Shoulder or ankle pain is frustrating to live with, and this becomes worse if it gets to your painful knees. The most affected people by this condition are those approaching 60s, and it could even occur to younger individuals who are facing other health conditions. One of the solutions that have been cited to help in the alleviation of joint pain is using medical marijuana, which is still up for debate as more researchers venture into this topic to get the facts about the suitability of the substance for the treatment of joint pain. We spent time learning about this treatment solution and most of our views are based on the information we collected from experts.
How medical marijuana works to ease stiff joints
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that comes with joint pain, and what this means is that the body simply attacks itself instead of shielding against bacteria and viruses. It is quite a painful experience and might lead to excessive inflammation because the immune system will continue to disintegrate the soft tissues around your joints.
But instead of worrying much about this, experts suggest you should embrace marijuana. You can use indica or sativa for pain relief and the results are guaranteed recovery that happens in a matter of hours. In 2013, one study that was published in Rheumatology showed that patients with rheumatoid arthritis have more CB2 cannabiniod receptors compared to patients with other types of arthritis. CB2 is among the primary receptors in the body that aids the uptake of cannabinoid.
When THC or CBD gets to these receptors, it binds with the cells surrounding the joint and this spurs reactions in your body. The effect is that some patients will find relief against inflammation and a reduction in pain. Additionally, cbd oil for shoulder pain softens stiff joints, which means you will not feel as much pain in the morning. One of the ways you could get marijuana to help you is to get the cbd cream, which can be rubbed around the joint to eliminate the swelling.
Guidelines for administration of treatment for joint pain using medical marijuana
Vaping or smoking. Smoking and vaping are the easiest ways through which you can administer medical marijuana for the treatment of joint pain. However, remember to check the consumption guide with your doctor to understand the most suitable method that will work for you. A topical salve. Just like Tinger Balm, there is a topical CBD salve that is made to relieve joint pain. You will find these products in dispensaries, but if you live in a state where weed is not legal yet, you might have to look hard. But this should not worry you as you are able to buy some of it online and many shops deliver these days.
CBD and THC ratios. You could also experiment with CBD and THC ratios to see how this will impact your joint pain. Many dispensaries specify the percentages of both THC and CBD. You may choose to vary ratios to see how it helps you to fight joint pain.
A piece of advice I would give to anyone suffering from chronic joint pain is to give medical marijuana a try. It surely will help calm the pain and might also get rid of stiffness.