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Posted 03/26/2021 in Health by HappyMD

Cannabis Could Help Relieve Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Cannabis Could Help Relieve Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Explore How Medical Marijuana Can Help Your Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

Yes! Medical cannabis is an excellent option for pain relief. The all-natural pain management treatment has helped many patients switch from dangerous, habit-forming narcotics, such as opioids, to a much safer solution for their carpal tunnel symptoms for pain and numbness in the wrist. Marijuana is a legal, plant-based choice for thousands of consumers in over half the U.S. states.

Could Cannabis be a Pain Relief Alternative to Opioids for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Again—Yes! The two most common medications for carpal tunnel syndrome are opioids and NSAIDs. Both are dangerous. Opioids are narcotics that can cause dependence and an overdose. They also leave patients with a reduced reaction time and can make it hard for them to function professionally at work and fulfill their duties as a parent. NSAIDs can cause ulcers and stomach damage when used to treat inflammation over long periods of time.

Medical cannabis doesn't lead to addiction, and there's no way to overdose on it. If you use consume too much THC with edibles or dabs, the worst that will happen is you will be uncomfortable for a few hours. No hospitalization or Narcan is necessary. Patients can sleep it off and feel better the next day with no additional issues.

Cannabis Could Help Relieve Carpal Tunnel Symptoms, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Can Medical Marijuana Treat?

The two main symptoms of CTS are inflammation and median nerve pain. The two most studied cannabis treatments include chronic pain from inflammation and neuropathic pain. Other symptoms can include numbness and tingling. Clearly, the two go hand-in-hand. 

A 2018 review of neuropathic pain and cannabis found

"... the evidence appears to support the safety and efficacy of short-term, low-dose cannabis vaporization and oral mucosal delivery for the treatment of neuropathic pain. The results suggest medical cannabis may be as tolerable and effective as current neuropathic agents."

There are several ways to use medical cannabis to reduce or eliminate the pain from a repetitive stress injury. A topical THC ointment that patients often use for arthritis and joint pain can also help with median nerve pain. 

You can also use cannabis oil to use orally or sublingually under the tongue and smoke or vape the flower for wrist pain relief.

Can CBD Oil Help with Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Yes. CBD is a cannabinoid that's similar to THC but doesn't produce a high. CBD oil can help as a topical application or tincture. Many patients get relief by massaging a potent CBD topical infused with a full-spectrum oil into the median nerve area. You can also try a high CBD content cannabis strain. A CBD dominant rather than THC dominant cultivar is popular among carpal tunnel syndrome patients that prefer the more mellow experience that CBD provides. Consumers with arthritis often use typical treatments to reduce inflammation. Common cannabis strains include:

  • ACDC

  • Elektra

  • Harlequin

  • Cannatonic

Patients can also try a CBD tincture. Don't skip the doctor if you're in a recreational cannabis state. There's more to CTS than pain management. Leaving it untreated can cause nerve damage.

Learn more about how to get your medical marijuana card and start an all-natural treatment plan that trades opioids and potential surgeries for plant-based medicine. Medical cannabis has been helping people reduce pain and improve their quality of life for thousands of years. For the past 25 years, Americans have been experiencing all-natural help with cannabis. Join them, reduce carpal tunnel syndrome and improve your quality of life.


HappyMD: The easy and legit way to get your medical marijuana card online!

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