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Posted 03/17/2022 in CBD



Any illness that adversely affects the psychological health of an individual can be referred to as a mental health disorder. Mental health disorders are characterized by symptoms that impair sufferers' cognitive and neurological well-being. However, this is not to say that mental health disorders cannot also cause physiological symptoms.

Most notably, the mental health disorder known as anxiety has been well documented to cause the development of numerous unpleasant physical disorders and symptoms. Cannabis is a medication that is very often used for the treatment of anxiety as well as the physical symptoms accompanied by the disorder. 

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the second most prevailing of the effective components of cannabis (marijuana). While CBD is a fundamental element of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from hemp or homegrown cannabis auto flowering seeds and other marijuana strains. While CBD is an element within marijuana, by itself, it does not cause a "high."

One of the functions of CBD is for the treatment of anxiety disorders and any symptoms such disorders may cause. The medication is most typically available in CBD oil or concentrate form. The dosage of CBD required to treat an individual's anxiety depends on the severity of their symptoms.

CBD subdues anxiety and its symptoms by enhancing the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitters within the brain's central nervous system. When active, CBD prevents the activity of neurological impulses that would otherwise cause the experiencing of anxiety symptoms.

What Is Anxiety?

There is a distinction between anxiety disorders and periodic emotional experiences of anxiety. The latter is a natural incident that should only occur when an individual is undergoing a period of substantial stress. In nearly all cases, this kind of anxiety disappears along with the stressor once it has been dealt with or removed from the individual's environment.

The purpose of naturally occurring anxiety emotions plays an important role in the lives of mentally healthy individuals. This is because the feelings of unease and stress will encourage these individuals to find solutions to their stressors as immediately as possible.

Anxiety Disorders Are Different

Although common symptoms are consistent with what one may experience with natural and healthy instances of anxiety, the feeling of unease and nervousness dealt with by people suffering from an anxiety disorder are frequently constant and without relief. The body can experience these sensations even without any apparent stressors.

As mentioned, anxiety disorders are also accompanied by physical symptoms, the most notable of which is a panic attack. Upon the onset of a panic attack, the brains of sufferers will trigger the release of copious volumes of adrenaline and cortisol hormones even when the individual is inactive.

These two hormones produce emotions of distress, increase an individual's heart, and can lead to painful muscular spasms surrounding the heart. Many sufferers feel they are experiencing a heart attack when panic attacks are triggered. This state of hyper-arousal is one of the worst symptoms of anxiety.

What Causes Anxiety?

According to contemporary research on the topic, anxiety disorders can be passed onto offspring via genetic heredity. We also know that post-traumatic distress can lead to the development of anxiety. Furthermore, studies show that certain narcotic substances such as cannabis can trigger latent anxiety disorders that would otherwise take years to manifest.

CBD compound holds a treasure trove of benefits for people who suffer from anxiety. Aside from relieving seizures, arthritis, lack of appetite, and chronic pain, this compound also targets anxiety symptoms. As a bonus, CBD does not cause intoxication or psychoactive effects when consumed. One can also buy cheap weed seeds and extract natural compounds in the comfort of their home.

It comes as no surprise that CBD's inherent anxiolytic properties work in humans because of the two endocannabinoid receptor systems in their bodies - CB1 (cannabinoid receptors in the central nervous system) and CB2 (cannabinoid receptors in the peripheral nervous system). The presence of these receptors allows people with anxiety to reap the benefits of CBD too.

Research suggests that CBD functions like Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors by stimulating specific serotonin receptors in the brain (known as 5-HT1A receptors) to block serotonin's absorption temporarily. By doing this, CBD increases the level of serotonin in the brain's synaptic cleft. Consequently reducing anxiety improves one's mood.


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