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Posted 09/05/2020 in News

Essentials of Running a Full-Fledged Cannabis Marijuana Business in California

Essentials of Running a Full-Fledged Cannabis Marijuana Business in California

California Cannabusinesses

On January 1st 2018, recreational marijuana in California became officially legal, and this has come with a bag of opportunities for those who would like to jump in to open businesses. The law opens up opportunities for the growth of a network of businesses that will coordinate the production, processing and delivery of cannabis.

Therefore, there are more than one areas that you could consider, including running a dispensary, growing cannabis, delivery services, and opening a testing facility. The only reason you will not just start so easily is because to enter into these areas you need to meet certain conditions that are put in place to protect the industry from people whose intentions are to bag profits without regard to ethics and quality requirements.

Opening and running a recreational marijuana dispensary

First thing you need before you even start looking for where to locate your dispensary is if your city regulations allow this model of business. Your business has to be 100% legally compliant to be allowed to sell marijuana. You need licensing, the business should have Standard Operating Procedures, and you also must set up the corporation. For all of these things you don’t need to frustrate yourself as you could hire a lawyer to handle all the work for you. This is the best way to ensure you establish a business that meets compliance requirements.

Setting up the shop

Once your application to run a cannabis dispensary in California is approved, next step is to set up the store. You could use the template of a jewelry store or a convenience store. Make sure to have a cash lock system that will help to deter temptation for robbery. Install handy glass displays that will show customers the products. The facility must be physically secure and located at a convenient spot that many people can easily access. To run a recreational marijuana clinic successfully, you need to comply with the various laws that govern the service. You must verify the age of buyers to ensure you don’t sell to people below the age of 21 years. Your license can be revoked any moment you are caught flouting any of the rules set by the regulatory body.

Medical recreational delivery service

Instead of running a brick and mortar store or dispensary, which could cost you a lot to establish, you may opt for a recreational marijuana delivery service. This is categorized under License Type 10. The barrier to entry for this is lower as you will not need to acquire furniture, fixtures, displays and so on. You need to identify cultivators or product manufacturers who you will contract with so they can produce marijuana for your, that is if you are not considering doing it for yourself.

Start a marijuana extractions business

Like many other businesses in the marijuana industry, you need to understand your business concept and identify an ideal location. Also make sure to prepare your license applications by pitching to the local municipality. You may be asked to present the business plan, so ensure you prepare this in advance. To increase your chances of making the right decisions, consider working with a local attorney, who should help you to deal with the licensing process.

With everything set up, your next duty will be to assemble a team and come up with a mission.

You will need the assistance of this team to order the required equipment and the lab construction. Once everything is installed, you should invite a state licensed engineer to conduct inspection. This is usually a municipal requirement and you can work with your manufacturer to arrange the verification.


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