Getting Your Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri
If you're a Missouri resident of and are looking for information on how to get a medical marijuana card, you're in the right place. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information to get started on the path to obtaining a medical marijuana card in Missouri.
To begin, medical marijuana was legalized through Amendment 2, which was passed by voters in November 2018. The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is responsible for implementing and overseeing the medical marijuana program in the state.
Are you looking for a straightforward way or process to apply for your medical marijuana certification in MO? To qualify for the state's MMJ card, you must be above 18 years, residing in MO, and have one or more state-approved qualifying conditions.
How to Qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri
Before you can apply for a medical certification, you must first be diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition by a qualified healthcare provider. The list of qualifying medical conditions includes:
● Anxiety
● Cancer
● Glaucoma
● Sclerosis
● Epilepsy
● Migraines
● Muscle spasms
● Severe pain
● Fibromyalgia
● Parkinson's disease
● Tourette's syndrome
● Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
● Psychiatric disorders like PTSD
● Terminal illness
● Hepatitis C
● Dependence on prescriptions medicines
● Autism
● Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
● Huntington's disease
● Neuropathies
● IBS, Crohn's disease
● Cachexia and wasting syndrome
● Alzheimer's
● Sickle cell anemia
● Other debilitating or chronic conditions
Additionally, any chronic medical condition that causes severe, persistent pain or persistent muscle spasms may also qualify for medical marijuana use. If the list doesn't contain your condition, you shouldn't worry, as the list is incomplete. Thus, it'll be vital to visit the state's MMJ program to see the full list or consult your physician. During the evaluation period, the previous medical and diagnosis paperwork won't be essential, as the physician will review the condition before approving your conditions or getting your application fee back.
Once you have been diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition, you can begin the process of obtaining a medical certification in MO.
About Marijuana in Missouri
66% of residents voted in 2018 to legalize the use of marijuana for medical reasons. However, The Joplin Globes reports that by August 2020, the state was yet to open even a single medical marijuana dispensary for the more than 60000 qualified MMJ medical patients waiting to purchase these products to alleviate their conditions.
A local news source revealed that the number of residents with valid MMJ certifications in the state has more than doubled from the previous years. However, the different factors, like the Covid-19 pandemic that has led to some delays, leave many wondering when the state opens the dispensaries.
In January 2020, the state Department of Health and Senior Services drafted a letter stating that the lack of a legal way to acquire medical marijuana products in the state is a difficult reality, which can be only possible if someone discovers it in the wild. Furthermore, it states that all the valid MMJ cardholders in the state have the legal right to access and possess cannabis. While the medical recommendation is valid, it is not a guarantee that your employer will accept the recommendation if you do not pass the drug test.
MMJ card holders and medical patients had to wait until the end of 2020 to get their preferred medical cannabis in the different dispensaries. Since then, medical patients can easily access these products from their preferred dispensaries across the state.
Medical Cannabis Program Requirements and Cost
Besides having one or more state-approved qualifying conditions, you must show proof of residing in this state by presenting a valid state ID card or driver's license. Furthermore, you must have a $199, HappyMD consultation fee and $25.94 MO Medical cannabis card application fees. Remember, the state requires you to pay these fees annually to keep your profile or card active in the registry. You must also renew the physician's recommendations on the MMJ doses yearly.
Renewing Your Medical Card in Missouri
In MO, MMJ certifications are valid for one year from the date of issuance. To renew your MMJ certification , you must follow the same process as when you first applied, including visiting a qualified healthcare provider and obtaining a physician certification.
Registering an MMJ Primary Caregiver in the State
The state requires that the patient and caregiver present proof of residency to qualify to be a caregiver. You can prove MO residency by providing a valid ID card or driver's license. The state authorities must also add the caregiver to the MMJ patient's certification application. The program lists them as primary caregivers authorizing them to legally buy and possess medical cannabis on behalf of the patient. MO charges $25.94 for the caregiver application.
The program approves up to two valid caregivers per medical patient. This caregiver must be above 21 years old and residing. Caregivers can only assist up to three patients at any given time. Remember, the law only allows parents or legal guardians to serve as caregivers for patients below 28 years old.
You can apply for patient cultivation if you're a medical patient or caregiver, except when the patient is a minor. The program prohibits minors from applying for cultivation. However, when applying for cultivation, you must include your initial medical cannabis license application.
Cultivation and Possession of Medical Cannabis in Missouri
MO state authorities limit MMJ patients to purchasing 4 ounces of MMJ every 30 days. You can buy more if you have an evaluation from two MMJ doctors. Both compete for a valid Alternative Physician Certification Form requesting a similar marijuana amount for the particular condition or disease.
The state's MMJ program allows caregivers and MMJ patients to pay an additional $103.73 for a patient cultivation ID. This law specifies that ID certification holders may cultivate medical cannabis up to patient cultivation in one space. These two certification holders can be a caregiver & qualifying patient, two caregivers, or two patients, as the law allows them to cultivate up to 12 immature, flowering marijuana plants. Furthermore, the two can cultivate 12 clones, nonflowering plants, and 12 immature plants. Importantly, if the pair consists of a caregiver and qualifying patient, the law allows them to cultivate six nonflowering plants, six clones, and six mature plants.
Remember, the law restricts the cultivation of MMJ in a locked or enclosed facility, which can include a garage, stationary closet, room, greenhouse, or other fully enclosed spaces that the patient or caregiver can access. The outdoor enclosed space must be a stationary facility with enclosed sides except for the lower part or base. You can decide on the space with wooden slats, chain link fences, or similar materials. Most marijuana plants are usually invisible to unaided sight when looking at them from an adjacent property. Lastly, the law allows you to grow the stems in a particular location that the program details on the license application.
You can also move the plants to an enclosed, locked, and new location. However, you must update the cultivation certification application with the location immediately. Providing detailed updates ensures that you stay compliant.
HappyMD Guarantee
The platform guarantees you approval or pays nothing if they don't approve. When scheduling the medical review, you must pay a $50 deposit. The platform will refund the full deposit if the physician doesn't approve your application.
Do You Require Past Medical Records during Evaluation?
No. Physicians at HappyMD will assess your past medical history before determining if you can qualify for the card with or without the records. However, if available, you can still share the medical records with the medical review.
Receive Your Real MMJ Card?
These are only available with 420ID. After receiving your state-issued ID in MO, the 420ID imprints it on a double-sided, durable plastic credit certification style. You can easily and proudly carry the certification in your wallet throughout its validity period.
How Does the Process Work?
Schedule the evaluation
You can schedule the evaluation by picking your preferred time and day to talk to the physician. The physician offers a brief and stress-free review lasting 10 or 15 minutes.
Talk to the physician
The doctors conduct the reviews via tablet, computer, or smartphone. During the reviews, the physicians ensure that you're comfortable and enhance your feelings.
Get the Certification
After approval, the physician will upload the digital recommendation to the state registry. After the state approves your application, you can download your digital recommendation, and the authorities will mail your plastic 420 ID to your address.
When booking the evaluation, the platform will direct you to a particular scheduling page after clicking the 'Get scheduled' button. On this page, you'll select the appropriate time and date for your online review with one of the licensed and state-approved physicians. The reviews take approximately 10 to 15 minutes, which you can have from the convenience and comfort of your home through your tablet, computer, or smartphone. Remember, you have to pay a $50 down payment, which is refunded if the physician doesn't approve your application.
Getting your MO MMJ card involves a time-consuming and stressful process due to the various doctor's visits and paperwork. HappyMD offers the best way to simplify this process by walking you through all the steps and helping you with the submission of the application to the state. Importantly, if you've been worried about the application, this platform offers a risk-free investment. The platform refunds all your fees if the physician doesn't approve your application. You can start your application journey with 420ID by clicking the "Get scheduled" option.
Are You Wondering How to Receive Your Missouri MMJ Certification?
It's usually effortless to receive your MMJ ID recommendation in MO when using the HappyMD worry-free system. Many individuals and patients have been asking for the appropriate way to get the MO MMJ recommendation. The platform's customer support is always available to respond to your concerns about the process.
HappyMD is the only company in this state issuing you with a valid physical plastic MMJ ID recommendation to allow you to store it safely and products easily upon request from the law enforcers. This platform is different from the other companies that just provide print-out pieces, which can easily fall apart after some time.
The medical marijuana patient rate this platform among the best MO MMJ ID issuers.
When looking for your MMJ recommendation, the filing and paperwork process is one of the most frustrating parts of the application. However, Happy has made the process simple for most patients seeking MMJ ID cards in MO. The physicians take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to review the qualifying conditions. After scheduling the evaluation, the platform has licensed and state-approved MMJ physicians to take you through the entire process.
HappyMD has the Best Medical Cannabis ID, Experts
When applying for your Missouri MMJ ID card, you may have to set aside all your routine. Nevertheless, HappyMD has a team of experienced experts to take you through this painstaking process or steps for applying for the recommendation. After approving your qualifying conditions, the physicians will help submit the required paperwork when using the pro service. This service is essential for everyone who wishes the platform to complete all the necessary payments and the state authorities on their behalf. After the application, you just have to sit back and wait for your plastic ID recommendation in the mail. However, when using the basic service, you’ll have to pay the state fee before submitting the form the physician offers you. You can upgrade to the pro services despite registering as a basic service.
How to Get Your Missouri MMJ Certification
HappyMD offers an effortless process of getting your MO MMJ card, relieving you from the daunting task of searching for the required fees and forms. The platform provides an effortless and straightforward process to many customers who were unable to complete the process, making most of the customers utilize the platform’s annual renewal. However, you must be an existing customer to enjoy the annual renewal. You can become a registered customer by filling out the application process.
The application steps are:
● Easy
● Simple
● Convenient
You start the application process by picking your preferred time and date to talk to the practitioners. The physician offers a brief, stress-free consultation of approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Furthermore, you must pay a $50 down payment to secure a slot. The platform guarantees a 100% refund if the physician doesn’t approve your application.
Talk to the doctor
You can have a consultation review with the physician through a computer, tablet, or smartphone. The physician provides a comfortable evaluation to make you feel better during the process.
Receive the plastic ID
After approval, the physicians will upload your digital recommendation to the state. You can download your digital MMJ recommendation ID and get the plastic 420 ID in your email.
You can get started with this straightforward MMJ recommendation application process on this platform.
Getting Your MMJ Card in MO Has Been Daunting
Covid-19 brought many changes to our daily lives. Any opportunity to stay away from a physician’s office visit was vital to keeping you safe and healthy. Thus, the birth of telemedicine changed the way MMJ patients in MO receive help in qualifying for the state’s MMJ program. HappyMD’s HIPAA-compliant platform has changed the medical cannabis industry. The platform ensures that you can receive your MMJ ID recommendation while maintaining social distance in the safety of your home. The platform allows you to get the MMJ recommendation after the physician approves your qualifying condition. The main aim of HappyMD is to maintain a healthy and safe environment when obtaining the appropriate medical alternative to alleviate your conditions or illnesses by avoiding unnecessary exposure to life-threatening conditions, such as Covid-19. The platform’s licensed physicians thoroughly review the MMJ clients to determine whether they qualify for this treatment. The physicians will gather the necessary forms before submitting them to the state authorities. It’ll be vital to subscribe to the pro service to get all these services, which include the evaluations and submission of the documents to the state. Alternatively, you can sign up for the standard service, where the physicians send you the forms and recommendations you apply to the MO State authorities.
You can check the prior client’s reviews to read what they say about HappyMD services. The platform has made it stress-free and cost-effective to apply for the MMJ recommendation in MO. You can join the list of the numerous clients utilizing HappyMD services, including the annual renewal process.
Applying for and receiving your MMJ recommendation in this state is usually hectic and time-consuming. HappyMD provides relief as it offers a straightforward and affordable telemedicine process of getting your Missouri medical cannabis recommendation.
HappyMD to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in MO
Here are the steps you need to follow to get a medical rec in MO:
Step 1: Visit a Qualified Healthcare Provider
As mentioned earlier, before you can apply for a medical marijuana card in Missouri, you must first be diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition by a qualified healthcare provider. The HappyMD healthcare provider is a licensed physician, osteopath, or an advanced practice registered nurse who has a collaborative practice agreement with a physician.
Step 2: Register with the Missouri Medical Marijuana Program
After you have been diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition, you need to register with the MO MMJ Program. You can do this by visiting their website and completing the patient registration form.
Step 3: Obtain a Physician Certification
Once you have registered with the Missouri Medical Marijuana Program, you need to obtain a physician certification from the healthcare provider who diagnosed you with a qualifying medical condition.
The physician certification form can be found on the MO MMJ Program website, and must be completed and signed by the healthcare provider.
Step 4: Submit Your Application
After you have obtained a physician certification, you can submit your application for a medical rec. You will need to include the physician certification form, a copy of your MO driver's license or state ID, and payment for the application fee.
Step 5: Wait for Approval
Once your application has been submitted, you will need to wait for approval from the Missouri Medical Marijuana Program. The program will review your application and notify you of their decision within 30 days.