The Easy Process to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida
Getting your Medical Marijuana Card in Florida is a straightforward process. The steps of getting the MMJ Certification include:
Book an Appointment
Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Florida: You can book an appointment for your MMJ certification by filling out an application form available on the marijuana clinic website.
Talk to the 420 Doctor
The doctor will carry out a proper and precise 10-15 minute evaluation to determine if you qualify for the physician certification for medicinal purposes. During this time, the doctor will tell you if your debilitating medical condition will qualify you or not.
Get the Medical Recommendation
If the doctor approves your qualifying condition, they’ll enter your details into the state's Mmj compassionate use registry immediately after the appointment and evaluation for your medical use. Then the authorities will send you an email that allows you to log in to the registry for the application.
How to Pick the MMJ Certification
You can only pick or get your MMJ certification in person
HappyMD connects you to clinics to help patients apply for the Medicinal cannabis certification .
Medical Requirement
Residency and age requirement
You must be residing to get the MMJ rec. The applications don’t have age restrictions or requirements. Nevertheless, patients below 18 years require a parent or legal guardian who registers as caregivers.
Becoming an MMJ Patient
The law has provided a three-step straightforward process for becoming an MMJ patient. HappyMD will help you schedule an appointment with a qualified and licensed MMJ doctor to review your medical conditions or ailments when starting the process. After booking the appointment, the doctor will evaluate, approve the certification , and provide you with a medical cannabis recommendation. Lastly, after the approval and medical cannabis card from the doctors and authorities, you can purchase medical cannabis from any state dispensary.
After getting the doctor's recommendation, it’ll be good to complete a Patient Attestation Form and present it to the doctor during the appointment.
Visit a licensed MMJ doctor after every 70 days to rectify your medical recommendation. The additional visits for re-certifications are usually free during the same year.
Furthermore, it’ll be essential to complete the MMJ Use Registry application with the Department of Health Office of Mmj Use. After submitting all the necessary documentation, you pay $75 for the application fee and wait for the feedback.
The MMJ recommendation lasts for 210 days. After the duration, you’ll have to renew the rec to continue enjoying the benefits. You can choose to consult the HappyMD platform or doctors to ensure your rec doesn’t expire.
The Medical cannabis program has specific eligibility criteria. To qualify for the program, you must meet the following:
● Be an adult (above 18 years old)
● Have a physician recommendation for medical cannabis use; the Physician must have certifications and licenses from the MMJ program.
● Provide medical records to prove the existence of the qualifying illness or condition
● Minors below 18 years must present a recommendation from their legal guardians or parents to give consent.
After meeting the selection criteria, the authorities will approve your recommendation and send the hard copy physically to your address.
Conditions that can qualify you for MMJ Certification in Florida
When applying for your medical cannabis recommendation, the law requires you to have one or more state-approved qualifying conditions. Below are the conditions that’ll qualify you for the MMJ recommendation :
● Chronic nonmalignant pain resulting from a qualifying illness or medical condition or symptoms persisting more than the usual qualifying illness
● Epilepsy
● Cancer
● Glaucoma
● Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
● Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
● Parkinson’s disease
● Crohn’s disease
● Multiple sclerosis
● Terminal illness, a medical doctor other than the qualified physician diagnoses
● Medical conditions under the same class or type as the above
Lastly, the authorities also allow you to qualify for the MMJ recommendation if you've got chronic nonmalignant pain resulting from any qualifying illnesses. Furthermore, the pain must persist beyond the ordinary course or symptoms of the condition. Apart from the qualifying conditions, when applying for the MMJ recommendation, it'll be good to meet all the other state requirements that qualify you for the marijuana license.
Requirement for a Caregiver
Caregivers are essential people to assist patients with purchasing and using marijuana. Like marijuana patients, the law also requires these individuals to meet specific guidelines or requirements. The caregiver must have a valid address on the identification or a valid driver's license, provide a photo and have a working email address. The cost of applying for the caregiver MMJ rec is $75. HappyMD is the appropriate platform to help you save money while applying for the rec as a qualified patient or caregiver. The platform offers a refund if the authorities don’t approve your application.
Medical Documentation
You can schedule an appointment with the doctor if you’ve got a particular qualifying condition. However, it’ll be vital to have medical documentation that acts as proof of the condition's existence. These documents include medical bottles, office visit summaries, diagnosis letters from a certified physician, and pill bottles.
Nonetheless, you can contact HappyMD by calling or texting 831-454-6257 if you’ve got the qualifying conditions but lack the appropriate documentation. The platform will schedule an appointment with a certified and qualified doctor to diagnose and approve you for the certification. The service is free of charge to all the patients.
Marijuana Use
After the authorities legalized cannabis in 2016, it provided a huge relief to more than 360000 residents in this Sunshine State. The legalization was essential for individuals with debilitating symptoms or who suffer various underlying conditions. Additionally, U.S Sen. Jeff Brandes 2020 was pushing the legislature to pass the SB 1860 bill to legalize and regulate the use of recreational marijuana. Still, the bills failed to reach the 2020 ballot.
However, some sections have made huge decriminalization efforts. These efforts include the famous Disney World’s proposal citing that authorities fine the individuals they find possessing less than 20 grams of marijuana rather than arresting them. Despite these efforts, the state still has strict regulations for medical cannabis licensing.
The licensing decisions and regulations have spurred a lawsuit currently in the Supreme Court. Experts reveal that from the previous reports (in July 2020), the lawsuit's outcome will significantly affect weed sales. For instance, in the first week of July 2020, Orlando dispensary VidaCann recorded sales averaging 3 942891 mg of mmj (THC-based strains). Nevertheless, if the authorities proceed with the lawsuit, the licensing decision on recreational cannabis will further affect the regulations and sales.
Medical Cannabis Legalization Initiative
Many individuals refer to this initiative as Amendment 2, and more than 60% of the Voter approved it. Before this Amendment passed, the state had a particular mmj law, which only allowed terminally ill patients having less than one year to live to access and use mmj. Nevertheless, the initiative expanded the use of cannabis to patients with other medical conditions, like Chron’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and even cancer. When having the treatment, the law allowed the medical doctors to prescribe medical cannabis therapy if they believed the benefits of using the therapy outweigh the possible side effects or health risks.
Furthermore, the law also prohibits patients with medical cannabis certifications from smoking the original or actual marijuana flower. After getting the certification, it’ll be wise to understand that it’s still illegal to cultivate marijuana in your home or garden. Instead, you can purchase cannabis from the various state-licensed dispensaries and consume it as edibles, oils, sprays, pills, or vaping pens when using the certification.
Do you have to reside to become a medical cannabis patient?
Yes. One of the requirements that qualify as a medical cannabis patient is you must be residing in the state. You have to prove your residency by presenting your current identification or driver’s license. Nonetheless, if you’re a seasonal resident, you can apply for rec under particular conditions.
What is the cost of the Medical cannabis certification?
When applying for an MMJ certification, the cost is $199 to cover the consultation with a certified and licensed medical physician and the approval of your final authorized certificate. Alternatively, it’ll help you save more funds when you have the patient/caregiver application. You’ll pay $379 to cater for you and the caretaker when scheduling an appointment with a medical doctor. However, it’ll be vital to understand that you have to pay an additional state fee while registering.
How long does the process of getting your Medical cannabis take (including initial consultation)?
It’s usually a long process to apply and get your MMJ recommendation. The initial medical doctor consultation takes approximately 10-15 minutes. However, the whole process may take up to 3 weeks, from scheduling the appointment, having the medical appointment, state registration, and accessing the medical cannabis from the different state dispensaries. Luckily, HappyMD will help reduce the time, as they offer timely appointments and consultations.
Additional Vital information on the medical cannabis license application process
Apart from the general application process and requirements, also has some additional regulations or rules you need to know when applying for the recommendation. Below are the appropriate responses to some of the common FAQs on Medicinal marijuana in the state:
How do you get my MMJ recommendation renewal after it expires?
The laws outline that all the patients or caregivers renew them every year. After paying the renewal fees, you’ll accompany your applications with the necessary supporting documents 45 days before the expiry date to the appropriate Floriddepartment.
Can you get your MMJ Recommendation online in Florida?
After the authorities approve your MMJ recommendation, you can easily get it online. After getting the doctor’s recommendation, you’ll visit the official OMMU website and click on the ‘Patients’ tab. After clicking, you can get more about the requirements and application process. You can also use the same site to log in to the registry.
How much cannabis can you purchase and possess?
The law allows MMJ patients to access up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana every 35 days. The law further allows the medical Physician to certify a maximum of 6*35-day cannabis supplies during the certification duration (210 days). However, the doctor will only certify a maximum of 70-day marijuana and two refills of the other forms of marijuana for the 210-day MMJ certification period. Currently, the law doesn’t restrict the maximum daily dose of medical cannabis.
Where can you purchase medical cannabis products after getting your MMJ Recommendation?
After receiving the MMJ recommendation, you and your caregiver can purchase cannabis products from any licensed and certified medical cannabis treatment center. You can find numerous over 140 marijuana centers across the state. Furthermore, you can request a doorstep delivery if you stay far from a physical marijuana center. Currently, the Altemed, Trulieve, and Curaleaf have dominated the mmj market in the state.
Can you grow marijuana after getting your MMJ certification?
The laws prohibit MMJ patients from growing marijuana to medical marijuana treatment. It only allows specifically licensed organizations to cultivate, distribute and process weed. The federal laws have not legalized marijuana; therefore, you’ll get on the wrong side of the Florida statute law by violating the regulations.
Can you take your medical marijuana products to a different state?
The state laws don’t allow you to take your mmj products to a different state. You may face hefty fines or long sentences if authorities find you transporting the drug across the state’s borders. Additionally, after getting your cannabis card , the law prohibits having a reciprocity agreement.
Who is eligible to use medical cannabis in the state?
has a strict law that restricts individuals eligible for using medical cannabis. You can only use the drug when you have a doctor's recommendation following an evaluation of your qualifying condition.
What happens if the medical doctors don’t approve the initial consultation?
HappyMD has a high approval rate for your medical consultation and evaluation needs. Nevertheless, if the doctors don’t approve your application, the platform refunds your application fee.
Locations to Visit after enjoying your medical cannabis
The state is one of the most exciting and cool places to relax in the United States. The Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean surround the southern part of this state (Sunshine state). The state is oblivious to snow, as it has about 237 sunny annually, making it the best location for your winter vacations. Furthermore, the state has various long stretches, an average of 447 miles, making it the best location for your adventure trips. You can start from Jacksonville’s northernmost capital and enjoy the adventure to Key West 0 mile. The locations also have Daytona’s epic Spring Break, Orlando's Disney World, Miami, etc. Below are the top stopovers to enjoy your time in this city:
Disney World
It's an enjoyable location as it's home to all Disney's cast of characters, Mickey Mouse, and the epic Orlando land to enhance your time at the site. Since the 1950s, it has been a popular entertainment spot for adults and youths. These features make it the ideal American family gateway having live character performances, movie-themed rides, and a top-notch fireworks show.
Visitors and residents nicknamed it Heat as it’s the most vibrant cultural center getting hotter in the state. This area is a season and home gateway to various Hollywood’s famous A-listers; it boasts an attractive beach and has residents from different backgrounds. The location has perfect weather that allows tourists and locals to enjoy their time at the Little Havana and Miami beaches. You can also choose to enjoy your time at the Everglades National park, a hidden gem in the mini-metropolis that provides a glimpse of the famous swampy forest in the state. Lastly, you can enjoy your time having some watery fun, later visiting the State’s Venetian Pool to bath like the Roman royalties.
Key West
After exiting Miami, you can drive south to Key West. It's an attractive location where many individuals, including Ernest Hemingway, enjoy their free time. You can visit the most celebrated and famous author's humble abode in the U. S. You can visit the white sands and swim in the transparent waters. Lastly, this region offers another Crebena version in the United States, as you can find festivals, outside cafes, sidewalk shopping, water sports, and other enjoyment.
Can you use Medical cannabis products anywhere ?
Like most states, despite having an MMJ rec, law prohibits the use of medical cannabis in public places or locations.
How do you appoint a caregiver?
The medical laws allow you to appoint a caregiver if they meet the following criteria:
● They aren’t a qualified physician
● Are 21 years and above and a resident
● Aren't employed or have specific economic interests in the MMJ treatment center or testing laboratory
● They agree to provide you with MMJ writing support
● Complete a certified caregiver course. The course costs up to $100 and requires a refresher after two years.
● Takes and passes a background screening. However, the authorities don’t consider the screening if the caregiver is your close relative.
The law states that a caregiver is only eligible to help one patient, only when the patient is a minor. When the patient is a minor, the caregiver is usually a parent or legal guardian. Furthermore, you also choose a caregiver when you have intellectual or developmental issues or are bedridden.
The total annual cost of an MMJ recommendation in Florida
The MMJ program seems expensive as you need to have doctor consultations every 210 days. The initial Physician's appointment ranges from $150 to $250, while the cert application is $75. Therefore, the 210-day MMJ certification will cost $200, and additionally, you'll have to pay $100 for a 6*35-day or 3*70-day supply of medical products. Lastly, when calculating the cost, it’ll be good to consider the $75 renewal cost and the cost of purchasing the products.
Final Thoughts on Getting Your Florida MMJ rec
The process of becoming a MMJ patient has become straightforward. You can get the certification by applying from the various licensed medical doctors online. After the approval of your application, the authorities send the rec to your address, and you can start purchasing your medical cannabis products from the different state dispensaries.
Nonetheless, you’ll require renewal after every 210 days, where you have to pay an additional fee for the doctor to allow you to get another 35 or 70-day medical cannabis supply. The amount is worth paying to enjoy the benefits when having the qualifying conditions.
Recap on The Online MMJ Application
Getting evaluated
Become a medical marijuana patient talk to a medical marijuana doctor via HappyMD to evaluate you to qualify for the MMJ program based on your current medical history, current qualifying condition, and medical documentation. After the approval, they’ll enter your details into the Mmj Use Registry in the state. After which, you’ll receive an alert or email allowing you to log in to this registry to apply for the Registry ID .
Schedule an Appointment
Book and attend a medical appointment with the doctors. It’ll be necessary to accompany a second individual to concur and show their determination in your medical documents when you’re younger than 18 years or terminally ill. Provide all the primary medical history and schedule another appointment with a qualified and certified medical cannabis doctor during the appointment.
You can contact the platform or customer service if you have any problems during the application.
Consult with a qualified MMJ physician
When consulting the medical doctors, they’ll perform 10-15 minutes to check if your conditions qualify for the medical marijuana use registry. During the program, you may seek clarification on your concern about medical cannabis treatment. If the physical approves your application, they’ll enter your details in the medical marijuana registry. Furthermore, they’ll also add your caregiver to the registry if you have one.
Before applying for the MMJ certification via the medical marijuana use registry, it’ll be wise to ensure that you reside in the state.
Get Approval
After the medical physicians approve your application and enter your details in the state's Mmj use Registry, the authorities will process and send the cert via email within 2-3 weeks. After receiving your certification, you can legally purchase and use mmj.
It’ll also be vital to understand that the Florida medical marijuana card lasts for 210 days, and you must recertify it every 70 days. You don't pay any fee when having the 70-day re-certification in the same year. You can consult your medical Physician through HappyMD to keep your rec valid. Nevertheless, you’ll have to book another appointment and pay the renewal fees after the 210-day certification period. Experts advise that you consider renewing or booking the appointment before the cert expires to ensure it doesn’t become invalid or inactive.