Saving Money with Your California Medical Marijuana Card
A little history
1996 was the year that California became a pioneer in the medical marijuana industry. It was the year the state enacted Prop. 215 or what is known as the Compassionate Use Act and legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
Then in 2003, California followed that pioneering act up with Senate bill 420 which established the medical marijuana I.D. card system. These two acts did not stop California from trying to legalize marijuana for recreational use.
Their Pro. 19 failed at the election box in 2010 but Oregon and Washington states were more successful and legalized recreational marijuana use. These successes helped California pass their new Prop. 64 in 2016 and legalized marijuana recreational use.
The new law did not go into effect until January 2018 and made it legal for California residents aged 21 and over to use marijuana on a recreational level. These laws may make it seem like getting your medical marijuana card is a waste of time but that card does come with many benefits you won’t get under those laws.
Getting your medical marijuana I.D. card
One of the benefits you receive is a large tax relief. Purchasing medical marijuana with the card is not taxed as highly as recreational marijuana is. In order to get your medical marijuana I.D. card, you do have to be certified by a physician and meet many, if not all, of the strict rules and regulations that govern this new industry.
To see if you qualify check out Happy MD’s guide to the California medical marijuana program. Our licensed marijuana doctors will provide you with a marijuana recommendation in about 15 minutes and for a fee of $39. This can all be done without you leaving your home.
All it takes is to use Happy MDs easy-to-use and secure telehealth platform and you are connected to a licensed medical provider who can legally certify you for California’s medical marijuana I.D. card.
Once you get your card, you can save up to 15% on your marijuana purchases as the state does not charge a sales and use tax on medical marijuana. There may also be a discounted city sales tax applied to your purchase.
If you are a medical student you may also get an additional discount at many dispensaries. To get your card, just continue to read our article as it provides the information you need to know about.
What is a California Medical Cannabis card
This card identifies the holder as a legal medical marijuana patient.. After you submit your application and register for the Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMIC), the California Dept. of Public Health will issue your card and place you in their database containing all the names of the medical marijuana patients in the state.
Once you receive your card, you are now able to legally buy medical marijuana from those dispensaries that sell it throughout the state. It is best to go this route to save money over recreational use purchases.
Benefits of getting a California medical marijuana card
Even though California has legalized recreational marijuana use, there are still benefits of applying for and becoming a medical marijuana i.d. cardholder. The cost is $39 and that fee is made up by the following benefits:
#1. Lower age restrictions
Recreational marijuana users have to be 21 and older in order to purchase marijuana. With an ID card for medical use, the age restriction is lowered to 18. This card is also required for those under 21.
#2. Access to more dispensaries
Ease of access makes enduring medical issues a lot better. You get faster relief and do not need to delay your treatment as you hunt for a dispensary. There are more dispensaries for medical marijuana than for the recreational option.
The reason for this discrepancy is that California’s law has permitted each county and city to set their own laws governing recreational marijuana use and sales. For example, you can buy medical marijuana in Napa but not recreational marijuana.
If you do not have the i.d. card, you can’t buy marijuana in Napa and those cities or counties with similar laws. When you find cities that allow the sale of recreational marijuana, you will pay a higher price.
#3. Higher cultivation, possession, and purchase limits
The California legalization law or Prop. 64 set very strict limits on cultivation, ownership, and purchase of recreational marijuana. However, for medical marijuana, those limits have been raised for the simple reason that those suffering from medical ailments need more marijuana to treat their pain, etc.
The difference is 7 ounces. Medical marijuana users can purchase up to 8 ounces of the drug while recreational users can only purchase 1.
#4. Lower prices
As previously discussed, while you are paying a $39 fee to get your i.d. card, you will make that fee back through the lower cost of medical marijuana. Not only is the price lower for this version of marijuana than it is for the recreational product, but you will also get lower taxes as well
These savings can reach into the thousands every year depending on your need for medical marijuana.
#5. Higher Potency
Like the amount of marijuana you can buy, medical marijuana growers and dispensaries have increased potency limits than those making and selling recreational marijuana.
The reason for this is that the patient needs stronger medication to combat their pain. The potency level can be double in some cases as recreational topicals have a 1000 mg limit while the medical option has a 2000 mg limit
#6. Legal protections
While Prop. 215 provides some legal protections for medical marijuana users, you really need to speak to your lawyer to find out what those protections are and how they apply to you and your situation.
How to get your California Medical Marijuana Recommendation on Happy MD
This is not a complicated or difficult process to go through. All you will need is 15 minutes of your time and $39. Then just follow the upcoming simple steps:
- go to their website and sign up. Creating an account needs your email, phone number, and password
- provide your personal information- name, address, and date of birth
- provide your payment information
- answer some questions about your medical history
- talk to a licensed physician to be certified
Once you are approved, you can download your medical recommendation immediately through the HappyMD website and account. With your recommendation in hand, you are now legally able to buy medical marijuana at your local dispensary.
Expect to receive your hard copy of the recommendation in about one week. This letter will also contain extra copies and a card. After receiving your recommendation, it will be valid for one year and then you will have to renew it. The same process and fee will apply at that time as well.
Who can apply for a California medical marijuana recommendation and card
#1. Patients
Those patients 18 years of age and older are allowed to apply for their card and they can go through Happy MD or through the state office.
#2. Caregivers
These caregivers must also be 18 or older to sign up at Happy MD and they must apply for those in their care. Primary caregivers can apply if the person they are looking after is legally entitled to medical marijuana and only if they meet the legal definition of primary caregivers.
That definition is- “individual designated by the person exempted under this section who has consistently assumed responsibility for the housing, health, and safety of that person.”
#3. Minors
Unfortunately, minors cannot sign up for a medical marijuana card or recommendation through Happy MD. If a child needs a state-approved card, then the minor should have their caregiver apply on their behalf
What conditions qualify for medical marijuana in California
The law in this state is not a blanket permission for anyone to get a hold of marijuana and use it for their personal habits. There are specific requirements that have to be met and the first step is to find a qualified doctor who offers medical marijuana recommendations.
The doctor has to examine you and diagnose the medical ailment that qualifies for medical marijuana treatment. Those ailments are listed in Senate Bill 94 chapter 27 Statutes of 2017 or just read them below:
- aids
- anorexia
- arthritis
- cachexia or wasting syndrome
- chronic pain
- glaucoma
- migraine
- persistent muscle spasms (usually associated with MS)
- seizures (e.g. epilepsy)
- severe nausea
One exception to that list is the chronic or persistent medical condition that substantially limits a person’s ability to perform one or more of life’s major activities. These are defined in the federal Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and include serious ailments that may cause serious harm to a person’s safety, physical or mental health if left untreated.
What documents do I need to get my medical marijuana recommendation in California
If you want to go through Happy MD, then you will need a California Driver’s License, state-issued I.D., or your passport
Do you have to provide your medical records to get your medical marijuana recommendation
No, this is not required as it may be difficult to obtain your medical records from your physician or health care provider. However, if you have them already or can easily obtain them then it is advisable to submit them so the doctor can better understand your medical situation.
The records also help answer many of the basic medical questions that need to be asked before your recommendation is approved.
Does Happy MD protect my medical information
Yes, we do. Happy MD’s platform and processes are 100% HIPAA compliant meaning that Happy MD has all the safeguards in place to keep your private information private. The company can also store & retrieve those records safely and without public disclosure.
How to get your California state-issued MMIC card
When you apply for your state-issued MMIC card, you need to do so in person and at the health department of the county you live. When you go to their office, you will need to bring the following items with you:
- a copy of your Happy MD medical marijuana recommendation
- valid government-issued i.d. It needs to have your photo on it and these i.d.s can be California Driver’s License, State I/.D. card or your US passport. A veteran’s Administration ID card is acceptable as well.
- proof of residency for the county you live. This document must show your real physical address and cannot be a P.O. Box. The following documents are acceptable:
- California voter registration
- California DMV motor vehicle registration
- Rent or mortgage agreement
- Utility or cell phone bill
- Bank Statement
- Automobile, property, life, or health insurance forms
Once you have completed the application and paid your county fee, this fee should not exceed $100) you have to wait one month before you hear if you have been accepted or not. The county has 30 days to make its decision.
Then, once you have been approved, the county has 5 days to get the card to you.
Should you get a CA MMIC
If you are suffering from one of the approved ailments and feel that medical marijuana will help you endure the pain, etc., then there is no reason why you should not apply and get one.
The benefits alone are well worth the fees you have to pay. Plus, you make back those fees very quickly in the number of savings and discounts you get. Applying for a medical marijuana card is a good step in taking control of your life again.
Do your research first and know the laws governing this process and see if it will work for you. Also, compare the prices of recreational and medical marijuana and see the savings for yourself.
Some final words
When you apply for your recommendation through Happy MD, you will only have to pay $39. The process is simple, comfortable, and not that complicated. You may not have to leave your home to get your recommendation which makes our process very convenient.
Just remember that our recommendation is only valid for one year. After that time frame has expired or just before it does, you will need to reapply for your recommendation. The process and fee will be the same the next time as it was for your first time applying.
When you see all the benefits you get, you should have no hesitation in signing up with Happy MD and getting on your road to pain relief.