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Posted 07/21/2021 in Health by HappyMD

Some Benefits of Sativa Medical Marijuana Strains

Some Benefits of Sativa Medical Marijuana Strains

Check out a Few of the Benefits of Cannabis Sativa Strains


There are 2 basic forms of cannabis strains, cannabis Sativa and Indica. The two strains are known to give therapeutic and recreational purposes. Due to the stigmatizations that come up about marijuana, a lot has been ignored about them.

A few people that will visit a 420 medical clinic to get cannabis will still not understand the therapeutic potential that will come along with the strain. It does not matter which of the 2 strains you want to use, each one of them has a basic role that it plays. Experts will always try to make you understand that various variations that are inherent with the use of the plant and others will tell you that cannabis impacts everyone in a different manner.

The post that we have prepared you here is geared towards helping you understand how cannabis works with the human body to get the best benefits. We have concentrated with the sativa strains and the positive effects that they bring along.

Note that if you want to use cannabis Sativa to treat your medical condition, it is good to get the best consultation form a doctor before you get to consume it. You will discuss with the doctor what you are looking for and get to understand how it will affect your body.

Benefits of Cannabis Sativa Strains

Here are the top benefits of using Cannabis Sativa



Sativa is geared towards ensuring that you get a head, unlike its counterpart Indica that is associated with a body high. When you have a head high, then you can be sure of tapping into the world of creativity with ease. Other than its normal use of staying creative and focused, some people will use it to ensure that they are able to think out of the box. The strain is also able to energize the body and reduce the sleeping effects. Therefore, this strain is able to ensure that you stay creative in whatever that you want to do.



As we have seen, Sativa gives users that head high experience. One thing that you need to know is that head highs will always lead to either paranoia or getting unpleasant nightmares. If you are a beginner and take a high dose of it, then you can be sure of dangerous side effects. Get help from a doctor or experience users.

Regular users have encountered ha highs and always have the knowledge of dealing with it when it gets to the strong had high condition. With the experience and time, these effects will ensure that users are always on their feet and tend to be motivated to work. With time, they will also learn to put things in order, get work done as they remain under influence of a head high.

Relief from anxiety 

People will associate cannabis with anxiety. This is true and this is how it works. CBD strains found in it are highly potent and will meet certain medical standards. The strains will work in tandem with the endocannabinoid system so that anxiety is kept at bay. The mind will be calmed down without going to getting the psychoactive effects. It can only work best when the dosing guideline is followed to the letter, lest you start getting the negative side effects. Sativa strains have high levels of THC hence low doses are preferred for effectiveness.


Adept for social situations 

The social lifestyle that we live sometimes will affect how we live every day. That said, social anxiety will therefore affect people in many ways. People will turn to cannabis because of calming effect. But some don’t think using marijuana as a better option because they think that it can worsen the situation in one way or another.

According to our experience, we have realized that according to the anecdotal evidence, when someone hangs out in a large group of social settings, stress and anxiety will definitely build up. It’s not stated that cannabis will cure everything but taking it will surely boost your level of confidence.

Patients that suffer social anxiety will prefer taking cannabis before going to a social gathering. Cannabis works miracles by allowing them to loosen up a little bit so that they are able to face and tackle social situations that they will encounter.

Happiness and relaxation 

Being deprived off your happiness will make your day a boring one. There are a lot of sativa strains out there that are geared towards ensuring your happiness is back to you. If you find out that you are confused, just talk to a budtender and he/she will help you out in choosing the best. Happiness, relaxation and euphoria are some of the common effects that are associated with the sativa strains. After a hectic day in the office, everyone will just want to have a happy day at home and feel relaxed.


Enhances mood and increases energy 

For that have consumed sativa dominant strains, they will assure you that they have experienced the best mood and lifted spirits. With the first dose, you will just feel that your body has changed with better moods, the energy has increased. In some cases, it might lead to anxiety especially when you take pure sativa. Mind your dose well because a high dose will give you the opposite effects that you anticipated.

From the medical therapeutic review, energy and elevate mood are the two major effects that people look out for. It is good that you understand the use of these strains both medically and for recreational use. Visit a 420 clinic or talk to a doctor so that you take cannabis under a safe environment medically.

When you are seeking medical assistance, it is good to ensure complete transparency with the doctor so that you get the best evaluation. A doctor will then be able to diagnose if you qualify for the medical cannabis use. Sativas are strong and spark energy levels hence will help you stay active and productive.


Improves appetite 

The two strains are known to bring about munchies, but Sativas are more preferred. Even scientifically, it is proved that sativa enhances appetite. Consuming sativa regularly will bring about cannabis munchies in just a short time.


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