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Posted 01/16/2023 in Health by HappyMD

Comparing Marijuana and 5 Popular Herbal Remedies

Comparing Marijuana and 5 Popular Herbal Remedies

 Comparing Marijuana and 5 Popular Herbal Remedies

Researchers revealed in a recent study that more than 80% of individuals worldwide rely on herbal or natural medicine to alleviate various health concerns. 

You can choose natural medication to alleviate your conditions via informal community networks or specialized herbalists. Most individuals consider marijuana one of the most potent and effective herbal medications to treat various health complications or issues.


Herbal remedies involve helping the body or alleviating various conditions without lab-developed pharmaceuticals or options. While marijuana remains a top natural remedy to enhance your health, we also have other natural remedies. Read through this article to see the full comparison between marijuana and the top five most popular and effective herbal remedies.


The article helps you compare and contrast the different properties of the substances, allowing you to choose the best one that suits your needs. You'll also learn about the possible side effects of using each natural home remedy.

 Comparing Marijuana and 5 Popular Herbal Remedies

What is a Herbal Remedy


Experts refer to a herbal remedy to a plant that you can use as medicine to alleviate various health concerns. Most individuals use herbal medications or therapies in the belief that the plant has properties that can help to cure or treat a wide range of diseases. Unlike conventional or pharmaceutical medicines, these herbal remedies don't undergo rigorous tests and clinical trials. In addition, there is no regulation on the use and dosage of this plant remedy.


While most medical communities respect and consider herbal remedies as an alternative way to alleviate your conditions, they're also quick to say that these remedies aren't medicines. Additionally, the team may point out that you should consider only some things that come from nature or have natural properties to be safe.


Experts and scientists are continually carrying out various research looking for the top reasons many individuals are switching to herbal medical therapy. For instance, in a certain study, the researchers found that many individuals used herbs to alleviate and treat various illnesses. The study showed that some people who didn't find conventional or pharmaceutical medication satisfying tried herbal treatment to get positive results. In addition, some participants revealed that their positive experience with this treatment form has made them opt for the natural option.


Researchers focused on another study on the usage of herbal remedies in Jordan. In the study, more than 80% of the study participants used different herbal medications. However, those who didn't use the alternatives said these treatment therapies were ineffective.


Most herbalists use different plant extracts through distillations and teas. The main purpose of using these extracts is the belief that the herbs have special remedies to help treat mild to moderate illnesses. Unlike the other preparation forms or pharmaceuticals, these herbal forms have fewer adverse effects.


Despite the technological development in Western counties, herbal medications have remained a popular form of treatment for the past 50 to 100 years. Studies show that approximately 25% of pharmaceutical medicines or drugs are plant-derived.


What is the Comparison between Marijuana and Herbal Remedies


Marijuana is a naturally growing plant and has numerous properties that individuals use for various medical or health purposes. With these properties and health benefits, you can easily refer to it as a natural or herbal remedy.


While they may have some similarities, the main difference between marijuana and other herbal remedies is that scientists and researchers have conducted numerous studies on marijuana use and safety than the other natural remedies.


With the vast research and studies, medical marijuana can eventually grow into one of the best herbal medicines. Remember, for experts to classify a plant or substance as herbal medicine, they must adhere to or follow the medical regulations for treating or preventing human diseases.


For example, Sativex is a marijuana-based medicine that adheres to all the regulations of medicines to treat various disorders or conditions. Recently, the United States approved the use of this drug to treat or alleviate illnesses in humans. Epidiolex is another medicine with marijuana CBD that the FDA has coveted and approved for individuals to treat severe seizures or epilepsy.


In contrast, health regulations prevent or restrict sellers and vendors from claiming that a certain health product has medicinal benefits or effects. Sellers can only make general claims about the substance, as the herb can help in 'managing severe pain symptoms' and 'helping users to feel much better.'


While the federal states still regard marijuana as an illegal substance and prohibit its use in the United States, authorities in Uruguay and Canada have legalized marijuana in their jurisdiction. Thus, many individuals argue that marijuana has achieved and shown positive herbal medicine status in these states to guarantee legalization.


Below is a comprehensive guideline comparing marijuana and other popular herbal remedies.


Top Five Most Popular Herbal Remedies




Gingerols or ginger is a top flowering plant that has been popular among individuals in most states for a long time. The herb has properties that individuals use as a cooking ingredient and herbal remedy for various health complications. This Southeast Asia origin plant has numerous properties that scientists have researched and found to be effective in alleviating pain.


While some evidence shows the inconsistent nature of this substance to alleviate pain, one study found that the herbal medication produced equal benefits to diclofenac when some patients with osteoarthritis patients used it to curb inflammation. Diclofenac is one of the most popular and effective prescription medications for inflammation in most diseases.


Besides helping treat osteoarthritis pain in patients, you can also use it to alleviate rheumatic and musculoskeletal pain. In another study, the result shows that consuming ginger extracts could help alleviate or reduce pain and discomfort in osteoarthritis patients' knees and other body parts.


The readily available nature and causing little to no side effects make ginger rank high among natural or herbal remedies. Adding ginger to your routine meals and diet or brewing a cup of ginger tea daily has numerous benefits. Below are some of the potential benefits of ginger

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