The Straightforward Process to Get a Medical Marijuana Card Online in Oklahoma
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The Process of Getting Your Medical Cannabis Card in Oklahoma
Schedule an appointment
Signing up online is the first step to getting your MMJ card in Oklahoma.
Talk to a physician
After booking the appointment, you’ll talk to a physician to help you determine if your conditions qualify for the MMJ program. The physician will do a 10-15 minute brief evaluation.
Receive your card.
The physicians will provide you with a written MMJ certification immediately after approval. You can use the certification to apply for your MMJ card to the state.
How to Get Your Oklahoma Medical Cannabis Card
HappyMD is offering the best and most straightforward telehealth evaluation in this state. This evaluation involves using a smartphone, tablet, or computer to have the assessment via video call.
Alternatively, you can contact the support team to help schedule the appointment by calling 831-454-6257. After setting the appointment, you’ll receive an email with a link to access the virtual waiting room as you wait for the scheduled appointment time. You can start the evaluation, during which the physician will evaluate your eligibility for the OK MMJ card.
About Medical Cannabis laws in OK
Despite the legislature pushing an initiative to legalize recreational marijuana in OK by passing State Question 807, the state withdrew it from the General election in 2020. As residents wait for the ballot to be back, the state has a medical cannabis program. The state's government program revealed that more than 56% of the voters approved medical marijuana use in the state in 2018, allowing more than 34,263 residents to start using this beneficial medical therapy.
Like other states, the authorities had to delay legalizing recreational marijuana use and wide-sweeping criminal justice reforms. However, after the state legalizes medical & recreational marijuana and the legislature enforces various reforms during each election cycle, residents should be prepared for more provisions.
However, until further regulations, this South-central U.S. state gets the Americans for Safe Access credit for its medical cannabis program. Statistics show that by May 2020, the state has issued 6346 grower licenses, 1611 processor licenses, and 2428 dispensary licenses. These statistics have been instrumental or the backbone of the state's medical marijuana industry to enhance functional patient access.
Most states have a grindingly slow process of rolling out their statewide recreational and medical cannabis programs, which may take several years. However, OK provided a lightning speed or process after the voters approved the medicinal use of cannabis in June. The authorities tasked the OK Department of Health with establishing various regulations to enhance SQ 788 implementation. Furthermore, the Department of Health oversees the state's Medical Marijuana Authority to administer the different regulations and rules governing the cannabis programs in the state.
The OKlegislature legalized medical marijuana on June 26, 2018, making it legal to possess and use marijuana for medical reasons. The SQ 788 states that a resident with an MMJ license in the state can consume cannabis legally. However, the law allows the license holder to possess up to:
● Six seedlings
● Three ounces of cannabis per person
● Six mature cannabis plants
● Eight ounces of cannabis within the residence
● One ounce of concentrated cannabis
● 72 ounces of edible weed
Nevertheless, the state doesn’t have qualifying conditions or criteria for residents to get a doctor’s MMJ recommendation. The SQ 788 states that doctors will only recommend licenses following acceptable standards of a prudent and reasonable evaluation that recommends or approves the medication.
MMJ Application Processes and Costs in OK
The basic step for getting an OK MMJ card is consulting a state-approved and licensed physician to approve you for the treatment. After the doctor’s approval, you’ll submit the appropriate documentation to the state. Below is the appropriate documentation you’ll have to submit online:
● A personal photo
● Doctors recommendation
● Proof of residency, you can provide your Tribal ID card, OK ID, or the state’s Driver’s license, and minors should provide certified copies of birth certificates.
● A $100 application fee, payable via a Debit or Credit card. You can get a $20 discount by presenting acceptable Medicare enrollment, Medicaid, or Soonercare proof.
You can start purchasing your preferred medical cannabis products from the different dispensaries in the state after receiving the card through the mail. Remember, the MMJ card has a two-year lifespan, upon which you must renew by having a new consultation.
Registering an MMJ Caregiver in OK
The state authorities provide specific criteria that an individual must meet to register as a caregiver and assist an MMJ patient. You must be above 18 years and reside in the state to register as a caregiver. The authorities require you to provide a valid state I.D. or Driver's license to prove your residency. Furthermore, you must provide essential documentation that the state-registered patient provides to allow you to assist them.
State-approved patients in the registry requiring assistance in using and obtaining medical cannabis products can designate an authorized caregiver to help them out. However, the program will only allow you to have the caregiver apply if the doctor’s certification includes the need for a caregiver.
Remember, all caregivers must provide the patient signed Patient Caregiver Designation Form. Furthermore, all legal guardians or parents applying as caregivers must submit a valid Minor Patient Caregiver Designation Form.
You don't have to pay any application fee for caregiver licenses. These licenses are usually valid until the validity date of your patient's MMJ license. When applying as a caregiver, you must present:
● Digital proof of identity copy
● Digital proof of OK residency
● A Color, full-face and clear digital photograph thats acceptable for the U.S. passports
● The patient signed the Caregiver Designation Form
Cultivation and Possession Regulations
This state allows the MMJ patients to legally possess up to 3 ounces of marijuana per individual and approximately 8 ounces at their residence. Furthermore, the regulations also allow patients to possess six seedlings and six mature flower plants. As a registered patient, you can possess 72 ounces of edible marijuana-infused products and one ounce of cannabis concentrates. Remember, OK allows patients to plant marijuana, as the state law permits growing up to six mature stems and six cannabis seedlings to grow in future.
The state's MMJ program only allows registered patients, authorized researchers, and patients' designated caregivers to have a valid state registration I.D. card to possess and use medical cannabis legally. Remember that caregivers, authorized researchers, and patients can legally possess up to:
● 85 grams or three ounces of usable marijuana
● Up to 28.35 grams or one ounce of marijuana concentrates
● 2.04 kilograms or 72 ounces of edible cannabis products in public
● Up to 227 grams or eight ounces at home
Cultivation or Growing Limits
The state allows MMJ cardholders who wish to cultivate cannabis up to six mature stems and six seedlings. Furthermore, these patients can also designate a registered caregiver to cultivate the marijuana plants on their behalf. Nevertheless, the MMJ program prohibits qualified patients from growing more than twelve plants at a time, where the mature stems shouldn’t exceed six at any given time.
Use / Possession Limits
The state laws consider possessing marijuana for personal use a misdemeanour. Possessing marijuana without a valid OK registry I.D. card showing medical approval to use the products attracts a $400 fine.
However, the authorities allow qualified MMJ patients with a valid state-issue license to possess up to 3 ounces of medical usable cannabis, up to 72 ounces of edible marijuana, one ounce of marijuana concentrates, and eight ounces of cannabis products within a private location or home.
Residency & Age Requirements
You must reside in the state to qualify for the OK MMJ program. Despite the program having no age requirements, patients or applicants below 18 years must present a legal guardian or parent as their caregiver.
Conditions That Can Qualify You For the Oklahoma MMJ Card
You can qualify for the state’s MMJ card if your doctor determines that you have conditions that marijuana can help alleviate. The most common diseases and conditions that a doctor can recommend medical marijuana treatment include muscle spasms, cancer, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and chronic pain.
Medical Documentation
You'll be ready to see a state-approved and licensed physician for certification if you have a qualifying condition and can provide medical documentation as proof. This medical documentation includes pill bottles, medical records, office visit summaries and a diagnosis letter from your doctor.
How Can You Become a Legal Medical Cannabis Patient in OK?
If you have a qualifying condition and reside in Oklahoma, you’ll most likely qualify for the program. However, you must provide at least one medical documentation to prove the medical condition. The first step is getting a licensed medical cannabis physician's evaluation. After approval, the physician will forward your details to the OK Prescription Monitoring Program before sending your MMJ card to the nearby dispensary. After getting the card, you can start accessing your preferred medical cannabis products.
How Can You Schedule an Appointment with a State-approved and Licensed MMJ Physician in OK?
You can book the appointment or contact 240-356-1000 for the support team to help you set an appropriate time and date for your medical evaluation. Furthermore, the support team will respond to your questions or concerns.
What Should You Provide During the Evaluation Appointment?
During the evaluation, you'll need to provide a valid photo I.D. and at least a medical document proving your condition. The documents may include a doctor's diagnosis letter, pill bottles, medical records or office visit summaries.
How Much Does it Cost to Get An MMJ Card in OK?
The cost of having medical evaluations for the initial MMJ certification in the state is $200. This price includes the doctor's visit, medical cannabis education or assistance and any additional help during the process. Remember, HappyMD only accepts debit and credit cards.
Does HappyMD Guarantee Medical Cannabis Physician Approval?
The MMJ program in the state reveals that only state-approved and licensed MMJ physicians can determine your eligibility. Thus, HappyMD can’t guarantee approval. Nevertheless, the platform guarantees you a full refund if the doctor doesn't approve your application.
What Happens When Having Evaluations at HappyMD, and How Long Does the Appointment Take?
During the evaluation, a state-approved and licensed MMJ physician will examine or assess you by reviewing your medical documentation, medical history and current health status. The appointments take approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Remember, HappyMD has a secure platform that keeps and maintains your records and can also provide follow-up care.
Does the State Allow Any Physician to Certify Patients For the MMJ Card?
No. the law restricts physicians who can certify you for the card to those with a valid medical OK license and registered with the state. HappyMD has a wide range of state-approved and licensed physicians with vast knowledge and compassion to provide the best quality of care.
Does the MMJ Program Allow Veterans to Become Legal Cannabis Patients in the State?
Yes. Like the other HappyMD patients, veterans can also legally obtain an MMJ card.
Does Insurance Company Cover the Cost of Medical Cannabis Application, Consultation and Certification Process in OK?
No insurance company will cover the medical marijuana-related costs to avoid conflicting with federal or country law.
Can a Third-party Check My Medical marijuana Status in Oklahoma?
No. HappyMD uses a HIPAA-compliant plant, which enhances the security and privacy of your confidential details. Thus, no third party will find your medical marijuana statutes unless you take a marijuana drug test or disclose it to them.
Can Your Employer Administer a Cannabis Drug Screening If You’re a Legal MMJ Card Holder?
Yes. Your employer can still administer the test, as OK is an at-will state without legislation protecting MMJ patients in workplaces. Besides the drug test or screening, the employer can still punish you. Thus, it'll be vital to understand your employer's policies on drug screenings and medical cannabis before using the products.
Does Being on Parole or Probation Restrict Your Oklahoma Medical Cannabis Card?
The state doesn’t provide restrictions to patients on parole or probation. Nevertheless, it’ll be wise to seek permission from the parole or probation officer before applying for the MMJ card.
Can You Renew Your MMJ Card with HappyMD if You had a Different Doctor’s Certification?
Yes. The program doesn’t restrict you to seeing the same physician annually. You can still switch to HappyMD despite getting certification from a different MMJ doctor last year.
Registering with the Medical Cannabis Authority in OK
After getting the physician's certification, you must apply with the state’s Medical Cannabis Authority. During the online application, you must present a state-issued I.D., such as a driver's license and a physician's written certification form. Alternatively, contact the support team at 8314546257 to help you submit the application or finish other registration processes.
Get Evaluation
The physician will assess you during the evaluation based on your medical history, medical documentation, and current health conditions. The physicians will send you a written certification within 24 hours, allowing you to apply with the state.
Getting your MMJ card is a no-joke task in OK. The process involves time-consuming checking for state-approved MMJ physicians to determine your qualifying conditions before continuing with the paperwork. However, HappyMD offers a straightforward and cost-effective online process for applying for and getting your medical cannabis card in Oklahoma.