California's cannabis business is flourishing, and due to advancements in technology, it's now simpler than ever to become a legal cannabis patient (by obtaining a Prop 215 card) and get access to all this wonderful plant has to offer.
Rather than going through the time-consuming and stress-inducing procedure of visiting a doctor in person for your MMJ assessment, you may complete the whole process online from any internet-connected device, right from the comfort of your own home.
Click here to do an entirely online medical marijuana assessment in less than 15 minutes. Instantly get a physician's recommendation and place an order for cannabis delivery the same day.
Naturally, if you're like the majority of people, you'll have questions regarding who, what, where, how, and why, and we'll attempt to address them all in this post.
How can I Become Compliant with Proposition 215?
How to Obtain a Prop 215 Identification Card
When Proposition 215 and California Senate Bill 420 were enacted in the state of California, those wanting to use marijuana for medicinal reasons gained the ability to get a recommendation for the legal use of cannabis from a licensed medical practitioner.
Due to the fact that marijuana is not federally legal, doctors and physicians give these Prop 215 recommendations in place of issuing a prescription.
A recommendation, often abbreviated as a "rec," (but also frequently referred to as a Prop 215 card/certification), is a statewide-recognized doctor-issued transcript that is required in order to legally visit MMJ dispensaries
Possessing this certificate also protects you against unfair legal prosecution for medicinal cannabis possession (see your county's local possession restrictions), transportation, or personal use. That being said, after the passage of California's Proposition 64, which technically legalized cannabis, you can anticipate many fewer individuals running afoul of the law when cannabis is involved.
However, what are the requirements for obtaining a Prop 215 card?
In fact, they are very permissive.
Not only may individuals suffering from severe medical diseases and conditions such as AIDS, cancer, and gastrointestinal problems benefit from cannabis' medicinal potential and advantages, but so can those enduring pain and discomfort from maladies that can be alleviated by cannabis.
There is no particular diagnosis that a patient must have in order to seek a referral. Indeed, the authors of Prop 215 purposefully drafted the wording in such a manner that the majority of California residents would be qualified for medicinal cannabis in one form or another.
However, this presents a completely different problem; recommending a medication to a patient is entirely up to the doctor's discretion, which means that seeing your normal physician for a suggestion may really result in you walking away empty-handed. Simply stated, if your physician does not want you to have marijuana, you will not get it. And the majority of primary care physicians in the United States have yet to join the pro-weed bandwagon.
Due to the fact that this is a very frequent occurrence for patients, some physicians have established offices that are straightforward. Their conventional walk-in offices are reserved for patients to come in and talk with a doctor face to face, so the doctor can evaluate the patient and decide whether they qualify for a cannabis prescription.
These 420 assessments are specialized services that may be very costly, particularly if you're also applying for a medical marijuana ID card. Prices may sometimes exceed $100. Additionally, obtaining a Prop 215 grower's permit will cost you additional money.
Fortunately, there are online services that relieve patients of the burden of finding a doctor on their own and enable them to complete the procedure in less than 10 minutes, completely online from any internet-connected device. That will be addressed soon.
How many plants are permitted under Proposition 215?
Prop 215 permits people over the age of 18 to cultivate up to six mature marijuana plants. Alternatively, they may cultivate up to 12 immature medicinal marijuana plants throughout their residency. However, marijuana growing laws vary by county and city. Individuals aged 21 and older may cultivate up to six recreational marijuana plants throughout their residence. If you exceed the limit for growth, you may risk criminal punishment. It is critical to grasp all of this in order to avoid making a mistake and ending up in prison. However, anybody charged is protected by the law as long as they did not violate it. You may cultivate marijuana plants in a restricted and closed space inside your house, but not outdoors. Wherever you live in California, the county can not prohibit you from growing medicinal marijuana on your property. This implies that anybody may apply for a license to cultivate marijuana for medicinal purposes.
Act of 2004 Establishing a Medical Marijuana Program
The Medical Marijuana Program Act was enacted by the California State Legislature in 2004. (MMPA). The MMPA was enacted to define which particular medicinal marijuana activities were to be deemed legal in the state. MMPA:
A voluntary statewide identity card system was created;
restrict the quantity of medicinal marijuana that each cardholder may possess;
established guidelines for collectives and cooperatives cultivating medicinal marijuana.
What is a recommendation under Proposition 215? Is this card distinct from a Prop 215 card?
Compliant with California Proposition 215
Following an examination and if you qualify (which, as previously said, is not difficult), a 420 doctor will give you a referral.
This recommendation is a full-sized 8.5 "x11" piece of paper stamped with an official seal and signed by the prescribing physician. It enables individuals to access and order from dispensaries and delivery businesses while also legally protecting them.
Obtaining a medical marijuana identification card is entirely optional, but offers a number of advantages. To get your card, you must first submit an assessment and recommendation. The supplied card is wallet-sized, making it far more handy to carry than a complete sheet of paper. Additionally, it contains a patient identification number that dispensaries and law enforcement may use to verify a patient's status directly.
The 420 card provider that a patient should choose is determined by their desired degree of discretion. The government administers the Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP). This program issues a patient identification number, which is subsequently recorded with the California Department of Public Health's database, which may be viewed online for fast verification.
While this service may seem to be simple, it may also be very inconvenient for those seeking more discretion. Because the database is completely open, anybody can readily determine a patient's status, including friends, relatives, and employers. Additionally, the service is expensive and includes unnecessary additional costs.
However, for individuals seeking a more discreet approach (and to save money), there are other businesses available that provide 100% legal confidential verification services. If you're interested in learning more about them, we'll suggest a third-party service in the next section that offers fully confidential cannabis assessments, recommendations, and identification cards for just $39.
Where can I get an online medicinal marijuana card?
License according to Proposition 215
If you want to avoid the wait (and the complex procedure) associated with seeing a marijuana doctor, just use any internet-connected device to go to HappyMD.org.
California cannabis consumers live in an era of ease, and why would they spend time on something they can accomplish from the comfort of their own home? In the time it takes to look for "cannabis assessments near me," you may get both your cannabis recommendation and card online, allowing you immediate access to a variety of MMJ-related goods.
Happy MD is a legal cannabis assessment and referral service that enables people to quickly become legal patients through a brief conversation with a certified California physician.
For just $39, you may get legal paperwork allowing you to place orders with local medical marijuana delivery providers. (The service is $59 with the optional ID card and $139 with the Prop 215 grower's permit.)
The procedure is very straightforward. To begin, submit pertinent medical records straight to the site and complete a brief questionnaire. Prepare a camera, since you will then be linked directly to a doctor for an in-person examination.
The online medical marijuana assessment takes no more than five or ten minutes and can be completed from any location with a reliable internet connection, which means that anybody with a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or other Wi-Fi capable device may take advantage of it.
If you are accepted, you will get a physical copy of your certified cannabis recommendation the same day. Additionally, the document is sent to you in PDF format, which may be printed out for immediate use or used to place an online purchase for delivery via Weedmonster.com (which is recommended).
If you are not authorized, you will not be invoiced, so there will be no financial burden on your shoulders if you do not get your papers.
If you want to go the extra mile, you may even get your official Prop 215 licensing ID card online for an additional $20. This is the service described before that offers discreet cannabis cards to those who want to keep their cannabis usage private.
The verification process starts with the patient's legal status, the card includes a patient ID number, as well as a phone line and sites with law enforcement and dispensaries may contact instead of utilizing the Department of Public Health's public database. Additionally, the card contains the doctor's signature and an official government seal, which are needed for legal recognition.
Happy MD's online service includes everything you need to enter the cannabis business, so whether you're a first-time patient or a seasoned cannabis user, you can take advantage of their fast and easy assessment online, getting a renewal, recommendation, and card issuing services.
What's more, by using this service, you'll get a $20 discount on your first delivery order via Happy MD's online delivery marketplace (available across California), which will save you even more time and money than you ever thought.
And if you still want to see a marijuana doctor in person, you can easily locate one in any major metropolis in California, from San Jose to Los Angeles and San Diego.
Do I need an MMIC?
It is not required to participate in the California state program in order to maintain legal status as a patient under Proposition 215. You may continue to acquire medicinal cannabis using your valid doctor's prescription, but you will be unable to do so without paying state taxes. We strongly urge all of our patients to acquire an MMIC in order to take advantage of the card's legal protections and tax advantages.
How long is the validity of my cannabis card?
Both your recommendation and card will be valid for one year, regardless of whether you get them directly from a walk-in assessment or online.
When it expires, you must get a renewal in order to continue legally possessing cannabis and participating in the business in any capacity. That includes visiting dispensaries. Even if you have already registered with a dispensary or collective, you must renew your papers before entering or placing a delivery order.
That being said, come 2018, when recreational dispensaries open to the general public, you will theoretically no longer need a physician's referral. However, having one is an excellent way to get away from hefty taxes that will apply to sales of recreational weed.
If you obtain your legal medical records outside of California, they will not be legally recognized. Patients must possess proper state-issued paperwork in order to be eligible for usage in California.
However, your California recommendation will be accepted in certain states where medical marijuana has been authorized, and you do not have to be a California resident to get one here (any U.S. issued ID will suffice).
That's all, people; how to obtain a marijuana card online and instantly buy cannabis delivery (and don't forget to take advantage of a $20 free credit when you utilize Happy MD for your cannabis assessment).