Learn About Getting a Medical Marijuana Card in California for Insomnia
Explore information about the benefits of getting a California medical marijuana card for insomnia. Dealing with insomnia can be a nightmare. For people who have never experienced insomnia in their lives, it might be hard for them to understand, but if you’ve ever gone through it or a loved one close to you, then you probably know how awful it can be.
Insomnia is also referred to as sleeplessness, since it is a rest issue whereby you find it difficult to sleep. A sleeping disorder is normally caused by low volatility, discouraged state of mind, and fractiousness. Insomnia is a danger to one’s health and may even result in vehicle accidents. Sleep deprivation may go for weeks and even months. Therefore, it is a serious issue that needs to be handled in due time.
There are various types of insomnia which we are going to talk about here today. These types include:
1. Chronic Insomnia
Chronic insomnia is a long-term pattern of having difficulty sleeping. If someone finds it difficult to sleep for three nights a week for at least three months or longer, then this is considered to be chronic insomnia. Most people with chronic insomnia have a long history of finding it difficult to sleep. Chronic insomnia may be caused by a lot of things.
2. Acute Insomnia
Acute insomnia is normally caused by life events such as stress, change of work, travel or bad news. The good thing about acute insomnia is that it can resolve without the need for any treatment.
3. Onset Insomnia
Onset insomnia often leads to poor sleep due to having difficult falling asleep at the beginning of the night.
4. Comorbid Insomnia
Comorbid insomnia is a type of insomnia that occurs together with another condition. Some of the things that are associated with sleep changes include depression and anxiety. Therefore, various medical conditions may cause insomnia make someone uncomfortable during the night, similar to cases like arthritis or back pain; they may make it difficult for someone to sleep.
Causes of Insomnia
You will note that your sleep could be disrupted by certain habits, stress or even some life events. Which basically means that if you are to treat your insomnia, it is best to tackle the specific underlying issue. Some of the causes of insomnia are as highlighted below.
• Stress – When your mind is extremely active at night as you think about your finances, work, health or even school. This will definitely affect your ability to sleep normally.
• Poor Sleep Pattern – When you alter the pattern of your sleep time and instead watch TV, eat or even work on your bed, this interrupts your sleep.
• Work schedule – When you alter your normal work routine, you can be fatigued to the point whereby you can’t sleep properly.
• Too much food before bedtime – You will feel extremely uncomfortable when you eat too much before sleeping. This may also lead to acid reflux, a condition that is uncomfortable and will not let you sleep properly.
Highlighted below are the Symptoms of Insomnia
• Being awake during the night
• Hard to fall asleep during bedtime
• You wake up very early
• Feeling fatigued after having a night’s sleep
• Anxiety
• Sleepiness during the day
Cannabis and Medical Marijuana – Insomnia Symptoms It Can Treat
There are various symptoms that medical marijuana can treat such as:
• Difficulty sleeping – Cannabis is known to be an effective tranquilizer because it can help to re-establish the regular rest cycle of a person, which means if you are struggling with a sleeping disorder, your rest cycle might drop from adjusting.
• Anxiety – Cannabis has been proven to help relieve despondency and tension, which is a symptom of struggling with sleeping disorder and not getting enough rest.
• Headache – Lack of sleep can lead to headaches. The good news is that medical marijuana can also help treat persistent migraines.
• Poor concentration – Cannabis is also known to help you deal with issues such as lack of concentration. The herb can to improve your focus efficiently.
Medical Uses of Marijuana for Insomnia
There are different ways of using medical marijuana for insomnia such as smoking and vaping. When you use either of these two methods, the impact can kick in faster than expected and provide the best results.
However, this is considered for a case where someone is experiencing extreme issues that are adding up to sleep disorder. When you have quick relief from the issue you’re facing, it helps you feel better, which makes you have improved concentration and rest well.
However, the disadvantage of smoking and vaping tend to wear of faster even if they have quick results. Therefore, this means that if the impact wears off in the middle of the night, it can cause to wake up. Another thing is that smoking may also cause breathing issues due to all the side-effects associated with it.
There’s the option of expanding the edibles which are mixed with cannabis. In order for the cannabis to produce the best results, you may need to stand somewhere for about 30 minutes or a few hours. That means it is quite difficult for edibles wear off right away. But, the advantage of mixing cannabis with edibles is that the impact lasts longer and doesn’t wear off faster compared to vaping or smoking. Therefore, this is an ideal option to consider.
How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card for Insomnia in California
The fastest way to get a medical marijuana card in California for insomnia in California is through a doctor’s recommendation. The good news is that you can sign up online at HappyMD. It is voluntary to enroll in the state California Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC).
Some of the requirements include:
1. You need to have a qualifying chronic health condition
2. Be above 18 years and if you are minor, you need to have the consent of your parent.
Other qualifying conditions for you to get a medical marijuana card include:
• Arthritis
• Cancer
• Severe nausea
• Migraine
There are many other health conditions that qualify you to have a medical marijuana card. Once you sign up online and get the MMJ recommendation online letter, you can use it in medical marijuana dispensaries in the California state.
The benefit of having the California medical marijuana card is that cannabis is more affordable because it has tax breaks, since you’ll only be required to pay local taxes and be exempted from state taxes. MMJ patients can also have a primary caregiver and or get a growers recommendation to cultivate their own cannabis at home.