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Posted 08/31/2022 in Health by HappyMD

Can Medical Marijuana Help Agoraphobia

Can Medical Marijuana Help Agoraphobia

Medical marijuana as a treatment for agoraphobia

Ever heard if agoraphobia? Loosely translated, it stands for fear of the marketplace. In reality and all seriousness, it means fear of many things, mostly social settings. The fear of large social settings makes many people suffering from the phobia unable to leave their safe and familiar living environments.

They tend to unsafe in situations that take them away from their safety zones, such as meeting throngs of people. A person suffering from agoraphobia suffers anxiety attacks.

As a situation begins to cause anxiety, the person will avoid places and situations that aggravate the agoraphobia until he/she no longer do those things without suffering fear or panic. It manifests itself in avoiding certain social institutions that create panic, thereby creating the inability to function socially.


 Can Medical Marijuana Help Agoraphobia

Medical marijuana and agoraphobia

Anxiety, panic, and avoidance are some of the most prominent symptoms of agoraphobia. The agoraphobic person experiences the mental fear of being alone. They fear losing control in a social setting. In most instances, they depend on other people to save them from such situations in case panic arises.

They fear going to places to that they may have difficulty leaving on short notice, such as trains, buses, and planes. As long as they are in areas that they fear being alone, panic mode sets in. Some of the more noticeable symptoms of panic attack include

  • Tingling
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fainting
  • Dizziness
  • Hysteria
  • Sweating
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Pain

There is evidence pointing to the fact that medical marijuana may help with the anxiety disorders and phobia. Interesting enough, agoraphobia has both characteristics. Regrettably, not much research has been conducted. It is attributed to the fact that marijuana is considered an illegal drug in most states.

Nonetheless, all hope is not lost. There is some hope and promise that marijuana may be an effective treatment for agoraphobia. Also, there is enough evidence that marijuana can reduce the anxiety symptoms. Therefore, all treatment courses have to be prescribed and supervised by a medical professional.



Coping mechanisms of Agoraphobia and the use of medical marijuana

How do agoraphobics cope with their phobia? Avoidance is one of the coping mechanisms. In the bid to avoid the panicky feeling, the person tends to avoid situations and circumstances that may cause them to panic. In their quest to escape the negativity associated with such behavior, the sufferer tends to internalize the thoughts and feelings of anxiety over and over, thereby exacerbating the symptoms further. This coping mechanism offers a reprieve from the anxiety, but it reinforces the overall disorder in the long run.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and medications have shown some promise and success as effective coping mechanisms. The medications help by altering the mind of the patient's reaction to anxiety-producing stimuli. HappyMD offers reliable telemedicine services and evaluation for the medical marijuana card. Telehealth allows you to have an online video conversation or call with the state-approved and qualified physicians using a tablet, computer, or smartphone. You can start the evaluation now by scheduling the online evaluation today!It has both positive and negative effects on the individual.

Medical marijuana has positive and negative effects just like any other medication. Some people will feel an increase and others a decrease in the anxiety related symptoms. However, marijuana remains the best option as chances of overdosing are low compared to other narcotics.

The role of medical marijuana in mood control and agoraphobia

With agoraphobia, there is much to be said about thought patterns and control. Negative thoughts cause the sensation of attack. Perceived lack of control regarding the symptoms causes anxiety and panic.

Medical marijuana has a positive influence in treating anxiety. If the patients know it is available and effective treatment option, it will help ease the symptoms. However, there is scanty information on the effects of marijuana in treating anxiety disorders.


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