CBD oil (cannabidiol, extracted from marijuana) for kids
Albama’s governor, Robert Bently has signed a bill which allows individuals with devastating medical conditions to use cannabis CBD oil. The bill, referred to as Leni’s law, is an expansion of a bill that was passed fouryears ago which was called Carly’s law. Carly’s law allowed a UAB study on using cannabis oil to treat individuals with seizure disorders. What does the passing of the new bill mean for people living across state lines? Parents in Georgia who have kids living with autism are glad that Alabama has signed this new bill into law. Those who have special needs kids now have hope since a number of states are allowing the use of this medicine. Such parents are always trying to reduce the pain for their babies. Therefore, with Alabama being a small distance from Georgia it is easy for them to get it from there; that is if it is not brought to Georgia. Hope United is a group that has advocated for the use of cannabis oil. For a long time, the group has been working to bring it to Georgia with no avail. Anybody who is not a resident of Colorado or Oregon would have difficult time buying marijuana from the states. This way, it will be impossible for anybody to buy marijuana just for the sake of getting high on it. Even though cannabis is not FDA approved, its legalization so far shows positive results. One such beneficiary is a four year old girl who literally gnawed off her arm. Her parents had to strap her on her bed for up to ten hours daily. After one week on cannabis oil, she was able to stop. Now she is able to attend school. The use of cannabis oil to treat children that have special needs can be compared to a case when high blood pressure was recognized as a cause for strokes and heart attacks. Many people, to the tune of thousands registered their ideas on how high blood pressure could be treated with CBD oils. However, none of them was approved. No clinical trials would give the credibility of use of cannabis oil.
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