Check Out Why Medical Cannabis Use is Growing
It turns out that the expansive subject of cannabis-cannabinoid based medicine is even more vast than we thought, for the latest research finds that Endocannabinoids can bind to at least eight receptors with other cannabinoid receptors just discovered these past few years. The combinations are endless, there hundreds, thousands of strains containing different cannabinoids, like THC, CBD, CBN, CBC and the medicinal terpenes all interplay with this array of receptors and enzymatic systems that are unique to each individual.
However, fortunately, the action of combinations can be effectively and safely be established through careful trial and error.
Normalizes learning and memory
Normalizes Neuronal development & synaptic plasticity
Normalizes reward and addiction
Treats pain
Treats neuroinflammation and degeneration
Normalizes metabolism & food intake
Normalizes bone mass
Normalizes Cardiovascular effects
Normalizes Allergic and autoimmune inflammatory diseases
Normalizes Loss of bone mass
Normalizes Neurodegenerative diseases
Normalizes Ischemic injury from stroke - heart attack
Normalizes Chronic pain
Normalizes Liver injury and disease
Normalizes Alcohol and nicotine addiction
Normalizes Weight gain
Normalizes Stress responses
Cannabinoid receptors are found membranes (the cell walls) of many cell types. These cannabinoid receptors dial up and dial down many physiological processes, including nerve activity, motor skills,appetite, pain-sensation, mood, immune function, and memory among others.
Cannabinoid membrane receptors are activated by chemicals in the body called endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids were so named because they activate the same receptors as phytocannabinoids (cannabis). The cannabinoids cannabidiol or CBD, THC or synthetic cannabinoids like HU-210 are fat soluble compounds and can drastically dial up or down a body function.
For example, in pain, THC can dial down the receptor that amplifies the feeling of pain. Good. CBD can dial down nervous activity, in the case of Epilepsy, this means less or no seizures. In the case of THC, the brain receptors involved in creative function may be activated in a positive fashion. For writers and artists, this is good.
Until recently, the main (and only) cannabinoid receptors are the CB1 and CB2, each governing over a different set of physiological and mental functions. Now appears there are at least three other cannabinoid receptors. For example, the CB1 receptor is primarily found in the cellular membranes of the brain, central nervous system, lungs, liver and kidney. The CB2 receptor found mostly in the cells of the immune system, blood and marrow.
Another cannabinoid receptor type appears to exist in the covering of blood, lymph, other vessels and casing of the organs. In hyper-inflammation, there can be constriction of the different vessels, causing pressure to build up and dysfunction results. CBD and other cannabinoids measurably dial down a hyper-immune / inflammatory response by activating the receptors, whereby the vessels relax, constriction and obstruction is reduced, and flow of blood and lymph fluid improves, along with better overall function of the patient.
Pharmaceutical companies' main trick is to emulate nature. The story of Aspirin illustrates nicely the process. If you take a traditional medicine like willow bark, the folk remedy to kill pain was to make a tea or simple extract and take it internally. Along comes science and they find that acetylsalicylic acid is the active ingredient that makes it "go".
The scientist plays around in the lab and finds a way to separate the willow bark from the active ingredient. Then along comes the pharmaceutical company who buys the scientist - this is the best way to put it - and the process is patented and scaled up, so that millions of units of aspirin may be sold at astronomical profit.
Never mind if the purified aspirin was better than the original willow bark. Never mind that the many other medicinal ingredients of willow bark were lost in the process. Never mind that the very affordable herbalist would be removed from the practice of "orthodox" medicine in the process.
The next step in the complete bastardization of medical science comes with creating synthetic derivatives of nature's cure. These derivatives can have an action that is ten, one hundred or one thousand times more than the original. Imagine one pint of beer, one pint of whiskey, one hundred gallons of vodka. Imagine running your stereo at a party at 3 x the normal power upper limit.
It turns out that synthetic, non-natural derivatives are typically poisonous, while being hyper effective. Your high blood pressure may drop like a rock, saving your life perhaps, but you've made a deal with the devil so to speak, because of the toxic side effects. At the end of the day, nature's remedies, which may afford better results, certainly over the long haul, have been regulated out of the mainstream medical process. It's a criminal, anti-scientific anti-human process based on greed and don't give a fuck.
So too have synthetic cannabinoids been developed which afford much stronger activity, such as knocking out pain completely. It would appear that anything that a cannabinoid can do, there might be a synthetic cannabinoid that can be created to work 100x more "effectively". Surely there is a now a synthetic cannabinoid that may afford outstanding relief in some cases, perhaps spinal injury, brain trauma, but the president and rules of biochemistry not only imply, but state, that natural molecule forms are the ones to use medically.
As medical and recreational marijuana becomes legalized across the country, increasingly big pharma money will invade the sector. Regulations will increase to the point where small growers and distributors will be wiped out or at least greatly curtailed. Then comes the standardization of the product, where the quantity THC and CBD is more consistent. The the "safety" regulations will include a list of toxic chemical sprays that can be used to insure a "quality" product without mold or bacteria. At the end of the day, this process leads to a horrible product as distant from nature as "science" could afford to do.
The Factory Food ,Big-Agri, Big-Pharma process using "purified": ingredients, chemicals, pasturizaqation, Xrays, Monsanto , and other so called hygienic processes is the height of stupidity - it's like calling a turd gourmet when its wrapped up in a scientific wrapper. It's pretty simple, unnatural processes and chemicals are a disaster."
Cannabinoid receptor CB1 are widely expressed in the brain byGαi protein-coupled receptors.
CB1 endocannabinoid-mediated depolarization-induces suppression of inhibition.
CB1 receptor can activate reduction in GABA-mediated neurotransmission.
Endocannabinoids are released from neurons that bind to CB1 receptors to cause a reduction in GABA release.
CB1 receptors are also found in the liver,
Activation of the CB1 receptor increases the formation of useful fatty acids within the liver and body.
Endocannabinoids coupled with cannabinoid receptors probably play a major role during pre- and postnatal development.
CB2 receptors are mainly expressed on immune T cells, macrophages and B-hematopoietic cells.
CB2 responding cannabinoids also have a function in keratinocytes.
CB2 receptors are also expressed on peripheral nerve terminals.
CB2 receptors play a role in the relief of pain.
CB2 receptors In the brain, they are mainly expressed by microglial cells.
CB2 receptor-mediated effects of endocannabinoids on the immune and immune-derived.leukocytes - T and B lymphocytes - monocytes/macrophages - dendritic cells, mast cells - microglia in the brain - Kupffer cells - astrocytes
Potential cellular targets of cannabinoids is expanding, includes:
endothelial and smooth muscle cells
fibroblasts of various origins
neuronal elements of the peripheral or central nervous systems
Newly Discovered Cannabinoid Receptors
The existence of other cannabinoid receptors was implied in the research findings as the action of cannabidiol that produces cannabinoid-like effects on blood pressure and inflammation, yet it does not activate either CB1 or CB2.
Other molecular biology studies have suggested that the a receptor called GPR55 should in fact be reclassified as a cannabinoid receptor CB3, now that its molecular structure and activity confirms this classification as it responds-is activated by cannabinoids.
Another cannabinoid receptor has been discovered in the hippocampus, although its gene has not yet been cloned, - there may be at least two more cannabinoid receptors to be discovered,
GPR119 is suggested to be the fifth cannabinoid receptor.
Cannabinoids are by definition are anything that activates a cannabinoid receptor in a measurable or observable way. In practice, endocannabinoids and phytocannabinoids derived from cannabis are functionally the only substances that play a major role.
After the receptor is engaged, multiple intracellular signal transduction pathways are activated. At first, it was thought that cannabinoid receptors mainly inhibited the enzyme adenylate cyclase, however, a much more complex picture has appeared in different cell types, implicating other potassium ion channels, calcium channels, and activate a host of protein-enzymes.
Therapeutically undesirable psychotropic effect and the clinically desirable ones has not been reported with agonists that bind to cannabinoid receptors. THC, as well as the two major endogenous compounds that bind to the cannabinoid receptors produce most of their effects by binding to both the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. The effects mediated by CB1 are mostly in the central nervous system have been thoroughly investigated, but those mediated by CB2 are so well defined and researched.
Cardiovascular Activity of Cannabinoids
Studies suggest that the activation of CB1 receptors in human and rodent cardiomyocytes,coronary artery and inflammatory cells promotes activation of reactive oxygen species generation, cell death, and cardiovascular inflammatory response both in the lab, as well as in models of atherosclerosis, heart failure, and vascular inflammation.
Cannabinoid treatments
Synthetic tetrahydrocannabinol or d9THC is prescribed under the names: dronabinol and Marinol, for the treatment of vomiting and to enhance appetite primarily in people with AIDS In addition synthetic forms are used in refractory nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy. THC is also an active ingredient in a pharmaceutical called nabiximols, a specific formulation-extract of Cannabis that was approved as a botanical drug in the UK. This mouth spray is prescribed to people with multiple sclerosis to alleviate neuropathic pain, spasticity, overactive bladder syndrome among other symptoms.
MMJDOCTORONLINE NOTES - New Patients can get their medical recommendation and Cannabis ID online here quickly and affordably. The process takes only a few minutes of your time, and your E-rec will be in your inbox for use today. Our documents are used in the State of California to purchase cannabis at dispensaries, cannabis clubs, cooperatives, compassion clubs and at other points of access.
Having a Cannabis ID card qualifies you to:
Cheaper marijuana- cannabis patients don't pay much of the state tax.
Buy stronger strains - in some places only medical patients can purchase exotic and super strong strains.
Buy concentrates - some counties prohibit the purchase of concentrates by recreational users.
Possess, buy and grow more weed, medical patients can hold, buy or grow double - or more weed and concentrate, depending on your conditions. this means you can take buy and save more when you find a deal.
And there's more..!
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