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Posted 07/30/2020 in CBD

Cannabidiol for Epilepsy- How does it Help?

Cannabidiol for Epilepsy- How does it Help?

Epilepsy is a neurological disease with recurrent uncontrolled seizures. According to the World Health Organization, over 50 million people globally are suffering from this disease irrespective of their age, race, and background. 

The underlying cause of epilepsy is still unknown, but for a majority of the cases, various factors can influence this condition. These include:

Genetic influence

Head injuries in accidents

Brain tumors or strokes

Brain damage or injury at birth like oxygen deficiency, poor nutrition, or an infection

Conditions like autism, neurofibromatosis, or abnormal blood sugar or sodium level 

High fever 

Epilepsy is a nerve disorder that affects the brain to trigger abnormal conditions like seizuressensationsand behavioral changesSeizures can involve loss of awarenessjerking of the 

bodyunresponsivenessloss of control over the bodyand sometimes psychological manifestations of fear or anxiety.


CBD and Epilepsy

Cannabidiol or CBD is a non-psychoactive essential component that is found in Cannabis plantsAmong around 120 components present in the Cannabis plantCBD is one of the primary compounds. A study reveals that CBD has potential health benefits in acute diseases like diabetescancerheart problemsetcIt also exhibits ease in several physical and psychological problems like anxietystresschronic paininsomnia, epilepsy, and othersFor its vast medical and therapeutic applicationsCBD is the current point of focus for advanced scientific research.

The underlying health benefits of CBD lies in the fact that it stimulates the Endocannabinoid System (ECSof the bodyECS is responsible for modulating and regulating various functioning of the organsIt promotes homeostasisthat isequilibrium to maintain the physiological processes of the body

With the escalation in CBD usagethere is a rise in the productionmanufacturingand trading of 

CBD productsThe products can range from oilcapsulesvapesto more flavorful ediblesThe legalization of Cannabis use in many countries also stimulates the uprising of weed for sale through various online platformsCertificates of third party testing, organically produced crops, and safe procurement methods make these products worthy of consumer use.

Study on efficacy of CBD in Epilepsy

2018 study shows that there is a decrease in the persistent seizures in patients with acute epilepsy that hit in childhood like Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndromewho are otherwise unresponsive to other antiepileptic drugs.

2019 study shows that CBD is highly efficacious and safe with accompaniment to other antiepileptic drugs for the treatment with negligible side effects. 

Another recent article shows that CBD reduces the effect of seizures and abnormalities in animal models suffering from Angelman Syndrome (AS). This is a nerve-related disorder that can generate epilepsy and associated seizures as one of its characteristics. With anti-seizure properties, CBD could also alleviate the severe effects of epilepsy in children and adults suffering from AS.

The result of all scientific research is the development of Epidiolex, which is a CBD based drug for treating rare forms of epilepsy and seizures. 

Benefits of CBD in Epilepsy

CBD can show several beneficial results on epileptic seizures and their symptoms.

The pharmaceutical-grade CBD has anti-seizure properties that positively affect all epilepsy patients.

With anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties, CBD may relieve these common symptoms of epilepsy.

CBD from hash being a neuroprotective drug, may help in better brain functioning.

Being all-natural, CBD has no severe side-effects that make it a safe drug to use.

CBD is anti-inflammatory and can alleviate the chronic pain that is associated with any accidental injury during seizures. 

Can CBD replace conventional medications for curing Epilepsy?

Conventional medicines, also known as antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), fail to suppress complete seizures in almost 50 percent of patients. These drugs also have many adverse effects ranging 

from impairment to deaths. Therefore, considering CBD as one of the effective treatment methods is reasonable.

But it should be administered after considering all other modes of treatments like therapies or surgery and under the supervision of a medical practitioner. It should also be taken into account that CBD can not cure epilepsy but may reduce the several symptoms related to it.

Adverse effects of CBD in patients

The most common type of side-effects of epilepsy includes drowsiness, fatigue, diarrhea, liver problems, insomnia, and appetite loss. CBD does not show any acute and unfavorable side-effects in the body.


CBD is undoubtedly a natural treatment for epilepsy. It may work wonders with drug-resistant epilepsy and its symptoms. Although a good number of patients may show improvement by taking CBD, a few also exhibit various innocuous side-effects.

These side-effects can be controlled by administering the recommended dosage, as mentioned. It is also worth noting that CBD can show promising effects on complex forms of epilepsy, but it is no cure for the same. Thorough research is necessary to draw the full potential of CBD for curing epilepsy. 

Until then, CBD can enhance the quality of many lives by alleviating the symptoms of epilepsy. 


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