Guide on Medical Marijuana Card and Commercial Driver’s License?
A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) is a mandatory requirement for all United State residents wishing to drive Commercial Motor Vehicles(CMV). The Department of Transport provides three CMV classes depending on the weight. Remember, you’ll require a valid CDL to drive any of the three CMV classes. Furthermore, you may require the CDL to operate some machines or vehicles. For instance, in New Jersey, you’ll require a CDL to drive special vans for hire (carrying approximately 8-15 passengers), buses, or a limousine.
Various reports reveal that the U.S has a shortage of CDL as they’re common with truck drivers. Reports show that various companies, such as Amazon and Walmart, are short of drivers to ferry their products across the state.
Currently, companies are paying commercial drivers more than $80000 annually. Despite the attractive salary, the rough job lifestyle makes most Americans turn away from the job or role. Sitting on the wheel, spending more time, and eating by the roadside doesn't sound good for the driver's health. The ATA reveals that America has approximately 3.5 professional truck drivers, and not all the employees are fleeing.
Naturally, any driver may have to relax or wind down after traveling long distances and spending several weeks driving. Lighting up a relaxing joint will be the best thing to cool down after the strenuous journey. It’ll be the best feeling after your job and relaxing in a recreational or medical marijuana legal state. Despite offering the best relaxation after the tiresome journey, it’s not wise to apply for the MMJ card when holding a CDL.
What is a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)?
It refers to a special license that allows an approved and tested driver to operate a specific commercial vehicle. The commercial driver’s license allows the driver to operate 18-wheeler trucks, tanker vehicles, tour buses, and vehicles carrying hazardous materials. Remember, the federal government mandates the Department of Transportation to regulate the issuance and laws of these licenses. While issuing the licenses, the type of cargo, vehicle type, number of passengers, and gross weight rating will determine the type of CDL.
What is a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Physical Exam?
The federal state requires that all CDL holders have a DOT physical and medical examination from the Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Despite routine DOT physical examinations, employers can also have random tests. The CDL physical exam involves a 30 minutes assessment to determine the driver’s physical and health ability to operate or drive a commercial motor vehicle safely and appropriately.
All CDL holders must take the examination from a certified medical examiner from the federal state. The medical examiner will review your system and organs during the examination to ensure they function appropriately. The examiner will access vital body organs like the lungs, heart, spine, liver, etc., to ensure they function appropriately.
Besides the medical examination of the body system and organs, the examination also involves the collection of urine specimens. The examiners will use the urine sample to test for drugs, including marijuana. The test is mandatory for all CDL holders in the United States.
What Can Make a Truck Driver Require an MMJ Card?
Many individuals have been viewing a truck driver's job as an easy task. Furthermore, most individuals believe that truck driving is one of the best jobs you can have in the state without a college or degree qualification. Unlike common thoughts, driving isn't all about getting behind the wheel and enjoying the journey. Long-haul drivers can spend several days to weeks delivering cargo from various miles across the state. Imagine stopping to eat at a substandard gas food station and spending most nights in motels.
Thus, it’ll be essential to incorporate movement regularly into your truck driving life. However, it’s hard for truck drivers to stop and hit the gym due to tight deadlines. Studies have associated truck driving with increased obesity levels, as most drivers usually combine high-calorie foods with little to zero exercise. Furthermore, the factors predispose most truck drivers to severe medical conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure.
Studies also link truck driving to the following conditions:
● Fatigue
● Lung complications
● Stress
● Sleep apnea
● Depression
With the numerous potential effects, it’s vital to understand why an MMJ card will be vital for a CDL holder. Most states accept applications for MMJ cards from CDL holders who believe they require the card. Nevertheless, you have to be extremely careful to prevent losing your job.
Why Can’t CDL and Medical Marijuana Card Mix?
All states with medical marijuana programs allow CDL holders to apply for the MMJ card. The authorities will provide or issue the card if the holder has a qualifying condition. Regardless of whether you own a CDL, the law entitles you to the MMJ card to allow you access to weed products. Nevertheless, you must be prepared to leave your job after returning with a positive marijuana test.
When discussing medical cannabis uses, the U.S Department of Transportation explored all the aspects. The department stated that the country’s ‘Drug and Alcohol Testing Regulation’ prohibits the use of medical cannabis under federal law (49 CFR Part 40).
Despite more than 33 states, including D.C legalizing recreational or medical marijuana, the federal government still considers marijuana illegal. DOT being a federal employer makes it complicated for CDL holders. With the federal state prohibiting the use of Schedule I drugs, the law bars all safety-sensitive employees from having any traces of marijuana in their system.
Remember, most CDL governing laws involve the feds and the state. Since 1986 the states have been setting the rules that align with the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act. Thus, the U.S Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration takes charge of all the drudge testing policies. With the mandate of the Federal government, it'll be the worst idea to use medical cannabis when having a CDL.
What are the Results of Using Marijuana and Driving CMV?
You must pass a pre-employment drug test before driving a CMV with CDL. Most companies usually administer alcohol and drug tests after crashes or accidents. Furthermore, most employers usually prefer to test their CDL drivers randomly throughout the year. Remember, the law allows your employer to administer the drug test if they suspect you’re under alcohol or drug influence.
Most employers consider a refusal to take an alcohol or blood test a failure. Test failure and refusal attract various punishments, the least being suspension of your CDL. You won’t receive your CDL until you finish an entire ‘return-to-duty’ process with a qualified substance abuse professional from the Department of Transport.
A failed alcohol and drug test on your records usually makes things tougher. This result makes it hard to apply and get another within a year or even longer after the results. Remember, the law doesn’t obligate your employer to hire you, even after completing a return-to-duty process. Besides losing your earnings, having a failed drug test may kill your driving career.
Taking Risk with MMJ and CDL
HappyMD doesn’t advocate any CDL holder to risk their job, livelihood, and licensing by using medical marijuana. However, truck drivers can legally apply for and receive the MMJ card with any qualifying conditions. You’ll have to fill in some details when applying as a CDL holder. You can then schedule an appointment with a state-approved or licensed physician and explain your medical concerns.
The physician will provide the MMJ certification if they feel or believe your conditions make you eligible for medical marijuana treatment. You can proceed to your preferred medical marijuana dispensary to purchase the medical marijuana products. You can receive the MMJ recommendation and start purchasing the products whether you’re a CDL holder or not. However, the main problem starts after or when using the products, as only one random test will ruin everything.
It’s usually hard for the United State’s truck drivers. Nevertheless, the situation is quite easy for Maine drivers. Per , you can get a medical card in Maine he state’s law doesn’t allow employees to refuse a job applicant or fire existing employees despite testing positive for cannabis during a drug screening process. Despite the relief, federal laws will always trump state laws. Remember, all transport modes, trucks, pipelines, and airlines usually undergo the same drug testing requirements. Always check with an attorney for final clarification!
What Duration Will Marijuana Take in Your System?
The extended duration marijuana takes in the system makes it risky to use medical marijuana when holding a CDL. Urinalysis is the common drug screening form for marijuana. The process involves collecting the urine sample in a cup before experts perform a lab test for various drugs. For instance, the experts will check the presence of THC-COOH metabolites when testing for weed.
These metabolites may stay in the blood system for several days, even for one-time users. Studies show that marijuana can stay in your body for approximately one week for moderate weed users, those using marijuana products four times a week. However, it may take even 11 weeks for chronic or daily marijuana users. Remember, the timeline only applies after you stop taking the products instantly.
Consider this scenario. You finish several grueling trips and have some days or weeks off. You might pick some marijuana joints to enjoy your time while relaxing or cooling off. You can get to the wheel again after four days after having a random urinalysis test. Will it be fair to lose your CDL after testing positive? No. It’s very unfair, but as long as the federal government maintains its stance on marijuana, you’ll have to follow the rules.
Bottom Line on Getting a Medical Cannabis Card with a CDL
The Need for all CDL holders to avoid drugs and have clean systems makes sense in some ways. Experts reveal that the clean system will help them get full control of powerful and large vehicles to prevent any colossal destruction that may result from poor handling. Remember, no one should be driving or behind the wheel under the influence of drugs, including marijuana. Law enforcers should crack down and punish driver driving after stoning or lighting a few joints.
Nevertheless, CDL holders having legitimate medical conditions or concerns will not enjoy or get the potential relief that comes with legal, medical marijuana use. Remember, after taking a few joints, THC-COOH metabolites remain in the body systems for several days to weeks. Thus, the regulations prevent commercial motor vehicle drivers from enjoying a puff or joint. With the extended duration of marijuana metabolites in the body, the driver risks a positive random drug test a few days later.
The regulations are a ‘hard pill to swallow’ for most drivers in the U.S as the job is usually tough and predisposes them to various medical issues. Medical marijuana use could be vital in alleviating some of the conditions. Despite the regulations, you can still get the MMJ card with your CDL, though it comes with various risks. Some drivers believe using popular and effective detoxification methods will help avoid detection.
However, regardless of what experts claim, these tactics don’t guarantee that the drug test won’t detect marijuana metabolites.
You'll still be risking your CDL even if you acquire the MMJ card and use your preferred marijuana products.
Furthermore, CMV drivers must be cautious when taking CBD products. Ensure that you only use CBD products having full third-party lab reports. Remember that consuming more THC will show the drug in your test results. Reports show some employers have fired their drivers for testing positive after taking CBD products with some THC content.