Check Out Which states allow out of state patients to buy Medical Marijuana?
Which states allow out of state patients to buy Medical Marijuana? When you want to find out where you might be able to medicate with marijuana it is important to know what you can or cannot do with your card or in states that allow cannabis.
If you are living in a region that has not made the move to legalize cannabis yet then you might be thinking about going to another state that has in order to get it. This can be a bad idea for a number of reasons. And there are other options. What are those you might wonder? Well, some states today will authorize qualified patients to access cannabis programs even though they are from out of state. It might be a small number of areas willing to do it but those limited options still provide value for those who are looking to medicate when they need it most.
A number of regions will often permit patients to access dispensaries for medicinal cannabis in a reasonable amount but these rules surrounding cannabis are always evolving around the country. The number of cannabis friendly states is growing as more embrace recreational and legalization for medicinal purposes. Some states have a cannabis reciprocity program and that means you can look to access cannabis for patients even when a guest.
These are states that currently have medicinal cannabis programs in place
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Dakota
Rhode Island
Washington D.C.
West Virginia
For those states that might accept out of state MMJ cards you can check with these regions:
New Hampshire
New Mexico
Rhode Island
Washington DC
States that allow medicinal marijuana reciprocity
If you have a MMJ card it does not mean you can automatically use that medical marijuana card in any state for any dispensary that is around the country. There are different rules in different areas and some might not recognize the card that you are using. There are some reciprocity laws in place though that are going to make it easier to get out of state marijuana when you need it if you have that out of state marijuana card.
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, and other areas, can make those sorts of exceptions. There are qualifying patients that might be able to access cannabis, those with Crohn's disease, cancer, glaucoma, Hep C, PTSD, chronic pain, and other ailments. These are just some of the conditions that are met for those individuals who are trying to get medical marijuana with a MMJ card that they might have when they are in another state.
In regions that make those exceptions it is possible to use out of state cards like MMJ cards and legally purchase the medicine needed. The individual might need to fill out a visiting patient form and provide their medical cannabis information before purchasing and also pay a fee, applicable taxes, any fees associated. For those that do need cannabis when they travel though it is good to know it is possible in some way under certain circumstances.
Some States that have recreational cannabis programs in place in 2021
Recreational cannabis regions that already have their adult-use recreational dispensaries operational, in regions like Arizona, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, enable those over 21 to make adult use purchases of cannabis flower, edibles, and other products.
There are limits for how much you can possess or grow for medicinal cannabis today. The taxes on these products also vary around the country. In a growing number of places today like California, Washington, and other regions, recreational cannabis is also being approved making it easier for more to access cannabis products. For areas like Washington DC they are only known to allow reciprocity for cannabis from certain states that have similar systems for cannabis legalization like they do for medicinal marijuana. That would be places like Maine, Hawaii, Florida, Colorado, and other areas.
It is only MMJ patients who are authorized who are able to legally purchase from dispensaries in D.C. There are still strict rules over cannabis trading, growing, and possession around the U.S. even in D.C. too.
In a place like Maine where individuals are expected to be 21 to possess marijuana and use it, changes for the cannabis market have come over time. Adults are able to possess up to a certain amount, 2.5 ounces of marijuana and also they can have no more than 5 grams of marijuana concentrate. Only a few plants are allowed to be grown, up to 3 flowering plants for cannabis growing.
Medical cannabis patients from different states can seek to use their patient status to make purchases in Maine for cannabis or concentrates etc, at the medicinal dispensaries in the region there if they have their proper identification. They recognize medical cannabis patients that are coming from states like:
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New Jersey
New York
North Dakota
Rhode Island
Washington D.C.
It is worth it to seek out those states that you are going to travel to and see if they will honor the out of state MMJ card to give access to cannabis. This is because it does happen and can be possible for cannabis users. Still, there are a variety that will not recognize those MMJ cards either, like Oregon. However there is still access for recreational cannabis sales here. It is legal for those 21 and over to purchase cannabis in Oregon. This means possession of up to 1 oz of flower, 16 oz of solid infused edibles, 72 ounces of infused cannabis liquid, or 1 ounce of concentrates, or 16 oz of cannabis topicals.
In an area like Utah you will see that there are qualifying conditions to access cannabis for medicinal purposes. Patients must meet those conditions before they can gain reciprocity. And this means being able to purchase from state licensed cannabis medical dispensaries. Some of those conditions include Autism, cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's, Epilepsy, PTSD, and more.
In Washington they have legalized cannabis for recreational purposes for those who are 21 years and older. They can purchase cannabis from one of many cannabis stores in the state, or other cannabis products. Adults can possess up to 1 oz of cannabis flower, 16 oz of edibles, 72 oz of infused liquids, or 7 grams of concentrates.
Some of those states that are not going to be cannabis friendly and who do not have reciprocity include regions like Georgia, Hawaii, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
Last year in 2020 we saw that several more states made the move for legalization. This includes regions like New Jersey, Montana, South Dakota, and Arizona. Those changes could be some time before they unfold however and we see the market flourish in full. In general it means that adults over 21 are now able to possess cannabis legally if recreational sales have been permitted. The taxes are going to vary on those purchases from one state to the next.
While it seems like a great amount of progress has been made there are still a number of states that don't have medicinal or recreational cannabis markets. This means millions of people living in those states cannot access cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes. Just the same if they are living in other states and want to travel to a state that isn't legalized yet for marijuana, they have to choose between going to that state or medicating. It can be tougher for some than others. As the legalization for cannabis movement grows though and more states make changes it is expected that at some point federal changes will finally be revamped as well. This means that we could see cannabis become federally legalized in the U.S. at some point. That path isn't clear yet though on when they might get there.
Around the U.S. today there are thousands of different cbd and cannabis products to find. This means that patients and adult users can find a method of taking cannabis in many different ways. These products are making their way into markets around the U.S. including food and self care products like body creams. Those are even being sold at dispensaries too now. This includes many cbd and thc creams, vapes, bath bombs, oils, edibles, and other food products. As well as plenty of cannabis flower, concentrates, and other items. There are hundreds of farmers around the country who are farming hundreds of acres of cannabis to make all of this possible and to fuel that growing demand for cannabis in the country. Those medicinal cannabis patients who need their supply need to find a steady supply and be able to find places that make it easy to access what they need. The reciprocity cannabis program in some areas is going to help to do that.
States Where Medical Cannabis and Recreational Cannabis is Illegal Still Today
North Carolina
It is important today to be aware of where there are still restrictions on cannabis in the U.S. because it could mean fines or even jail time and there are many who have seen tickets because of their cannabis use. Knowing what places have harsh restrictions in place is going to help patients to know what areas aren't open to cannabis reciprocity. In the meantime there are other areas that are already showing that they are open to that process and giving cannabis users the opportunity to get what they need and verify their cannabis needs somewhere other than their home state.
Taking that MMJ card to another state for some can be a quick way to get into an opportunity that will bring cannabis access. In states that only have medicinal markets established, that do not have recreational marijuana, how are individuals from out of state supposed to access the products? The cannabis reciprocity that some offer is the best solution in connecting the suppliers to those who need it most and making sure that those who need the products are going to be the ones getting them. Just because one state does recognize a MMJ card also doesn't mean that it works the other way around.
If for example Colorado doesn't recognize out-of-state MMJ cards in their own state for use and purchases of cannabis that doesn't mean that others might not recognize a Colorado MMJ card. In some places the Colorado card is going to be recognized in areas like Arizona, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, Oregon, and Rhode Island. It doesn't always work both ways with both states accepting the MMJ card from the other so knowing the specific rules on where you are going is important. There are some states out there that are going to make exceptions for patients that need it and there is a process to go through to take advantage of that opportunity for medicinal cannabis and to be able to use out of state MMJ cards.
These states around in the U.S. like Alabama and other regions that don't legalize cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes are still going to have harsh penalties today in place for those who are caught engaging in cannabis use in that area. Legalization might be happening around these areas but there are still prohibition rules for cannabis market activities in those areas that are going to mean that medicinal cannabis patients cannot make a purchase like they normally would from a cannabis dispensary. This makes it more difficult to get what they need and to travel into those places. As well, it is difficult for patients living in those states too. With cannabis criminalization in these sates like Tennessee, Wyoming, Iowa, Alabama, Idaho, and other areas, this means no growing, trading, selling, using etc. But regardless of the few that have not legalized for medicinal or recreational purposes yet there are many other areas that have and now millions in the U.S. have access to the cannabis market.
Knowing what regions might accept those MMJ cards and make allowances for purchases then is good information to have for any cannabis users that might be traveling around the U.S. and looking to purchase products that they need for medicinal purposes.
Can you get a MMJ card if you don't live in that specific state?
The answer to this question varies widely according to the state you are considering. In general the answer to the question on can you get an MMJ card for a state you do not live in the answer is no. However, if you are looking at whether you can get an MMJ card if you do not live in that state well there might be one area that is different. That is in Hawaii, there is an exception and they allow individuals to apply for reciprocity through their program. There are dispensaries around the U.S. in certain regions that will accept out of state IDs and MMJ cards. In places that have legalized recreational cannabis though you will find that it isn't needed.
Medical marijuana reciprocity is an effective program for cannabis patients because it refers to the method of how they can access their medicine in other places. The reciprocity simply refers to whether or not a particular state is going to recognize that MMJ card because of similar cannabis laws and allow that cannabis access. This means that cannabis patients would be able to legally purchase medical marijuana when they are on the go, visiting family, on vacation etc, and when they are not in their home state. This is when those patients are going to need it the most and some states make it easier for them to medicate by lawfully being able to purchase what they need. The reciprocity programs through states that work this way are helping cannabis patients more than they realize by enabling those purchases and usage.
With cannabis reciprocity it means that there will be more cannabis opportunities. Those cannabis laws are going to be ultimately providing some measure of protection for individuals who are non-resident medical cannabis patients. When they travel or are in other areas they might still need access. How are they going to get it? These reciprocity laws can be the answer to that and have been for many. It has enabled a number of individuals who use cannabis to find what they need. With these rules it generally requires patients to meet certain qualifications, to carry documentation of their status etc, and to go through a process first before simply going in to make a purchase of cannabis in what they need. A medicinal cannabis card might already have been obtained from somewhere else but now that needs to be verified in the new place to make sure that everything is as it should be, and then the approval comes with opportunity to make those purchases and access cannabis dispensaries that are needed. In general it isn't going to take that long to do and is worth it to those who need it and who need the access. Which states allow out-of-state patients to buy medical marijuana?