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How to Properly Store Cannabis

How to Properly Store Cannabis

Explore how to Properly Store Your Cannabis.

How to Properly Store Cannabis - Proper storage of cannabis is essential in ensuring it lasts long, maintaining its flavor and aroma. Whether you're a seasoned grower or a consumer, chances are you're wondering how to store cannabis properly to maintain its quality. When it comes to storing weed, it's crucial to know the factors that make a difference and the elements that can damage your product. Light and humidity are examples of environmental factors that degrade the aroma and flavor of weed.

How to Properly Store Cannabis

Cannabinoids, the main component of cannabis, remain stable for two years or more when the product is cured and stored properly. However, it's unclear to most users what proper storage is and what it involves. This article will help you learn how to properly store cannabis, including the dos and don'ts.


The ideal temperature for storing cannabis is between 60⁰F and 68⁰F. The reason behind this is that the optimal temperature for the growth of mold such as mildew is 77⁰F and 86⁰F. And when cannabis is stored at this temperature range, molds grow, destroying the organic matter. Exposing cannabis to higher temperatures than this causes the terpenes and cannabinoids to dry out. These cannabinoids can degrade within days, and your weed won't give you a good experience like before.

On the other side, storing your cannabis at very low temperatures slows down the production of THC. THC is produced through the decarboxylation of THCA. THC is psychoactive, and it's the element in cannabis that causes a high sensation. However, THC changes to CBN after some period, and the effects change as well.

Thus, at a temperature range of 60⁰F and 68⁰F, your weed will be safe from degradation, and the production of THC will be optimal. Also, when preserved well, your weed can be safe at temperatures between 50⁰F and 59⁰F.

Although most users like keeping their weed in the fridge, this isn't a good idea. As you have seen, low temperatures will slow the decarboxylation process, and without high THC %, your experience won't be as expected. The other issue is the accumulation of moisture leading to mold growth. Frequent transfer of weed from low temperature provided by the fridge to room temperature causes condensation, which leads to moisture collecting inside the storage container.

The best place to store your cannabis is in a cool place such as a pantry or closet.


Light is a leading factor in the degradation of cannabis. Although cannabis requires light during the different growth stages, the UV quickly destroys it after harvesting. The main component that is affected by light from sunlight is THC. Light photons degrade THC by breaking the molecules' chemical bonds, causing destabilization. 

Thus, it's advisable to keep your weed away from direct light sources to prevent it from losing cannabinoids and terpenes. You can either store it in a dark environment, use opaque glass containers, or cover it with tape and stickers.

Keeping your cannabis away from light can prolong its shelf-life to up to two years.


Maintaining optimal humidity levels when storing cannabis is crucial. High humidity encourages the growth of mold and mildew, which leads to the degradation of your product. The ideal humidity that favors the storage of cannabis is between 59% and 65%, provided it's cured and stored properly. This humidity ensures the dried cannabis retains its color, potency, taste and aroma. At no circumstance should the relative humidity be beyond 65%, otherwise be prepared for losses. 

The humidity shouldn't be too low. Low humidity causes marijuana to lose moisture, becoming brittle. At relative humidity below 50%, the essential oils present in the marijuana evaporates, and terpenes degrade, leaving it tasteless.

Fluctuating temperatures and humidity in the fridge aren't ideal as they increase the chances of mold growth. 

Purchase a hygrometer to ensure the humidity is maintained at optimal at all times to maintain the quality of your cannabis. Alternatively, you can use humidity packs readily available in the market and place your product inside these containers.


Oxygen is essential during the growth stage of cannabis. An adequate amount of oxygen through good air circulation increases yield and prevents mold growth. 

However, oxygen becomes a damaging factor to cannabis after curing and drying. Therefore, you should store it in airtight containers to prevent oxygen from getting in. It's recommended to keep opening the container from time to time to allow air in. This prevents your weed from drying up, which can cause its quality to deteriorate. 

Excessive oxygen fastens the degradation process. If you're looking to keep your cannabis for a long period, you can vacuum seal it. There is also an option to use airtight containers to prevent oxygen from getting in and causing degradation.

It's important to note that large containers aren't a perfect idea. Even when sealed, the remaining space on top of cannabis is occupied by air. The air inside large containers cause oxidation problems in the long run. Hence, you should choose a well-sized container that allows your cannabis to fit well without packing tightly or leaving large unoccupied spaces.

Material & Storage Area

Glass containers are the best when it comes to storing weed, and you should avoid plastic or metal. Although metal and plastic containers can be used for short-term storage, they start affecting the aroma and flavor after a while. 

Also, plastic has a static charge that causes trichomes to fall off the stick and buds. Glass jars have been used for the longest time by smokers and have been proven reliable. 

Glass jars help contain the smell completely while preventing any damage to the buds. Store the glass jars containing cannabis in a cool, dark place for them to maintain their quality during the estimated shelf life of one year or more. You can also opt to use humidity packs when storing your cannabis for an extended period. The good thing about humidity packs is that they maintain the required humidity, preserve the organoleptic qualities of your cannabis and prevent mold growth.

Avoid moving your cannabis frequently, as changes in temperature and humidity have detrimental effects. 

Ensure the containers are clean and free from dirt as they could contain mold spores or bacteria. You should also avoid keeping accessories such as pipes or grinders in the cannabis container. This is because the ash and resin from burned cannabis degrade the quality of the buds upon interaction.

The Dos and Don'ts of Proper Cannabis Storage


· Use an airtight container

Manufacturers are now using sophisticated packaging materials to store cannabis for freshness preservation. However, you're required to transfer your product from these disposable containers. Airtight containers go a long way to prevent degradation and dryness. 

· Use glass containers and store them on a low cupboard

As a thumb rule, the glass will maintain the required air and moisture levels better than plastic or metal containers. There will also be no effects on the aroma.

· Store your weed in a cool and dark place

Live cannabis requires light to grow, but after it's extracted into a concentrated product or dried and cured into a consumable flower, light becomes damaging. Light photons accelerate the breakdown of terpenes and cannabinoids, resulting in structural changes. 

Thus, storing your cannabis in a dark place becomes vital. You can store your cannabis in the basement, cabinet, drawer, or cupboard, provided it won't be affected by moisture. Alternatively, you can use opaque containers or cover the container with silicon sleeves.

· Keep cannabis at room temperature

The temperature of 60⁰F to 68⁰F are ideal for cannabis, and temperatures between 50⁰F to 68⁰F are also acceptable. Temperature higher than this favors the growth of mold and mildew, damaging the product.

Lower temperatures slow down the production of THC, which is the main component in cannabis. 

· Maintain the relative humidity between 59% and 64%

Moderate moisture content is essential in preventing the trichomes from drying out and becoming brittle. Also, it ensures the essential oils don't evaporate, a process that results in less tasty and aromatic cannabis. 

A higher humidity than the indicated ranges isn't favourable and encourages mold and mildew growth.

· Purchase a hygrometer or buy a humidity pack

When storing your cannabis in a glass container, you'll need a hygrometer to help you evaluate the humidity level and thus maintain it at the required range. 

A humidity pack comes a long way since it helps maintain the humidity without much struggle. However, the humidity pack requires replacing after every few months.

· Reduce oxygen exposure

Keep your cannabis in an airtight container as oxygen accelerates the degradation process. You can do this by vacuum sealing and using well-sized containers.

· Avoid moving your cannabis frequently

Moving the cannabis frequently causes friction which often results in trichomes falling. 


· Keeping your cannabis in a freezer or fridge

The temperatures in the fridge are too low, which slows the decarboxylation process. Without enough THC, the cannabis becomes ineffective. 

Problems also arise from repeated changes in temperature when transferring the cannabis from the fridge to take some. 

· Storing your cannabis near electronics

Keeping cannabis near electronics degrades the product, especially when they produce heat. Heat causes cannabinoids to dry up.

· Exposing your cannabis to direct sunlight

Light photons influence the degradation of cannabis. Light causes terpenes and cannabinoids to degrade, resulting in reduced potency. This causes cannabis not to maintain its flavor and aroma for the expected time of two years.

· Allowing high humidity of more than 65%

Too much moisture content facilitates the growth of mold, which damages the organic matter.

· Too much air exposure to the cannabis

Ensure the containers are airtight or use vacuum sealing. Limiting air exposure for cannabis prolongs its longevity.

· Use very large containers

Storing your cannabis in large containers leaves a space that is occupied by air. When the cannabis is stored for a long time, the air interacts with the product causing degradation.

· Store in a plastic container

Plastic containers have static charges that attract trichomes, causing them to fall off. You should avoid this practice as it lowers the potency of the flower.

· Store weed along with accessories

Paraphernalia such as pipes and grinders contain burned cannabis. When the burned cannabis interacts with the flower, it causes degradation.

Closing Remarks on Proper Cannabis Storage

The most vital factors that you should consider when storing your cannabis are humidity, temperature, light, the material of the container and oxygen. When these factors are maintained in check, your cannabis can retain its high quality for up to two years. 

The above rules of storing the cannabis flower also apply to other forms of marijuana, including edibles, tinctures, and concentrates. Regardless of the form, when marijuana products are stored under poor conditions, they degrade. Edibles are the most perishable, especially when exposed to extreme humidity, heat and light conditions.

Your cannabis can survive in the plastic bags for a few days, but when storing for a long period, you should invest in an airtight glass container. Keep your weed in a cool and dark place, preferably your cabinet's lowest drawer. Measure humidity and temperature from time to time to ensure you don't violate any requirement. In conclusion, if you follow all the do and don't as indicated in this article, you'll enjoy your premium marijuana for a long period. How to Properly Store Cannabis

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