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Posted 01/28/2020 in CBD Oils

Uses of CBD Oil and Benefits to Users

Uses of CBD Oil and Benefits to Users

How Can CBD Oils Help Various Medical Conditions


For a very long time, professionals, scientists, and researchers have held the conversation about marijuana, many arguing for its legalization while others speaking against the plant. Among these conversations have been people who have taken it further to reveal the many benefits of marijuana that lay hidden and how the product can be used to alleviate a number of ailments. One of the most useful compounds present in marijuana is CBD, which has been proved to possess a lot of health benefits. From CBD you get CBD oil, which could be used to treat different ailments including Alzheimer’s disease, multiples sclerosis and anxiety. Of course there are many benefits you could get from consuming CBD but before highlighting that, here is everything you might want to know about CBD oil.

CBD: marijuana without the high

CBD is extracted from marijuana as one of the more than 60 compounds that belong to the cannabinoids category. Unlike THC, which is known to catalyze the ‘high’ you feel after taking marijuana, CBD is silent and this is because it contains little to no intoxicating properties. Patients who consume CBD oil have reported many benefits including relief from insomnia, anxiety, pain, inflammation, and helping in the treatment of conditions like epilepsy.

Uses and benefits of CBD oil Pain relief

Due to its analgesic properties, CBD oil is suitable for people suffering from chronic pain of different kinds. This could be back pain or even full-body. CBD oil for back pain relief works instantly to relax the patient and does not have any side effects. It works by disrupting the functioning of pain receptors and instead activates the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which make the patient to feel good.  Some find using CBD for migraine headaches to be helpful.

Cancer treatment

Cancer treatment is also another reason CBD is gaining ground so quickly. It has an apparent effect on tumor growth and according to different studies, using CBD oil could result to tumor reduction or elimination. CBD has antioxidants that give an anti-mutagenic effect that helps to lower the risk of cancer.

Boosts the immune system

A lot of cannabonoids have from tests been proven to possess positive effect on the immune system of the body. CBD oil has particularly taken the biggest spot for its contribution because it is able to regulate overactive immune systems. It helps to reduce susceptibility to allergens, and has shown good progress in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Good for treatment of anxiety

An anxiety study conducted by German researchers in 2012 and published in the Transitional Psychiatry journal compared CBD with Xanax to use of CBD. The results were that the treatments were both effective, but CBD had a short side effect profile that outshined the pharmaceutical option.

Could help one quit smoking

CBD has also proved to have the ability to help one quit smoking. A study was conducted and published on Addictive Behaviors that reveals that CBD can help smokers to quit smoking. The findings of the study cite that smokers who used CBD smoked fewer cigarettes and did not show signs of having additional craving for nicotine.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes occurs as a result of inflammation when one’s immune system launches an attack on cells in the pancreas. A study published on the Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation journal showed that CBD can help to ease inflammation, particularly in the pancreas among patients of type 1 diabetes. Side effects A lot of studies have been done to investigate the side effects likely to be seen among patients who use CBD oil, but there has been no significant cases reported. The most common side effect is tiredness, with some people reporting diarrhea and loss of appetite. However, these are in most cases not permanent effects and only occur when one is new to CBD. Dosage The right dosage of CBD depends on an individual and the condition one is trying to treat. Patients of chronic pain need 5 mg per day till when pain subsides, those with multiple sclerosis may use up to 80 mg each day for a period of two to three weeks. The amount required for most medicinal applications is 25 mg twice per day. You should only increase dosage on a gradual scale to ensure your body responds well. Also make sure to consult your doctor to know if some conditions might prohibit you from taking CBD products.


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