break fairly easily. Here are the different materials that are used to make bongs:



#1. Glass- this is the most popular version and it is highly valued because it preserves the taste and purity of the marijuana. They are also the most expensive versions around but people favor them because they can see when it is time to clean them.



#2. Bamboo or wood- very sturdy, inexpensive, and can last a lifetime with proper maintenance. But they're difficult to clean



#3. Plastic- the cheapest on the market but they can last a long time as well



#4.Silicone- very durable, stronger than glass, and easy to clean. You may get a mild plastic taste along with the marijuana flavor



#5. Ceramic- heavy and very fragile, yet very cheap to buy



How to clean and maintain a bong



Part of knowing how to clean a bong is knowing how to keep it clean. When your bong is clean it looks better and provides a better smoking experience. If you do not clean your device, then bacteria and ash can build up making it risky to use. Not only for taste but for your health as well.



The best way to clean your bong is to use alcohol and salt. This combination may already be ready for you as many retailers have it on sale. To use this method, remove the bowl and downstem, add the alcohol and shake it around. If that doesn’t break down the built-up resin add some salt and shake it again.



If those two attempts do not work, soak it for a day in the alcohol and then rinse with warm water when 24 hours are up. Let the bong air dry by setting it in the sun on a windowsill. The heat will help any remaining alcohol to break down the resin build-up.



Then for those hard-to-reach places on your bong, use pipe cleaners or cotton swabs. After wiping them down thoroughly, rinse the bong water. Then if you haven’t cleaned your device for a long time, pre-soak it in warm water and use a small amount of dishwashing liquid to get hard to remove stains off.



Some bong cleaning tips



  1. change the water after every use
  2. dump the ash from the bowl frequently
  3. clean the bong regularly


How to make your own bong at home



These are very simple to make and one method involves watermelon and a carrot. These two items will form your base and bowl as well as your downstem. here is how you do it:



Tools needed:



  1. watermelon
  2. carrot
  3. screwdriver or a drill bit
  4. cannabis


The carrot is your downstem and bowl while the watermelon will be your vessel. You will not need water as the watermelon juice will take its place. use the following steps to make your homemade watermelon and carrot bong:



#1. put three holes in the watermelon. The large hole is for the mouthpiece, the small one is the carb cap and then one is for the carrot. next use the screwdriver (or drill bit) to poke a hole through the carrot and then shape on the end of the bowl.



Now stick the carrot into the watermelon, pack it with cannabis, and smoke as we said above. Instead of a watermelon, you can substitute it for a bell pepper but you will need to add water to the bell pepper to make that substitution work.



A pineapple and carrot will work as well but the pineapple has a tough texture to it so it is not a popular option. Another alternative to this would be the gravity bong and what you would need to make this homemade version are a bucket and a 2-liter bottle.



Tools needed:



  1. 2-liter bottle
  2. scissors
  3. bowl
  4. cannabis
  5. bucket
  6. water


How to make a bong gravity bowl:



First, you cut the bottom off the 2-liter bottle. Second, cut a hole in the cap but make sure it is small enough to be airtight but large enough to fill the bowl.



Third, fill the bucket with water. Fourth pack the bow la and put it in the cap and put it aside till you are ready to smoke.



Fifth, place the bottle inside the water but leave enough room to screw on the cap. Don’t let the bowl touch the water. Sixth, screw the cap in place.



Seventh, light your lighter and slowly pull the bottle out of the water until only 1 to 2 inches of the bottle remain submerged. Eight, remove the cap and put your mouth on the opening.



Now move the bottle back down towards the bottom of the bucket, inhaling at the same time.



Frequently asked Questions



#1. Does drinking bong water get you high?



No, it won’t. Cannabinoids are not water-soluble and THC doesn’t adhere to the water. If any does, it won’t be enough to get you high.



#2. Can you hit a bong without water?



Yes, but that will defeat the purpose of using the bong. The water makes the hit smoother.



#3. Can you smoke a bong with a different liquid other than water?



Yes, but that would not be a smart move to make



#4. Do bongs get you higher?



Bongs do not get you higher than the pipe. But bongs do allow for larger hits than pipes will give you which may give you a feeling of a higher high. How high you get depends on other factors.



#5. How much do bongs cost?



The price of bongs can range between $10 to $20,000 depending on who made them, the materials used, and how creative the design is.


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