Medical marijuana has been popular as a way to treat various ailments, but very few actually understand that it could be used for pets. Marijuana is a medicinal herb that has become useful to not only humans, but also animals including your pets at home. Dog owners can treat a wide array of ailments including cancer, arthritis, and cancer. But what you need to know is that the kind of cannabis dogs are taking is not marijuana, but hemp. So, what’s the difference between hemp rx for pets and marijuana? Both are extracted from cannabis sativa. Cannabis contains more than 60 compounds also referred to as cannabinoids and the two most active are THC and CBD. THC are cannabinoids that make the user high while CBD offers the medical effect you get when you consume medical marijuana. Hemp contains more CBD content than CBD, and that is why it is recommended for your pet due to the medical properties. How CBD for pets works Humans as well as animals have cannabinoid receptors, which are located in the central nervous system in the brain and in some peripheral organs like immune cells. The receptors create what is referred to as an endocannabinoid system. A few studies have shown that a lot of cannabinoids posses anti-inflammatory effects and are useful for pain relief, muscle spasms, seizures, skin conditions, anxiety, appetite stimulation, and neurological disorders.
How your pet can benefit from CBD
There are many ways your pet can benefit from CBD. It can help to deal with acute and chronic diseases. It treats a wide array of conditions like digestive issues, aggression, stress responses, and problems in the immune system. Veterinarians have studied the usefulness of CBD to pets and they have discovered that it can be useful for treating ailments like torn ligaments, strains and sprains, bone breaks, and could also help during post operative care to prevent swelling, stiffness and pain. There is also CBD oil for dog seizures, and you can replace some conventional drugs with CBD to treat one of the conditions mentioned. With CBD, you can use lower doses of drugs so as to ensure the pet achieves the medical effect of medical marijuana. Unlike conventional medicines, CBD does not have side effects, which means using it on your pet gives you a safe way to address ailments without exposing the animal to more problems.
Is CBD oil for dog seizures safe?
One of the concerns you might be having is whether CBD for pets is really safe and recommended. The truth is that CBD hemp contains low amounts of TCH and high CBD content, so the pet will not get high. The most likely side effect you will observe is the dog getting a bit drowsy, which is about the same when you give the pet a Benadryl. It is very rare to see mild vomiting, which happens due to sensitivities. If the dog reacts to the treatment, you should halt administration until it is stable. What you can learn from canna pet testimonials Canna-Pet is a supplement made for small pets that contains organic ingredients. Its manufacturer, cGPM laboratories, uses organic non-GMO ingredients that don’t contain animal products. It contains industrial hemp and offers a unique supplement for pets. Many people who have bought Canna-Pet have reviewed the product and when out to buy supplements this is one of the things you should look at. Many users have expressed satisfaction in the product and it seems to be working for cats and dogs. The company also makes treatibles dog treatsand has been offering good solutions you might want to check out. Canna pet side effects The side effects of canna pet are the obvious symptoms you would observe when your pet is given medical marijuana. Such symptoms include confusion, increase in dizziness, and in rare occasions vomiting. These side effects are not permanent and are in many cases as a result of reaction to the treatment, especially if the dog is receiving it for the first time. No unusual situations have been reported so far and this shows Canna-Pet is good for your pet. CBD oil for dog lymphoma Lymphoma is a disease that has claimed many dogs and in most cases clinical methods are not able to save your pet. Many people who have tried cbd oil for dog lymphoma have reported success in the treatment of their pets. If detected early, dog lymphoma can be cured with dosages of CBD. What you need is to give the pet small doses at first and increase dosage gradually while observing changes and response to treatment. Administered consistently, the treatment will shrink lymphoma in few weeks and this could help save the dog. Canna companion vs canna pet Canna Companion is a cannabinoid supplement that offers safe treatibles dog treats. The supplement is also available for cats and like canna pet, it also helps to cure some of the common ailments that are treated by medical marijuana. Their vegetarian capsule is GMO free and comprised of organic ingredients. Both may appear to work in a similar way, but many people recommend canna pet. It has the highest number of reviews that approve of the treatment solution. However, you can also test the effectiveness of the canna companion as these are products in different categories and so you expect the varying results.
Where to buy CBD for pets
While you can buy CBD for dogs from any supplier, you are safer getting the product from companies that make pet products using hemp. There are few trusted brands in the market that you can choose from. Canna-Pet is a reputable provider and they have different categories of products that can serve your pet. Is medical marijuana for pets legal? Unfortunately, cannabis laws don’t apply to pets, so veterinarians cannot prescribe marijuana as a treatment solution to their patients. Even giving this as an option could bring about problems, so don’t expect to get any ideas from your vet. It’s up to you to learn about the different benefits of medical marijuana to your pet and how to apply the treatment method. Patients can get a California medical marijuana card for high thc or cbd strains.
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