Can you get a California medical marijuana card for muscle spasm
As we age, several things can go wrong. One of those is an unwanted involuntary contraction of the muscles. This occurs in the back of your lower leg, arms, feet, hands, the front and back of your thighs.
Many people use alternative healing methods to stop the pain accompanied by muscle spasms. One of the best treatments that has proven to work is medical cannabis. Unlike over-the-counter analgesics like naproxen and ibuprofen, medical marijuana combats the pain and residual soreness effectively.
To buy medical cannabis, you need to obtain a California medical marijuana card. Over 1000 dispensaries accept this card in California, and it's valid for a year.
Want to know how to obtain a medical marijuana card in California? Do you want to know if muscle spasms qualify under the California Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program?
Keep reading!
Do Your Muscle Spasms Qualify You for Medical Marijuana in California?
In 1996, California passed Prop 215 or the Compassionate Use Act in 1996. Also known as the Medical Use of Marijuana Initiative, this law permits medical cannabis use despite the federal government classifying it as a Schedule I substance.
This law, which was passed with more than 5 million votes, permits patients to obtain medical cannabis from local dispensaries in California. It also designates primary caregivers to possess, cultivate, and buy medical cannabis for patients.
Besides Prop 215, another law that legalizes cannabis is Senate Bill 420. Both laws also list medical conditions that qualify for medical marijuana.
So, does muscle spasm qualify for medical cannabis? Yes, it does. Under California law, muscle spasms, including those associated with multiple sclerosis, qualify for medical cannabis treatment.
What Are Muscle Spasms?
A muscle spasm is the sudden contraction of a muscle. It's also the involuntary and unintentional contraction of muscles in our thighs and legs.
Experts identified the following areas as the most affected:
Front and back of your thighs
Around your ribcage
Back of lower leg
The involuntary contractions are usually accompanied by pain, lasting from a few seconds to several minutes. You need to know that if a muscle spasm lasts for more than a minute, it becomes a muscle cramp.
What Are the Causes of Muscle Spasms?
A muscle spasm feels like a mild twitch with mild pain, but the pain can become severe if relief is not immediately available. In most cases, the spastic muscle may feel hard to the touch. In other cases, it may appear distorted with visible signs of twitching.
There are several causes of muscle spasms:
Exercising especially in intense heat
Insufficient stretching before or after working out
Muscular fatigue
Depletion of minerals and salts
Certain medication
Compression of your nerves
Straining a muscle
Who Is at Risk of Muscle Spasms?
Muscle spasm can occur any time. You may be working out at home or the gym or even taking a walk. It can also happen while you sleep or in the field, playing a sport.
What you need to know is that muscle spasms can happen to anyone. But it's more prone to the elderly( over 65 years), infants, and those who are ill. It's also common among endurance athletes and those who are overweight.
Older people are susceptible to muscle spasms due to muscle atrophy. This usually starts when one approaches their 40s, and it accelerates due to a lack of physical activity.
Does Cannabis Work for Muscle Spasms?
Recent scientific studies have proven that medical cannabis is a viable treatment for muscle spasms. Coping with aching muscle spasms has become a way of life for more than 2.5 million people worldwide. As much as 15 million people with spinal cord injuries also experience pain, which limits movement.
Given this outlook, we can understand why many people sought relief with medical cannabis. In a 1982 study, researchers sought to determine the efficacy of marijuana as a treatment for muscle spasms. Forty-three participants smoked cannabis.
Researchers observed that 21 out of 43 participants experienced decreased muscle spasms after smoking marijuana during the study. Some even went ahead to say that it relieves nausea and improved sleep quality.
A 1997 study also came to the same conclusion. In this study, 112 regular marijuana users with multiple sclerosis participated. Researchers discovered that every participant found relief with marijuana during the study, especially from spasticity and pain.
In another study, researchers from the University of California enlisted 30 participants. The participants smoked marijuana. From the study, researchers wanted to know if marijuana is an effective treatment for spasticity.
The participants were an average of 50 years. Half of the participants were male, while the other half were female. Among the participants, 20% needed walking aids.
They were each assigned to smoke marijuana or a placebo. What researchers discovered is that participants who smoked marijuana experienced relief compared with those given a placebo.
How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card for Muscle Spasms in California
If you suffer from muscle spasms, you can pursue medical marijuana as a treatment. But before obtaining medical cannabis, you need a medical marijuana card.
At HappyMD, we can help you get a California medical marijuana card online in three simple steps. Sign up at HappyMD.org. You need to fill in your details.
Our doctors, experienced in cannabinoid medicine, will review your application. If your application is successful, you'll receive a video-chat invite. The video chat gives our medical marijuana doctor a chance to learn more about your condition and medical history.
After a careful evaluation of your medical history, our doctor will recommend cannabis treatment. Immediately, you'll receive pdf copies of your medical marijuana card and recommendation.
You can use these documents to buy medical cannabis from local dispensaries in California. Hard copies of both documents are usually sent to your mail.
Want to experience relief from muscle spasms?
You get a medical card at happymd.org - Apply for your California medical cannabis card today!