Explore Getting a Medical MMJ ID Card in LA
When you sign up and become a member of HappyMD, you are issued an LA Medical MMJ Card. It is important to carry your car with you at all times. It needs to be shown, along with your medical card benefits identification Card whenever you are treated for health issues or pick up your prescription
Getting your L.A. Medical Cannabis I.D. Card
This is not that complicated of a process. The first letter you receive from HappyMD L.A. Docs will be your welcome packet. Your I.D. card in LA will be sent to you separately and should arrive in about 2 weeks after you have been approved for membership.
If you do not receive your LA Medical I.D. Card or you lose it
Your L.A. MMJ I.D. card should arrive in the mail within a few weeks of your membership approval. However, if it fails to show up or for some reason, it has been lost, damaged, or stolen, it is not hard to get a replacement Card.
All you have to do is contact L.A. MMJ Docs and order your new card. Make sure to have your account number on hand. Or you can call Member Services and L.A. Medical Card care will send you a new card.
Understanding your MMJ Medical I.D. card in LA
Your membership card contains a lot of important information. It will be best if you understand all the information contained on your card:
LA MMJ Medical I.D. card Program- these words let everyone know you are enrolled in the MMJ Medical I.D. card Health Card Program through L.A. Care
Your name- this restricts the use of your card and only you can access the services provided through this card
Member I.D.#- the number you give when talking to Member Services and other health care providers who need it.
Date- this is the date that your health card begins. This is normally the first day of the following month after your enrollment has been completed for your medical card in LA.