Check Out Some Interesting Cannabis facts
*Inhalation of Cannabis takes only a few minutes to take effect and lasts about an hour to ninety minutes on average.
*Sublingual or under the tongue application of cannabis - in the form of a tincture (cannabis extracted / dissolved in grain alcohol) - takes only a few minutes to take effect. Cannabinoids go directly into the bloodstream and the effects last from an hour to an hour and a half.
Oral cannabis forms - like cookies, brownies, butters and other infused edibles - take half and hour or more to take effect with maximum response happening after an hour or more.
*Edibles and OD. The most common way to overdose on cannabis is on edibles. Sometimes the chef adds too much cannabis concentrate (usually in oil form) to the edible recipe, or the consumer does not wait long enough before eating more. Sometimes the effects take forty minutes or so to take effect, and unfortunate people that are not in the know, can easily double or triple dose. Effects of edibles - couch lock, anxiety, paranoia, disorientation, can take more than 12 hours or even a day to wear off.
*Kinds of THC. There are several kinds of THC, each one is quite different in its psychoactive and medicinal properties.
*Secrets about THC. The most common forms of THC is THC d9, the main psychoactive ingredient most abundant in modern street and medical strains, THC d8 which is common in industrial hemp varieties, is weakly psychoactive and little studied by the medical community, and THCV, with many properties opposite to THC d9, which is rare but exists in appreciable quantities in South African Varieties and specially bred strains in the West.
*A long, long time ago. The oldest evidence of Hemp use comes from Taiwan 12,000 years ago. That is when mastodons roamed and the Ice Age was about to end.
*Tombs in China were unearthed, containing the skeletons of blond, Celtic like (***) Caucasians many with appreciable stashes of cannabis. The cannabinoid content of the ancient weed indicated that it was selectively bred to contain a blend of THC d9, THC d8, cannabidiol, a highly balanced and medicinal combination..
*There are three main strains of cannabis. The two dominant strains are Sativa and Indica. A third hearty but smaller variety called Ruderalis is also a marginal player. Sativa is thought to be energising, Indica sedating. Then there are the hybrids, where different Indicas and Sativas are crossed to produce an endless variety of offspring, with varying terpene content, which causes subtle differences in the effects.
*Indica and Sativa strains do not necessarily follow the pattern of sedating vs energising. You have to try a strain yourself to decide.
*Main types of Cannabis. There are two types of cannabis - autoflowering and 'regular strains. Auto flower plants bloom on their own, and regular strains produce flowers in conditions of less light
*Autoflowering weed is simple, it means that the plant will bloom flowers after a set period of time no matter what. Autoflower plants along with the hearty Ruderalis and favorites of growers that don't want to put too much energy and technology into the growing process. Just plant the suckers.
*Regular Weed is complicated. The regular varieties of cannabis respond to the lighting conditions in its growth cycle. So called regular varieties of cannabis are exposed to light most of every day in the growth phase, and when the plant is big enough to support a lot of cannabinoid rich flowers, the grower cuts the light down to eight or so hours, which tells the plant the it's fall and it's time to bloom. There are a lot of nuances to the grow procedure but the duration of light is the main consideration in growing regular cannabis.
*A Cannabis Holiday sound fun* Maybe it is not what you think, it means you stop using weed for a while. It is a technique to allow the medicinal ingredients to work more effectively, and at a lower dose. The body adapts to stimulus placed on it. In the case of a medicinal substance, Vitamin, hormone, herb, the body responds by building up a tolerance, or in cases when there is tissue damage or toxicity, intolerance may also occur.
When the body is given a periodic break, toxicity or tolerance depreciates. If the duration of the Holiday is sufficient, a substances medicinal properties return and toxicity issues subside. A general use to holiday ration might be 3:1 or 5:2
*What is an endocannabinoid* An endocannabinoid is a bio-molecule produced within your body, that stimulates receptors that exist on membrane (surface) of many of the body's cells, especially brain, nerve and immune system cells. These body's own endocannabinoids, and the entire system that they affect, were discovered when researchers tried to identify why THC made people high. The discovery of endocannabinoids and the receptor system explained why cannabis is an effective medicine.
*Weed as a supplement. Basically, when the body is in short supply of chemicals that active the nerve, immune, brain cells then pain, anxiety, autoimmune disorders can manifest. The practice of cannabis based medicine therefore centers on supplementing correctly the endocannabinoid which is deficient.
How cannabis helps your nerves and immune system. The cannabinoid CBD dials down the immune system and moderates nervous function, while THC dials down receptors involved in pain and fear. However, the different cannabinoids work together and different individuals cellular receptors are not the same, so the final action of cannabinoids is user and mixture dependent
*Weed works by dialing up and down your receptors that control your body and mind. In medicine they call these dialing-attenuating effects - agonist and antagonist. An agonist dials up a response. An antagonist dials down a response. In the case of response to injury, to relieve the pain, the cellular receptors should be provided with an antagonist, to dial down the pain. If a cannabinoid blocks the activity of something that is dialing up the pain, then its action is then antagonist in effect. If a cannabinoid, such as CBD causes a lowering of the immune cells hyper activity, then the effect is medicinal and we call it antagonistic.
In the case of THC, a person can experience heightened focus or creativity, or improved bronchial activity, and in this case the effect is said to be Agonist, because the effects are dialed up.
What is the heck is the entourage effect* It means basically that natural weed works better than man's manipulated versions, chemical or otherwise. In other words, the THC, CBD other cannabinoids and essential oils found in weed work much better together.
*Einstein of Weed. One or the first scientists or international acclaim, Dr. Mechoulam succeeded in isolating THC and identifying many of the cannabinoid and terpene components. Right off the bat, Dr. Mechoulam found that the medicinal response of cannabinoids and terpenes was much more profound, the efficacy much greater when several cannabinoids were taken together. Unfortunately, this world class research was ignored by much of the world until recently, where whole flower medicines from strains with a diverse cannabinoid profile are recognized as the best medicinally.
*Black pepper and weed. The terpenes that exist in black pepper have been found to dial down the undesired effect of anxiety or paranoia caused by THC, either in overdose, or in certain individuals. Simply chew on a black pepper, and allow the juice under your tongue. This allows the terpenes direct access to the bloodstream and act in the matter of a few minutes.
*Why do people smoke or bake marijuana* Why not just eat it like a salad* If you don't heat cannabis you can't get high. Heating changes the molecular composition slightly, chemically we call the process decarboxylation, where the cannabinoids lose a lightly bonded carbon-oxygen pair.
*Receptors are the key to weed action. The receptors on the cells respond to the heated cannabinoids, but not to the raw form. This does not mean that there are not other benefits of raw cannabis. It may well be that there are other body systems that unheated (uncarboxylated) cannabinoids affect. Research into the medicinal effects of raw cannabis is virgin territory, and is waiting on serious study.
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