The Easy Process on How to Get Your Colorado Medical Marijuana Card
How to Get Your Medical Marijuana Card Colorado - Getting your ‘Red Card’ in Colorado is usually an effortless process.
You’re eligible for the certification when you reside in the state, are above 18 years old, and have a particular qualifying condition. The state authorities offer both the online and mail application process for your MMJ cert. Mail applications are usually inconvenient, as they take a long time, approximately eight weeks, to process. Alternatively, you can consider the online application, as the authorities can confirm or deny your application in a few days.
Before you start the application process, it’ll be vital to consider if your condition will qualify you for the MMJ program.
Online Medical Marijuana Card in Colorado Application Process
Step 1 - Setting up your online account
The first step of your online application is setting up the online account, which you can accomplish after or before seeing the physician. Visit the official medical cannabis website and create a patient account. After completing the account, you can upload the appropriate and relevant documentation. When opening the account, ensure that you present your valid driver’s license or ID.
Step 2 - Visit a licensed and certified doctor
When looking for your MMJ rec, it's necessary to have a physician's recommendation following a consultation. The physician will discuss your lifestyle and health conditions during the consultation to determine whether you can qualify for the MMJ certification. If the doctor-approved your qualifying condition, they'd give you a duly signed certification. Remember that MMJ programs allow a doctor of Osteopathic medicine to access you and provide an MMJ recommendation.
Step 3 - Finish the application and send
After getting all requirements for the application, you can complete it and submit it. After logging in to the website, it’ll be necessary to provide personal details and information about your marijuana use. The website allows you to pick the preferred access point for the cannabis product and whether you want to grow your supply or get it from the dispensaries. Furthermore, you can also add a caregiver. Lastly, before sending the application, you'll have to upload the doctor's certification alongside the application.
You can also notarize your application. Nevertheless, the law prohibits you from using your payment signatory, physician, or caregiver as your notary. Remember that the notary date and the signature’s date must be the same. After which, submit your forms within ten days after the notary’s signature. When applying the program requires a complete application to include:
● A copy of your state ID
● Singed medical doctor’s certification
● A fully completed MMJ application form (you can choose whether to notarize)
● Make full payment for your application at this time. After the online application process, the authorities take up to 3 days to deny or approve your application. Remember that you must submit your application within 60 days after the doctor’s consultation and examination.
Step 4 - Receive your MMJ Rec.
Authorities allow you to print your certification after they approve your application. The mmj certification comes with a lifespan and expiry date based on the period the authorities accepted or approved your applications. It’ll be appropriate to start your recs renewal process 30 days before its expiration. You have to consult a licensed and certified doctor again when renewing the certification. All MMJ recommendations expire after one year.
What are the eligibility criteria for a medical cannabis rec in Colorado?
Before applying for the MMJ rec, it’ll be essential to ensure that you meet the program's registration criteria. When applying for the MMJ certificate, the authorities require you to prove that:
● You’re a resident. You can provide mail addressed to you (patient) before applying for the MMJ certification .
● Be between 18 -21 years when applying for the certification
● Have a certified physician’s recommendation. When having the medical cannabis certification application, you’ll need to present a medical history and health evaluation review.
● Have a diagnosis of at least one qualifying condition
● Minors below 18 years must accompany a caregiver. The law stipulates that the caregiver should be a legal guardian or parent responsible for all activities, including medical consultations, administering, and purchasing medical cannabis products on the patient's behalf.
● Have a $ 25 non-refundable application fee
● You must register and apply on the state’s Mmj Patient Registry.
● Have a copy of your Identification and Driver’s License.
The program allows you to apply for the MMJ certification by mail when applying. During the application, fill out the application form and upload all the required documentation on the checklist, like a copy of your ID or Driver's License. Later, pay the application fee through a check or money order. After completing the application, you can mail it to:
Application Processing CDPHE
4300 Cherry Creek Dr. S.
Denver, CO
The authorities may take six and eight weeks to process your mailed applications.
If the authorities approve your application, they’ll notify you within three to five working days. You can log in to their registration profile during this time, and download, then print your medical card. After which, the authorities will mail the MMJ recommendation to the address you provided while applying for the recommendation.
You can use your printable recommendation to purchase medicinal marijuana products from the nearest state-approved cannabis dispensary. The law allows you to use the recommendation temporarily, as you might have to wait up to 15 working days to get the mmj recommendation the authorities emailed to you.
What is the essence of going through the medical cannabis process when it’s possible to buy recreational Marijuana? Becoming a marijuana rec holder comes with numerous advantages. You can purchase your Marijuana at lower prices when having the doctor's recommendation at lower prices. For instance, the law exempts you from paying the 10% marijuana sales tax. A rec is a cost-effective option for long-term users to save on purchasing medical cannabis products.
Almost all marijuana dispensaries have medical and recreational cannabis. You can also realize the dispensaries have more potent THC cannabis products; the MMJ doctor rec allows you to buy higher amounts of these products than the regular customer. Furthermore, the programs also allow minors under 18 years to purchase these products but under a caregiver. Remember that while the law restricts recreational Marijuana to individuals 21 years and above, you can buy these products without the restriction when having the mmj doctor rec. Read through the article to understand the appropriate process for getting your mmj doctor rec .
When applying for the MMJ recommendation, you send it by posting via the address below:
Department of Public Health and Environment
After mailing your application, authorities can take 6-8 weeks before processing your application. Remember to send the applications via your certified mail. After getting the recommendation, you can get your medical cannabis from the numerous dispensaries.
The authorities may give you severe penalties during the application process if they convict you of obtaining the doctor recommendation fraudulently. Possibly, the punishment includes a $5000 fine or facing up to 18 months of jail term. Furthermore, the authorities can revoke your MMJ cert for a year.
Additional Information about Marijuana
Pharma live reveals that this Centennial State has been in the limelight for recreational and medicinal cannabis sales after legislatures legalized them in 2001 and 2012. In 2019, the state made up to $779 million on marijuana sales. Many analysts believe the retail recreational and medical cannabis sales might hit the $15 billion mark, later growing to $37 billion in 2024.
Furthermore, Bazinga reports that the average number of MMJ rec holders declined in 2019, but the monthly marijuana prescription spending increased to $400 from an initial $313. The reports highlight April as a month's huge sales before the Codvid-19 pandemic hit. Experts reveal a rise in marijuana sales during the lockdown, as it was a primary remedy for depression and anxiety.
The state was one of the pioneer states in legalizing the use of recreational cannabis in 2012. Since the legalization, the state has made huge strides in offering its residents a solid and effective medical cannabis license program. The program governs all the medical and recreational use of Marijuana by the residents .
What are the costs of getting a Colorado Medical Marijuana card?
The cost of applying for a new MMJ is $25, while you’ll pay $25 for the renewal. However, if you’ve got a household income below 185 % or lower than the Poverty Guidelines in the Federal law the program provides a waiver. The law requires you to complete a unique application form to get this waiver. The state offers the lowest consultation fee among the other states in the country. Averagely, you’ll pay $60 to $100 for your MMJ consultation in the state.
What are the qualifying conditions for an MMJ Recommendation in Colorado
Despite having marijuana-friendly programs and lower application or renewal fees, the state has slightly fewer qualifying conditions than other states. The following are the conditions that can qualify you for the MMJ cert:
● Cancer
● Autism spectrum disorder
● Glaucoma
● Cachexia or wasting syndrome
● Seizures
● Persistent muscle spasms
● Severe pain
● Severe nausea
Additional Details on the Medical Marijuana Card in Colorado
The state offers a straightforward MMJ certification application and renewal process. Furthermore, there are more details on this program. This section provides appropriate responses to the question on the licensing process.
How much Marijuana can you purchase when having the medical rec?
After getting your red rec, the program allows you to purchase up to two ounces of cannabis per time. The amount is double what you can buy when using it for recreational purposes. Nonetheless, the law limits your purchases of edibles or cannabis concentrate to eight grams when they’re more potent, having more than 800mg THC concentration.
What is the maximum amount of Marijuana you can grow at home?
The authorities allow you to cultivate up to 12 cannabis stems at your home without any additional MMJ application. The range applies to all recreational and mmj users, regardless of the number of adults staying on the homestead. Early the law allowed MMJ patients to grow up to 99 marijuana plants with a proper medical recommendation. Currently, you can only plant up to 24 cannabis stems if you’ve got proper registration from the local authorities. Nonetheless, the law stipulates that you must keep the plants out of public view and observe all the safety protocols and guidelines.
Does the state have reciprocity laws?
This state doesn’t offer any reciprocity laws for all out-of-state MMJ patients. However, when you’re an MMJ patient above 21 years from another state, you visit and only purchase one ounce per transaction.
What will happen if house bill 21-317 passes the senate?
Representatives Alec Garnett, Yadira Caraveo & Senators Paul Lundeen and Chris Hansen are the sponsors of this Bill. If the Bill passes the Senate, it'll have the following significant effects on the adult-use and medical cannabis program:
● Increases the cannabis product's maximum potency to 15%
● MMJ patients between 18 and 20 years have two signatures from different medical doctors when applying for the rec.
● Reduces the highest concentrated cannabis amount that patients can purchase from 40 grams to 2 grams daily.
● It’ll introduce anti-looping laws for tracking all marijuana purchases and sales in the state. It’s a necessary change to prevent individuals from purchasing more than the required medical cannabis daily limit from multiple dispensaries.
You can get more details on the possible impact by reading the article ''Vote to Cap THC Bill 1317 Passes. " The state's authority has allowed residents up to 2022 spring to present their comment on the reports to the School of Public Health, , before they report to the state’s Senate by July 2022.
Caregiver Details
Any MMJ patient below 18 years or an adult requiring specialized care to obtain medicinal cannabis will need a legal caregiver. The caregiver must be above 18 years or a legal guardian solemnly responsible for the patient's well-being.
You can’t choose a physician as your caregiver. Furthermore, the program restricts a medical cannabis registry caregiver to not more than five MMJ patients.
The authorities can’t assign you as a caregiver for another person if you are a MMJ recholder and a designated caregiver. When issuing the caregivers with the MMJ, it’ll bear the patient's name. Lastly, as a caregiver, you can't use the patient's rec to purchase Marijuana for your benefit or use.
How can you appoint the right caregiver?
The laws only allow you to appoint an individual more than 18 years as your caregiver. Nonetheless, you can choose your medical doctor, an individual with a licensed MMJ business, or they’ve got a primary caregiver. MMJ program only allows the following types of caregivers:
● Advising: provides essential marijuana use advice to MMJ patients
● Cultivating: grows or cultivates Marijuana on the patient's behalf
● Parents: caregivers for patients below 18 years
● Transporting: the law permits these caregivers to transport medicinal cannabis to the patients.
The official MMJ platform has a separate account for the caregivers. The website allows a caregiver to have at most five patients simultaneously.
What’s the appropriate location for purchasing medical cannabis ?
You can purchase your cannabis at any recreational or mmj dispensary. However, purchasing from a medical dispensary is advantageous if you seek appropriate wellness suggestions. The state has more than 400 dispensaries and locations for residents and visitors to buy marijuana products.
Where can you use your Marijuana in the state?
The law prohibits MMJ patients in from using these products to endanger the well-being and health of other individuals. Therefore, you can only consume your cannabis in a private residence or home, not in a public place.
Where can you buy mmj?
You can purchase your MMJ from 438 licensed marijuana stores or 572 retail stores. The numerous marijuana outlets in the states come in the fourth position in the ratio of dispensaries to the residents. The state has a 14.1:100000 dispensary to resident ratio. Further, after Ca and Wa, The state comes third with the highest marijuana tax revenues, approximately $2 billion per annum.
Locations to Visit in the State While Enjoying Your Medical Weed Products
Many individuals praise this state's landscape, like John Denver, who wrote the book “Rocky Mountain High” describing the state’s lush landscape as an attractive place to many tourists. The state has numerous locations, starting from Denver, the Mile-High capital city with a lovely culture and art scene with mountains & parks. Then, you can visit The state Springs, which offers a plethora of outdoor and indoor fun.
Rocky Mountain National Park
It's approximately one hour drive from Denver and boasts of untouching beauty. You can find cool locations between the mountains, deeply wooded forests, and alpine lakes to spend your dates and enjoy your dates and camping sessions. You can engage in fishing, wildlife watching, hiking, horse riding, picnicking, and getting lost in the lovely park. This is the process for How to Get Your Mmj Recommendation
Garden of the Gods
It’s a garden that belongs to God. The location has the vast expansion of ancient sandstones in various forms on the large land. You can use old school bikes, jeeps, electric bikes, or Segways to traverse the area. Furthermore, the park provides free mountain climbing activities to get a close and personal look. Lastly, you can visit the park to enjoy the nature center and world-class exhibits.
The Stanley Hotel
This hotel that founders famed for a 1980s pop culture staring movie authors, is found in the Mountains. It's a unique location where you can spend your winter vacation with your partner or family as it gets frightening and cold. The hotel's location in Estes Park offers a gorgeous scenic ride or drive from Denver's capital to their menacing mansions. The Stanley Hotel is a great place you must stop to enjoy your time while visiting. This is the process to get a medical marijuana card Co.