Cannabis Effects the Body's Homeostasis?
Many individuals find homeostasis to be a little confusing. However, most people have a clue that it's one of the vital body processes; but don't understand what exactly the term means. Homeostasis is a vital process in the body of all living things, including animals and plants. Studies show that every living thing, including plants, works better when the different cells operate at a maximum or optimal performance level.
For instance, when your body doesn’t maintain homeostasis, there might be a spike in blood pressure. Experts reveal that the average range for healthy blood pressure is between 90 to 120 (systolic) over between 60 to 80 mmHg (diastolic). Nevertheless, with proper mechanisms, homeostasis helps counter the short blood pressure spike and get it back to normal.
The Important Role that Homeostasis Play in the Body
Studies show that every mammal has an endocannabinoid system. This system is vital in our bodies, as it works with various body cells and nerves to enhance various body functions. The coordination enhances proper communication and helps to maintain healthy homeostasis. Besides the natural cannabinoids that the body produces, marijuana also has various vital cannabinoids. The vital cannabinoids present in cannabis include THC, CBG, CBN, CBD, etc. These cannabinoids work with other receptors in the body's endocannabinoid system to enhance some effects and ensure optimal body functions.
The common receptors in the body's endocannabinoid system include the CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors help in detecting and distributing different cannabinoids throughout the body, making them important in various bodily functions. For instance, cannabinoids help to alleviate inflammation or severe pain from various conditions. Besides alleviating inflammation and severe pain, cannabinoid enhances communication between cells and nerves. Studies show that reduced inflammation and increased communication help to get the body into a proper state of homeostasis or lead to a steady state.
Does Science Support the Importance of a Steady State of Homeostasis?
Studies on the beneficial attributes of cannabinoids and the importance of cannabinoids are emerging, with more scientists focusing on the association between marijuana and homeostasis. With the growth and increase in these studies, it makes it easy to understand the important role cannabinoids play in the homeostasis process. You can clearly understand the role of these cannabinoids in achieving or maintaining the body’s homeostasis state.
With advancements in the study, some researchers have conducted studies on mice to get the association with cannabinoid therapy-based medical research. The findings suggest that cannabinoids can be critical in controlling some diseases and conditions. Besides controlling the conditions, some cannabinoids may be vital in treating various symptoms and unexplained medical conditions.
The endocannabinoid system is the center of most body processes. This system helps regulate various body functions and processes that work locally between different cells in the different body organs. Studies show that the endocannabinoid system works in a unique way to allow retrograde transmission. This transmission stimulates various cells and neurons to provide feedback to each other.
You must achieve and maintain a healthy state of homeostasis in your body for proper body system functioning. Maintaining a body's state of homeostasis will be vital for your mental, physical, and enhancing overall health. Your body will start pulling other tissues and organs when the body functions or systems disrupt the homeostasis state. Making appropriate changes and adjustments will be vital to help return the body to the appropriate balance. The balancing will help to regulate the state of body homeostasis to an optimal or healthy one.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Homeostasis
Cannabis has numerous cannabinoids, but THC is one of the popular cannabinoids with various effects on the body's systems or organs. THC exists as a non-psychoactive cannabinoid acid (THCA) present in raw marijuana flowers. With exposure to intense heat, the THCA molecules change to THC. This cannabinoid is a compound with various properties that makes it easy to bind with particular brain receptors. The binding with these brain receptors results in various psychoactive effects, including the feeling of being ‘high.’
THC usually binds or interacts with two main ECS receptors (CB1 and CB2). With this marijuana component binding with these ECS receptors, researchers began studies to check if THC can influence the body’s homeostasis across various systems. Scientists from Portugal have been testing THC’s effects on endocannabinoid homeostasis. Using a human placenta, these scientists have tried exploring THC's role in apoptosis.
Apoptosis refers to a regulated process that dictates a controlled cell destruction process. Studies show that this process (apoptosis) is vital in ensuring healthy levels of cellular populations. The findings show that THC plays a key role in the apoptosis process. Research shows that in certain conditions, like cancer, there is a drop in the apoptosis process. The reduced levels of apoptosis result in the different body cells multiplying rapidly and abnormally. Some studies have revealed that THC has been vital in alleviating some cancer-related symptoms. The marijuana cannabinoids help achieve cell homeostasis, leading to increased apoptosis and positively impacting cellular and body homeostasis.
CBD and Homeostasis
Cannabidiol (CBD) is another common cannabinoid in marijuana and has numerous body effects. Research links CBD to the most health benefits of marijuana. Studies show that CBD influences the body’s endocannabinoid system in various ways. With limited studies, you can’t get a clear picture of the association between CBD and the endocannabinoid system. Thus, there is a need for more scientific research and studies on the matter.
Some continuous studies have been focusing on checking if FAAH (a protein responsible for breaking down anandamide) plays a role in homeostasis. Besides breaking down anandamide, this cannabinoid can interact with advanced peroxisome receptors. These are basically nuclear receptors vital in breaking down glucose and facilitating lipid homeostasis.
Besides helping different body systems to gain optimal states, CBD can also alleviate various conditions in the body. Despite limited studies on the human endocannabinoid system, it’s important to understand it’s important in your body. It helps you build a proper regulatory system vital for your different needs and proper body functioning.
Does CBD Oil Help in Homeostasis
CBD oil is one of the common CBD-infused products you can consider for your various benefits. These CBD-infused products may help the body to attain a state of homeostasis. CBD oil helps the body attain homeostasis in various ways. Below is how CBD interacts with various body systems to achieve and maintain body balance:
Immune system
Studies show that inflammatory and inflammation signals are vital for the immune system and body responses. Homeostasis relies on the signals these processes get from the immune system. Remember, inflammation threatens your body system and health, which may result in an imbalance. The signal results when the body responds naturally and activates the immune system to help counter the attack.
Besides attacks, inflammation may signal some diseases or conditions. Studies show that inflammation is usually common with autoimmune conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, or skin infections, including psoriasis. CBD has been essential for alleviating inflammation or severe pain in the body. It interacts with the endocannabinoid system inflammation to bring the much-needed.
The Central Nervous System (CNS)
The Central Nervous System houses one of the most important systems in the body. Studies have revealed a greater association between CBD and the CNS. The Central Nervous System achieves and maintains CBD homeostasis by relaxing and inhibiting excitation forces. Studies show that being overly excited may lead to mental ailments or psychological disorders, including anxiety. With CBD effectively alleviating anxiety and stress disorders, it may help your body achieve CNS homeostasis.
Besides anxiety and psychological disorders, inflammation may affect the Central Nervous System leading to imbalances. Taking CBD-infused products can help alleviate and correct imbalances. CBD works by activating the immune system’s anti-inflammatory biochemicals. The reaction helps curb inflammation and create balance in the central nervous system.
In addition, CBD also helps to regulate the body’s GABA system to enhance relaxation and calmness in the Central Nervous System. CBD regulates the CNS system responsible for excitation, similar to regulating the genes or triggers to inflammation in the immune system.
Endocrine or hormone system
The endocrine system plays an integral role in the body to help balance catabolic and anabolic hormones to attain homeostasis or a balanced state of the body. Anabolic hormones are forces that help in building up tissues, while catabolic hormones break down the body tissues. This system has various processes to help your body attain proper balance. For instance, the system stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin to enhance the proper and correct functioning of the body.
The process allows the pancreatic cells to produce enough insulin. The plentiful insulin helps to balance and enhance the blood sugar’s equilibrium. Remember, fluctuation in blood sugar levels adversely affects the body and systems. High insulin levels lead to hyperglycemia, while lower levels cause hypoglycemia.
Furthermore, the ECS plays an essential role in the endocrine system. The ECS regulates lipid and glucose metabolism levels. When the body has an unbalanced uptake of energy, it results in the dysregulation of the ECS. The process becomes hyperactive in different body organs that help to maintain the energy balance and enhance optimal functioning.
Various studies show that ECS dysregulation causes the accumulation of the body’s viscera fat and releases low adiponectin from the adipose tissue. CBD plays an important role in the body's return to a balanced state. CBD cannabinoids help to boost the endocannabinoid system by reducing the intensity and extent of ECS dysregulation. Furthermore, CBD also enhances body balance through the interaction of the non-cannabinoid and cannabinoid receptors.
What Happens If the Body Doesn’t Maintain the State of Homeostasis?
Homeostasis is an essential process in the body, allowing the balancing of the body's systems and functions. A disorder or disease may occur when your body is unable to maintain a balanced state. Remember, all the body systems and organs must work together to achieve and maintain balance. When any condition disrupts the balance, it affects homeostasis, causing various abnormal body processes and functions.
Homeostasis imbalance can result in two disorders or conditions; toxicity and deficiency. Deficiency occurs when various factors block the cell’s beneficial pathways. The blockages result in vital mineral and vitamin deficiency. Toxicity is more dangerous as it occurs when the cells have excess poisons or toxins inhibiting various processes or body functions.
Cells are delicate parts of the human body and system, which requires the right levels or amount of different substances. Thus, when these substances come in too high or low levels, they result in severe consequences. Therefore, all body cells usually undergo homeostasis to achieve and maintain optimal levels. Nevertheless, disrupting the immune system may lead to health deterioration and other adverse consequences.
Lastly, with the country’s Food and Drug Administration body approving any CBD or THC-infused products for homeostasis, you can't use these products as an alternative to your prescriptions. Thus, you can use these products as supplements when diagnosing, treating, and preventing any conditions.
Joining Hands to Create a Healthier and Better Future
Like any living community, like forests, you need all living things to live and function harmoniously to achieve homeostasis. Different factors live and work together harmoniously to create a healthy environment. Studies show that humankind has been the leading disruptor of the natural homeostasis balance.
Remember, like humankind can destroy an ecological system in a short time, you can disrupt your body's homeostasis balance faster. Besides helping humans, marijuana can help to create a healthy planet. It has properties vital in creating and maintaining a steady state of homeostasis.
Marijuana helps to create a balanced and steady body state; it allows the body to work at optimal levels. Research reveals optimal body functioning results in declines in numerous ailments. The state helps the body stay free from chronic pain, depression, dementia, arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, etc.
Besides alleviating various conditions, marijuana will help your body achieve a balanced homeostasis state. Getting a medical marijuana card will make it easy to access these products. By visiting HappyMD, you’re sure of a straightforward medical marijuana card 420 doctor evaluation before receiving your MMJ online. Get your MMJ card today to enjoy easy access to medical marijuana products to help you achieve a balanced homeostasis state.