Info on Cannabis Withdrawal
A lot of people have obtained plenty of medical benefits from the use of cannabis. With the increased legalization of marijuana across the US, more Americans can buy cannabis for the first time.
However, increased use has led to a new misconception. Many people believe that marijuana is not addictive, but in reality, it can be addictive and habit-forming for other users. As such, marijuana withdrawal has been known to happen.
In every 10 Americans who regularly use marijuana, one will become addicted. As such, you must get accurate information if you intend to try marijuana for the first time. As such, you will be able to make an informed decision about the consumption of cannabis and the risks and, hopefully, medical benefits.
Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms
Users that have developed a physical dependence on marijuana are more likely to suffer withdrawal symptoms. However, the symptoms are not as severe as those of other substances like opioids and alcohol.
Additionally, symptoms of marijuana withdrawal do not cause life-threatening complications and will vary in severity and scope from one person to another. Factors include the amount consumed, frequency of consumption, gender, age, genetics and overall health.
Following are some of the withdrawal symptoms that marijuana users may feel:-
- A reduction in appetite
- Nervousness and a feeling of anxiety
- Unpredictable changes in mood
- Irritability
- Difficulties falling asleep
- Headaches
- Cravings for cannabis
- Cold sweats
- Chills
- Depression
- Nausea and stomach pains
What Causes Cannabis Withdrawal Symptoms?
The cannabis flower is known to contain plenty of chemicals and cannabinoids. However, not all chemicals can bring about a physical dependence on cannabis. CBD has not been linked to any potential for abuse and is not responsible for marijuana addiction.
The general belief or agreement is that THC has effects that are known to cause addiction. When you use it in large amounts over a considerable period, the brain will naturally reduce its production of natural cannabinoid receptors.
As such, your sensitivity to endocannabinoids will decrease as you consume more THC. For this reason, you will start requiring larger doses to achieve the same effect. This is a condition known as tolerance and is more likely in people who consume cannabis frequently.
Avoiding Cannabis Withdrawal Symptoms
Avoiding cannabis in the first place is the only sure way of preventing the withdrawal symptoms associated with it.
However, other people still find it equal to the risks when they consider the many benefits of the drug. The withdrawal can only affect long term users, and short-term consumption does not cause a physical dependency.
Regulation of cannabis or THC consumption is your next best alternative to avoiding the withdrawal symptoms of cannabis. If you are concerned about getting addicted to cannabis, it is recommended that you consult your physician to get better advice.
What can you do if you are already dependent on cannabis? Typically, people use a slow and steady process to reduce their use of cannabis.
Ceasing the use of marijuana all at once is known to be a cause of withdrawal symptoms and is not advisable. Correctly reducing the intake reduces the reactions and prevents the withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting cold turkey.
Consultation with a doctor for assistance is also essential, and in the meeting, you should ask about any changes that you should expect well in advance.While stopping marijuana, treatment can help people be safe and comfortable.
Following are several helpful marijuana withdrawal tips to help in reducing the irritability that is often associated with reducing your intake:-
- Ensure that you are always correctly hydrated
- Eat a healthy diet
- Exercise regularly
- Find other healthy ways to keep yourself busy.
How Long Does Cannabis Withdrawal Last?
According to a study that was conducted in 2007, cannabis withdrawal usually starts reversing within two days. The receptors start the reverse process in 2 days, and within a matter of 4 weeks, they are back to normal if you abstain from cannabis.
The severity of the withdrawal usually depends on how long you had been using cannabis, the amounts you had been using before cessation and other factors such as gender and genetics. The severity of the withdrawal also varies as women had more powerful cannabis withdrawal symptoms than men.
Treatment for Cannabis Withdrawal
Even though cannabis has been known to be addictive, it is not as addictive as other substances, and professional help will not be needed when you need to cease using cannabis. However, there is always help available for anyone who needs it. Professional help is always available at:-
- In-patient drug rehabilitation centres
- detox centres
- intensive outpatient programs
- private therapy
- drug recovery support groups
Feel free to contact your primary doctor if you are not decided on which course of action to follow. This is especially important for people who use cannabis to treat seizures, chronic pain, cachexia and other severe conditions.
Can You Get Addicted to CBD?
According to the World Health Organization, it is not possible to become addicted to CBD. CBD is not known to trigger dopamine release in the same manner as THC.
As such, it will not get you high, and as such, it is improbable to cause addiction. For this reason, you should not worry about addiction if you are using CBD products such as CBD oil for a medication.
Does CBD Have Withdrawal Symptoms?
Since CBD is not addictive, it does not have any withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, research is currently underway to find out if CBD can help to alleviate symptoms of addiction.
CBD can help to reduce the euphoric experience that THC causes. Its effects can also reduce the seriousness of withdrawal symptoms and allow people to avoid relapse.
To learn more about cannabis and how it fits your treatment plan, HappyMD is there to help. Our medical marijuana doctors, licensed by the state, are always available from 8 AM to 10 PM daily, even on weekends. All you have to do on your part is visit HappyMD.org and sign up to get a consultation with our professionals.