What are the Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana
Currently, 33 states, including D.C, have legalized medical marijuana. Furthermore, D.C and 11 other states have legalized recreational marijuana use. A medical marijuana card is an essential and legal requirement in states with medical cannabis programs.
The world is nearing the United state's silver anniversary of the first MMJ program in this era. Since 1996 Prop 215 has allowed California residents to access marijuana after proving their medical need or use. The California MMJ program was the key to marijuana legalization in most states. Unlike the earlier dream of the Federal government legalizing marijuana use, the California MMJ program provided hope.
This article explores the advantages and drawbacks of possessing a medical cannabis card. You'll also learn about the benefits of using marijuana to alleviate various symptoms and conditions. Furthermore, the advantages relate to having the MMJ cards in states allowing recreational marijuana use.
How Effortless is it to Receive an MMJ Recommendation?
The different processes in medical states make it hard to understand the ease of getting a recommendation. The ease of getting the card depends on various factors. For example, the MMJ application process ranges from simple to complicated in different states, depending on the specific medical marijuana program. Nevertheless, most states have improved the process. Statistics reveal that in early 2016 approximately 16 states had a failing grade in a report analyzing the quality of MMJ programs in the different states. The records represented the majority of states at this particular time.
For instance, the advent of legalizing recreational marijuana use in Oregon affected the state's MMJ program. The legalization of recreational cannabis uses made it hard for patients requiring these products genuinely. In 2016, the state had more than 400 licensed medical cannabis dispensaries. Unfortunately, by mid-2018, the records show only eight, as the program and authorities increased the license restrictions. Possessing a valid MMJ card comes with various benefits when you're sick, even in states allowing recreational marijuana.
When applying for the MMJ card, receiving a physician's MMJ recommendation can also be disturbing. Remember, not all physicians advocate for marijuana to alleviate various conditions and can't use any legal obligation to help you obtain these products.
Let's understand the pros and cons of having an MMJ card.
Advantages of Possessing a Medical Marijuana Card
Offers legal protection
An MMJ card usually makes a difference between felony or misdemeanor charges and freedom when residing in a state only allows medical marijuana use. For instance, in Arkana, voters legalized medical marijuana use in November 2016, allowing you to use these products legally.
Nevertheless, the state began licensed sales in May 2019, before which the state viewed possession of fewer than four ounces as a Class A misdemeanor, leading to one-year imprisonment and a $2500 fine. Furthermore, a third conviction is the Class D felony, which comes with six years imprisonment and a $6000 fine. However, having a valid MMJ card offers legal protection from these charges.
Besides staying in a recreational marijuana state, an MMJ card offers a cost-effective way to access your preferred cannabis products. Experts reveal that it's an essential requirement for individuals genuinely requiring marijuana to alleviate their conditions. For instance, Colorado relieves MMJ cardholders from excise and retail cannabis taxes. Other states like Maine, Massachusetts, California, and Oregon prevent MMJ cardholders from taxes. You can save up to 25% in marijuana taxes in most states, making you purchase the products at a lower price.
Imagine the cost of purchasing a drug or medication that your insurance doesn't cover. Reports show that the first marijuana-infused drug(Epidiolex) that FDA approves will be costing over $2500 a month. However, with a valid MMJ card, you can get the same drug at a lesser price. Remember that there is no guarantee of getting the same Epidiolex in all medical marijuana dispensaries. Nonetheless, with a healthcare provider's prescriptions, getting the drug to alleviate your symptoms or conditions will be vital.
Higher limits and potency
Medical experts reveal that dosage is an essential factor when having medical cannabis. Thus, using extremely potent marijuana strains for your conditions and symptoms will be vital, as they offer the best properties. Depending on your state, the authorities allow medical marijuana dispensaries to sell stronger or more potent marijuana strains. For instance, in California, the authorities allow MMJ cardholders to buy 2000 cannabinoids simultaneously, compared to the 1000 mg limit for recreational marijuana users.
Reports reveal that the death of the Oregon MMJ program is disadvantageous to most patients. With the birth of the recreational marijuana program, the Health Authority started regulating THC content in most medical marijuana products. With the regulations, edibles can't contain more than 100mg THC, making it hard for patients requiring more than 1000mg of THC daily. With most 100mg edibles costing more than $20 each, you may end up paying more than $200 daily for the dosage.
Different age limits and higher possession limits
Most states permit MMJ cardholders to carry or possess more marijuana(including the highly potent strains) than recreational users. For instance, California allows MMJ cardholders to possess up to eight ounces of marijuana, compared to the maximum of one ounce they legally allow recreational users and eight grams of marijuana concentrate.
Authorities in most states that legalize recreational marijuana require that all customers are above 21 years. Nevertheless, some medical states can allow MMJ cardholders 18 years and above to purchase, possess, and use these products legally. The lower age limit becomes a huge relief to individuals between 18 to 20 years and requires marijuana to alleviate some conditions. Furthermore, most states with an active MMJ program allow minors to use marijuana with the assistance of a legal caregiver.
Cultivation limits
Studies show that most states' MMJ programs allow registered patients to cultivate marijuana at home. Remember, some states will only allow you to grow cannabis when residing a particular distance(approximately 25+ miles) from a medical marijuana dispensary. Remember, the cultivation limits will depend on the state you’re residing and the MMJ program.
The California MMJ program allows recreational marijuana users to cultivate up to six stems at home. Nevertheless, the state allows MMJ cardholders to cultivate up to 99 plants. The program requires that all MMJ cardholders apply for a special cannabis cultivation license. Acquiring an MMJ card will be vital as, in the future, most states may reduce the growing limits.
Disadvantages of Possessing a Medical Marijuana Card
Disqualifies you from owning a firearm legally
The United States Second Amendment allows all citizens to bear firearms. Despite the amendment guaranteeing the citizens to possess firearms, the ATF declines medical cannabis users from purchasing or possessing firearms legally.
The law causes inconveniences for both law enforcement and marijuana users. Most local governments, including Honolulu, started an initiative or quest requiring all MMJ cardholders to surrender their firearms. Furthermore, the state has been pushing to forbid future purchases.
Nevertheless, in Pennsylvania, the regulations on firearms might favor MMJ cardholders. The Department of Health in the state usually keeps the medical cannabis registry for the law enforcement base. Thus, as an MMJ cardholder residing in Pennsylvania, you can possess a firearm and bypass the regulations by being responsible for the firearm.
You won’t qualify for a commercial driver’s license
Despite the varying regulations, the Department of Transport doesn’t allow medical marijuana use in most states. The restriction makes it hard for medical marijuana users. Despite producing a valid medical cannabis card, it’ll be enough to save your job if you’re in the transport industry and test positive for cannabis during a drug screening. Experts reveal that restricting marijuana use among transport employees makes more sense than restricting firearms, as it helps curb intoxicated drivers. Making the same argument or restrictions for opioid and alcohol use will also be valid.
Annual renewal fees
For a regular marijuana user, the cost of getting the MMJ card isn’t a huge issue. Obtaining the MMJ card will help you save a lot of money in the long term. Nevertheless, renewing the card every year is usually expensive and annoying. In most states, you can spend approximately $50 -$200.
Prevent you from holding a federal government job
Medical marijuana can cost you a job when working or looking for a job at the Federal government level, even when residing in a state that legalizes marijuana use. The country’s Department of Transport 2017 clarified that it wouldn’t exempt medical marijuana users from the restrictions. Thus, testing positive for cannabis leads to your job or employment termination.
The restrictions don’t come as a surprise because most non-governmental organizations or companies have zero-tolerance policies on marijuana use. The restrictions even become tougher since the federal government regards marijuana use as illegal. Nevertheless, some medical cannabis card holders have been lucky in the courts. The prosecutors have ruled the case on their side after their employers fired or refused to hire them due to testing positive for cannabis.
Reports show that the red tape amount you must go through has reduced significantly. It’s now possible and easy to receive your MMJ recommendation online in less than 30 minutes. Besides offering the MMJ recommendation, some platforms allow you to order your preferred medical cannabis products. The platform will deliver the products to your doorstep.
Despite most states adopting the online MMJ recommendation process, it may take several days to weeks to receive your MMJ cards. The states depend on the mailing system, which is very slow. Studies show that new MMJ programs usually have the most inconveniences and slow processes. It can take approximately two years (from the day legislators voted or passed the legislature legalizing marijuana use) for these states to open the first medical marijuana dispensaries.
Some states, like Louisiana, make it even harder for their residents to acquire medical marijuana cards. The states have various strict restrictions on the conditions that qualify patients for the card. Besides the qualifying conditions, finding state-approved and licensed physicians is also challenging and time-consuming. Research shows that some states have less than 100 approved MMJ physicians. The limited number makes it hard to get a medical marijuana recommendation or card as the program provides a limit of patients to see doctors.
Bottom Line on Medical Cannabis Card
The ease of applying for and getting your MMJ card will depend on the medical cannabis program in the state you’re residing. For instance, it’s very easy to get a card in California as you can apply online and get your card within an hour. Besides applying for the card online, California residents can check for the appropriate strains, order, and receive it at their doorstep through the different online systems. However, the situation is different in Louisiana, as the residents have to spend time finding a state-approved physician to prescribe the medications. After the prescriptions, you'll have to wait for the Health board in the state to approve the application.
Ultimately, the benefits of possessing a medical marijuana card outweigh the drawbacks. However, possessing the MMJ card may be disadvantageous if you prefer to own weapons, you’re working at the federal government, or you have a commercial driver’s license. Possessing the MMJ card allows you to buy, possess, and cultivate more cannabis products. Furthermore, you can get more potent cannabis products and save on costs. Many marijuana enthusiasts are hopeful that the federal government will consider following the footsteps of Canada and other states in legalizing marijuana across the U.S. Having a federally backed medical marijuana program would be effective and superior compared to the state level’s omnishambles.