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Posted 10/30/2021 in Culture by HappyMD

What’s With All the Hype About Cannabis-Infused Beverages?

What’s With All the Hype About Cannabis-Infused Beverages?

Check Out Why There' So Much Hype About Cannabis-Infused Beverages?

For years, the main mode of consuming cannabis has been through smoking. Then edibles were introduced and marijuana enthusiasts loved them. At the moment, cannabis-infused beverages, also known as weed drinks, are the newest trend in the marijuana market.

 What’s With All the Hype About Cannabis-Infused Beverages?

Everyone is talking about how great they are. Even recently, Ellen DeGeneres confessed to having taken a couple of cannabis beverages before taking her wife to the hospital. Even though this story was received by some criticism, looking at the THC content which is 2mg, she really wasn’t driving under the influence. Because when you compare three bottles of weed drinks to the prescription pills people are allowed to take and drive or operate machinery, Ellen was far from being ‘under the influence’.


That aside, cannabis-infused beverages are becoming a top choice for many people. They come in the form of teas, fruit juices, sodas, and any other beverages you might think of. You can even make cannabis-infused beverages at home.


How Popular are Cannabis-Infused Beverages?


In 2019, the cannabis beverage market was worth $367 million. This is according to Fortune Business insights. Fast forward to this year, the Cannabis Beverage market has shot up to $19.5 billion and it’s still growing. That’s how popular this new form of taking cannabis is.

And please note that cannabis-infused beverage's popularity isn’t linked with THC only. CBD lovers too have received weed drinks with a lot of enthusiasm. CBD, because it has been fully legalized, unlike THC that remains illegal in some states, most beverages have leaned more towards it. As a consumer, however, you don’t have to limit yourself only to CBD drinks. With a medical marijuana card, you can legally take THC-infused beverages, and have access to dispensaries as well as more marijuana strains.

Why are Cannabis-Infused Beverages So Popular?

As mentioned earlier, smoking has been the most common method of taking marijuana. The problem with smoking is that it leaves you with a dry mouth, commonly known as the cottonmouth effect. So, despite the many benefits of marijuana, the thought of being left with a dry mouth might not appeal to many people. However, when cannabis is infused into a beverage, it becomes very easy to consume.

And that’s not all, compared to edibles that take almost two hours for you to feel the desired effects, cannabis-infused beverages start to kick-in in at most, 30 minutes. The reason behind this is that when cannabis is infused in a drink, it gets absorbed first under the tongue before it gets to the stomach. Thanks to the fast digestion, you don’t have to wait longer for you to feel the effects of marijuana.

Compared to other beverages such as alcohol, cannabis-infused beverages offer pleasant results. Also, don’t forget the fact that you can make a cannabis-infused beverage at home. This means that you have the freedom to choose the dosage and beverage of choice. Whether you love sodas, tea, or juices, you can pick a drink that you really enjoy its flavor, add a tincture of cannabis, let it settle, and then enjoy your cannabis-infused drink.


Are You Looking for a More Pleasant Method of Taking Cannabis? Try an Infused Beverage Today

For long, cannabis lovers have had to endure one way of consuming their favorite herb. Thanks to technological advancements, now you can enjoy some marijuana in the form a beverage. Beverages are a very pleasant way of taking marijuana. The taste is amazing, you don’t have to worry about having a dry mouth after. Also, there is no judgment from other people because a weed drink is more subtle than vaping or smoking. Meaning, you can take it in public without people looking at you awkwardly.

It’s also worth mentioning that cannabis drinks can be intoxicating. That’s why if you are getting started, it’s advisable that you take it slow. The more you drink, the sooner you will realize how many bottles you can handle. The good thing about cannabis-infused beverages is that there are no hangovers. The only thing you have to brace yourself for is the munchies that kick in fast.

Do you need a medical marijuana card?


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