We are surrounded by innumerable defenders of marijuana as a medicine. In the age of today, everyone is interested in marijuana due to its miraculous impact on human health. Scientists and marijuana manufacturers are trying their best to add marijuana to food as well. They have infused tea and drinks with marijuana and even got it approved by FDA (Federal Drug Associations). In this account, we will see all that exists about marijuana tea.
What is marijuana?
Marijuana is a plant that is naturally grown in South-east Asia and specifically in India. Marijuana is originated from a cannabis plant and was known as a drug for ages. But now, the opinion is being revolutionized and doctors have worked on it. Now marijuana is also known as a medicine. To support this notion, doctors suggest that due to the presence of cannabinoids in marijuana makes it a medicine. And it is proved and tested that many people get better with the use of proper marijuana. Marijuana helps in treating insomnia, trauma, restlessness, anxiety, seizures, and other brain-related issues. Not only these medical benefits but it is also useful for boosting up energy and maintaining immunity. For this reason, there are immunity booster juices available in the market.
What is marijuana tea?
Marijuana tea is an infusion of traditional tea or different flavors like jasmine, lemon, and others with marijuana/cannabis. To prepare this tea marijuana is distilled in hot water and then infused with the tea flavors. It is an alternative form of vaping or smoking cannabis. It has the same effect as pot or weed. If you want to soothe or clear your mind then marijuana tea is the solution for you.
How marijuana tea is helpful – some benefits:
Medical marijuana is known for its health benefits. It has been proven to be useful for treating many diseases. The same goes for marijuana infused drinks or marijuana tea. Here are some of the benefits that marijuana tea offers you.
- It helps in relieving chronic pain due to the presence of THC and cannabinoids. It takes around half an hour to show its action. After taking marijuana tea, you will feel relaxed; and after some time, all the pain will be gone.
- It helps in clearing out anxiety and depression. Since marijuana consists of neuroprotective activity so it helps in burdening off from all the stress. The anti-oxidant properties of cannabis/marijuana also help in protecting the nerves and healing any damaged cells.
- It improves the condition of the lungs, you might not believe it, but studies prove that marijuana is healthy for the lungs. It has the properties of a bronchodilator, which means that it improves the flow of air inside the lungs. The anti-cancer properties also help in reducing the risk of lung cancer.
- A recent study proves that cannabis improves heart condition. It is proven that it lowers blood pressure and improves the circulation of blood which resultantly has a good impact on the heart. You might have heard that marijuana increases heart rate, but that is the case with vaping marijuana. If you take marijuana tea, then it will calm you down and soothe your nerves.
These are some of the benefits of marijuana tea. There are many more that are yet to unveil by scientists in the future.
Effects of marijuana tea:
Marijuana tea has low bioavailability and takes about 30-90 minutes to show its action in the human body. The time it takes to absorb in the human body depends on the person's metabolism and chemical properties of the body. If a person is healthy and their body is compatible with marijuana; then it will take only 30 minutes to dissolve. But if a person has a slow metabolism; then it might take about 2 hours to show any impact or change in the body. If you are a beginner, then you should let your body adapt to the new change. You should wait for a few hours to see how your body reacts to this new compound. Moreover, the effect of marijuana is long-lasting so, you don't have to worry even if you have to wait for even six hours. This long-lasting impact of marijuana is responsible for treating chronic diseases/pains.
How to make marijuana tea:
If you want a strong cup of marijuana tea, then you should use the buds of the cannabis plant, or else you can use leaves or stems. Now to the making of marijuana tea.
- For mild marijuana tea.
To make this tea use half a gram of cannabis flowers or buds and add half a teaspoon of butter to it. Then add two cups of water and bring it to boil till only one and a half cup remains.
- Medium strength marijuana tea.
To make this type of tea, immerse two grams of marijuana in two cups of water. To sweeten the taste, add sugar if you want. And boil it till it remains one and a half cup of tea.
- Marijuana-infused tea.
Using two bags of black tea with two cups of water, you should make tea first. You can add a quarter cup of milk if you like. Then to infuse with marijuana add two tablespoons of cannabis oil. The tea will be bitter so add some saffron candy sticks to add flavor.
If you have marijuana leaves or buds at home, then you can easily make any of them ease your pain.
Dosage for marijuana tea:
Finding the right dose for your body is quite a tricky part, so it is suggested to start from a small dose. So if you are a beginner, then start with half a cup (125 ml) daily. But if you a mediocre level marijuana taker then you can have 250 ml of marijuana tea daily and enjoy the euphoric effect of cannabis. Later if your body adapts marijuana, then you can take 250 ml of tea twice a day to relieve your pain.
Hence, marijuana tea is ideal for patients suffering from pain and is a refreshing drink to unfold the stress. Patients can grow their own marijuana at home or visit cannabis dispensaries vs order cannabis delivery.