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Posted 10/09/2021 in CBD by HappyMD

CBD for Anxiety

CBD for Anxiety

Explore CBD for Anxiety

Individuals with anxiety disorders are often prescribed a variety of medications that have significant negative side effects, such as sedation or cognitive impairment. In addition, many patients do not respond well to these treatments due to the fact they can cause more harm than good in some cases. This has led people to seek out alternative methods of treating their symptoms, including cannabis oil.


Using cannabis oil for anxiety may be an effective way to treat your condition without causing any harmful side effects. The main active ingredient found within this type of product is Cannabidiol.

  cbd for anxiety

Types of CBD


There are three different types of cannabidiol: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolates. Each one offers its own benefits when it comes to treating anxiety. Let’s take a look at each one individually to decide which will work best for you!


Full Spectrum


A full-spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids and other beneficial compounds like terpenes, flavonoids, 3% THC, essential oils. These components offer additional therapeutic properties beyond just CBD alone. For example, terpene molecules help improve sleep quality while also helping reduce inflammation. Flavonoid molecules contribute to anti-oxidation processes and support healthy brain function. When used together, these compounds create synergistic interactions that result in better overall health outcomes.




This form of CBD contains trace amounts of THC but only enough to ensure users feel relaxed and calm after taking them. It doesn't provide psychoactive effects. Instead, it helps relieve stress by reducing pain levels and promoting relaxation. Some studies suggest that this kind of CBD could even help fight cancer cells. However, there aren't too many clinical trials on this specific topic yet.




An isolate consists of pure CBD and nothing else. There's no chance of getting high from consuming this product. Isolates are great if you're looking for something fast-acting since they don't require time to metabolize before being absorbed into the body. They tend to produce fewer side effects compared to full-spectrum products.


What is anxiety, exactly?


It's defined as "a state of apprehension, fear, worry, nervousness, distress, uneasiness, agitation, tension." While most individuals experience mild forms of anxiety throughout their lives, those who suffer from severe cases can find themselves unable to cope with everyday life. Common signs and symptoms include;



  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Rapid, racing thoughts
  • Twitching or trembling
  • Fear
  • Hot flashes
  • Tension or muscle aches
  • Sweating
  • Trouble swallowing


What we know about CBD for anxiety treatment


As Hundreds and thousands seek relief, medical marijuana dispensaries worldwide are beginning to see increased demand for natural remedies like CBD oil. One reason why people turn to cannabis oil is that it provides relief without producing unwanted side effects. Another benefit of CBD oil is that it works quickly.


Researchers conducted several experiments to determine whether or not CBD oil would be helpful for someone suffering from anxiety. These experiments concluded that CBD has an anxiolytic effect on animals and humans alike. This means that it reduces feelings of anxiety and panic. Other trials show that can treat;


1. Obsessive-compulsive disorder


2. Post-traumatic stress disorder


3. Generalized anxiety disorder


4. Panic disorder


How to use CBD oil for anxiety


There are two ways to consume CBD oil: orally and sublingually. Oral consumption involves placing a drop under your tongue and allowing it to dissolve slowly. The second method requires spraying drops directly onto the gums. Both ways have proven effective at relieving anxiety. If you choose to take oral CBD oil, make sure to avoid eating anything within 15 minutes of when you plan to take it.


Sublingual sprays work best when combined with smoking weed. You simply place one drop underneath each nostril and inhale deeply. Afterward, you should notice immediate results such as reduced heart rate and blood pressure.


Patients can select how quick their CBD medication should take effect.


1. CBD oil


This is administered orally through a dropper bottle. The patient will need to swallow one drop at a time every few minutes until the desired level of calming is reached. If needed, more drops may be added to achieve the desired results.


2. CBD Gummies


These gummy candies come in different flavors such as strawberry, mint, chocolate, etc. Patients simply place two pieces under each cheekbone. Each piece lasts approximately 30 minutes.


3. CBD capsules


These pills have been designed specifically for patients who want immediate relief. They're tailored to help the patient deal with acute situations where they might otherwise become anxious. The effect basically lasts 30-120 minutes.


4. Sublingual spray


The sublingual route allows the user to administer the drug directly onto his/her tongue. Since the active ingredients pass right over the blood-brain barrier, they reach the brain areas responsible for controlling emotions much faster than other routes. Because of its effectiveness, this method is often used when treating conditions such as PTSD.


5. Cannabis flower


A person takes small doses of dried flowers containing both CBD and THC. When consumed, these flowers act similarly to smoking weed. In fact, some strains of cannabis actually do contain higher concentrations of cannabinoids than others. For example, Sativa plants typically contain greater quantities of THC, while indica contains more CBD.


CBD dosage for anxiety


If you're looking forward to getting your hands on some CBD oil, then you'll probably want to find out what dose you should consume. There's no set amount since everyone reacts differently to medications. However, most experts recommend starting off with 300 mg - 600 mg. You can increase the dose if necessary. It's also important to note that there isn't any maximum limit either.


Side ffects and risks of using CBD for anxiety


Currently, CBD is pondered safe by health professionals. While many studies show positive outcomes, others reveal negative ones. Some of the risks include:




  • Diarrhea
  • Weight changes
  • Appetite changes
  • Fatigue


To be on the safe side, always consult your doctor before taking CBD oil. He/she will advise you on which form and dosage are best suited for your condition.




Anxiety disorders affect millions of people worldwide. Many sufferers turn to prescription drugs but unfortunately, those don’t work well for all individuals. Fortunately, CBD offers a natural alternative. With proper guidance, anyone can benefit from CBD therapy.

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