Medical Cannabis in the United States Army
Marijuana use in the United States is growing every day. Many states are legalizing and approving medical and even recreational marijuana use. Despite most states legalizing medical marijuana use, the federal government still maintains its ambiguous stance on marijuana. The Federal government considers marijuana an illegal substance, and the country’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies this herb as a Schedule I narcotic substance alongside heroin and other harmful drugs.
With the federal government maintaining its stance on marijuana as illegal and classifying it as a narcotic drug, the country’s military restricts the use of this substance. Remember, the United States military works under federal government regulations. While most states approve and legalize medical marijuana use, all hope is not gone for military personnel who wish to use marijuana to alleviate various conditions. The list of conditions that can qualify you for the medical marijuana program in your particular state keeps on growing.
What are the Qualifying Conditions for Medical Marijuana Use?
Each state legalizing medical marijuana use has unique regulations on the program. These states have different types of conditions or symptoms that can qualify you for the medical marijuana program. Besides the general states’ medical marijuana programs, some cities have specific regulations on medical cannabis in addition to what the general MMJ program outlines.
Nevertheless, some conditions or symptoms are similar or common in most states. Let’s look at some common symptoms and conditions that states approve for patients or individuals
to use marijuana to alleviate:
● Cancer
● ALS or the Lou Gehrig’s Disease
● Chronic pain
● Glaucoma
● Crohn’s Disease
● Multiple Sclerosis
● Parkison’s Disease
● Ulcerative Colitis
● Nausea
● Traumatic Brain Injury (TMI)
● Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Above are a few of the numerous conditions most states allow you to use medical marijuana to treat. The states have medical marijuana programs that regulate giving qualified patients medical marijuana cards to allow access to their preferred medical marijuana products. Reports show that most states are considering approving medical marijuana use for patients with serious and debilitating medical conditions or symptoms.
Can Medical Marijuana Users Join the United States Army?
The United States army doesn’t recruit medical marijuana users, making it hard for you to join the armed forces while using marijuana. Remember, the military works under the federal government and follows all its guidelines. With the federal government maintaining that marijuana is illegal, the military can’t allow you to join the group while using an illegal substance.
Despite the push to legalize marijuana and the pressure from the states that have legalized medical marijuana use, the federal state hasn’t changed its stance. Federal law still considers the use of marijuana illegal. Regardless of the marijuana legalization in your state, you can still face federal charges and convictions for consuming or possessing medical marijuana products.
What Questions do you Expect as a Military Candidate in the United States?
Before joining the United States military, the military personnel must ask you questions to check your eligibility and suitability for the particular job. The sessions involve various areas and aspects of your life and activities, including drugs or your opinion on drug use. Let’s look at common questions about drug and substance use you should expect when joining the military:
● Have you been physically or psychologically dependent on drugs, such as alcohol, at any point in life? The recruiters usually use this question to gain more information on your drug use or dependence history and also help vet the candidates for enlistment. If your answer is ‘Yes,’ you’re ineligible to join the military and expect a denial of the application.
● Have you been using drugs before? You can’t qualify for a military job if you’ve used drugs. Regardless of the dependency and addiction factors coming into play, admitting that you’ve used various drugs before (for recreational or medicinal use) automatically disqualifies you from the interview or service.
If you reveal to the recruiter that you have been using drugs or are dependent on certain drugs, you must submit a valid drug abuse screening report. The report should provide full details on the specific type of drug usage or abuse. Based on the report, the recruiting team will evaluate your responses and determine whether the previous abuse and dependence on drugs will bar your recruitment or services in the specific military branch.
Besides drug dependence or previous abuse, some health conditions may disqualify you from joining the service. Experts reveal that most conditions or symptoms that qualify you for medical cannabis programs in your specific state may bar you from joining the military service. Below are some of the common health complications that may bar you from joining the military service:
● Epilepsy
● Hepatitis
● Diabetes
● Glaucoma
● Multiple sclerosis
● Ulcerative colitis
Thus, before trying military service, it’ll be vital to check if you’ve got any of the above diseases. Furthermore, if you're taking medical marijuana for any of these diseases, then it may disqualify you from military enlistment.
What is the United States Military View on Using Medical Cannabis?
The military service works under the Federal government. With the federal government restricting the use of marijuana, the military has no option but to adhere to the prohibition of using medical cannabis products. Despite many states legalizing medical and even adult use of marijuana to alleviate a wide range of conditions, the military doesn’t allow its members to use the drug.
With the military service having no exceptions or special reservations, the service can’t recruit soldiers who depend on marijuana to alleviate certain health conditions. The restrictions make most soldiers turn to prescriptions to alleviate or treat their conditions. Despite offering the best results for treating these diseases or conditions, these medications have numerous adverse effects.
The military medical team prescribes opioid medications to soldiers injured in the fields. The team prefers this option to relieve pain and treat related symptoms during recovery. Despite being legal during the prescriptions, opioids offer serious and life-threatening adverse effects.
Furthermore, opioid use may cause serious addiction risks and overdosing as the soldier takes them to alleviate their pain and conditions. Despite the adverse effects and risk of addiction, the outdated and traditional regulation bars soldiers from seeking an effective and safe alternative. Unfortunately, men and ladies guarding the nation are paying the ultimate price for these ambiguous federal government regulations.
CNBC reveals some disheartening statistics on opioid use and veterans. Some of the statistics include:
● Approximately 60% of servicemen and women returning from duties in the Middle East usually suffer severe pain due to the nature of work
● Veterans using opioids are two times more likely to have life-threatening effects or die from opioid overdoses than others.
● In 2016 opioids were directly or indirectly responsible for approximately 42000 deaths in the United States.
● In 2014 research showed that states that had legalized medical and recreational marijuana use recorded a significant drop in opioid overdoses and death rates.
The startling fact is that the federal government views marijuana as having worse effects than heroin and other hard drugs. Despite most individuals terming marijuana as a gateway drug, statistics show that out of every five hard drug (like heroin) users, four started with prescription medication or pills. Thus, prescription pills are more of a gateway drug than marijuana.
Does the Military Grant Veterans Access to Medical Cannabis?
When it comes to the issue of medical marijuana use, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is stuck between restricting or allowing veterans to use this treatment alternative. The numerous evidence and findings on the health benefits of medical cannabis to alleviate a wide range of disorders and diseases have become overwhelming for the VA health system to rule out this medication.
The medication is vital in alleviating various health conditions and disorders that are overburdening their system. Despite the willingness to use treatment therapy to reduce the burden of these conditions and diseases, the federal government’s stance on marijuana use hinders progress.
Despite being in states with legal, medical marijuana programs, the VA health system can’t prescribe or offer medical marijuana treatment. This healthcare system has to abide by federal regulations and laws on medical marijuana use. Nevertheless, soldiers who consider seeking treatment or healthcare from VA can get these products. The doctors from these facilities that allow medical marijuana use can recommend the marijuana medication to the soldiers.
It’ll be vital for the soldiers seeking these medications to get them from outside the VA healthcare system. However, it’ll be important for these veterans to have a prescription from qualified MMJ physicians. Remember, the VA physicians and doctors must receive full details on your treatment plans, including those from other doctors or physicians. The details should include your medical cannabis treatment.
When providing your medical marijuana treatment plan as a veteran, you must understand various things. Below are key details to understand about medical marijuana use and the VA:
● The VA doesn’t deny veterans benefits due to using medical marijuana products.
● The VA keeps all detail on medical cannabis use among veterans confidential and guarded in the patient privacy laws.
● Clinicians and doctors at VA can’t recommend or prescribe medical marijuana use.
● The VA pharmacy can’t fill any medical marijuana prescriptions
● VA clinicians or physicians may not refer veterans to a state-approved medical program.
● The agency doesn’t cover the cost of medical marijuana prescription
● The VA prohibits the possession and use of medical marijuana products on its premises, as federal law considers the use of marijuana illegal. Unlike the state, the VA has to adhere to federal government regulations.
● The VA will subject all the employees, including the veterans, to random drug testing for illegal substances during the employment period.
Despite restricting the use of medical marijuana products, the Veterans Association allows physicians or doctors to discuss medical marijuana options with the patient. The discussion becomes important when seeking the right treatment and care plan. Besides discussing with the patients on medical marijuana, physicians should adjust the therapy for veterans and individuals using medical marijuana to alleviate their conditions. The adjustment will reduce overdose risks, prevent redundancies, and assist physicians in effectively and safely treating other conditions.
The VA's confidentiality for patients’ details is a big win for veterans using medical marijuana to alleviate their issues. This regulation prohibits physicians from discussing medical marijuana use by the veteran with a third party. Furthermore, the VA can’t disclose the veteran’s MMJ status to the federal state. These regulations allow patients to check or explore various safe and effective treatment alternatives. The veterans can even use medical marijuana for their conditions without arrest or termination from the service for admitting to the use of medical cannabis.
A certain patriotic veterans organization (the American Legion) conducted a recent survey on the use of medical marijuana and veterans. The study provided the following thrilling facts on veterans' households:
● 99% of the veteran household supported the development of studies and research on the efficacy and safety of using medical marijuana to alleviate various physical and mental health conditions.
● 8% of the households believed that the federal government should legalize medical marijuana use across the country.
● 79% of the survey participants, who were above 60 years, supported the legalization of medical cannabis use. Besides the young soldiers or those willing to join the forces, the veterans supported the legalization of medical marijuana use.
● 82% of veterans wish to see the country’s federal law legalizing and allowing medical marijuana as an alternative treatment.
● 22% of the veterans who participated in the study were using medical cannabis treatment to alleviate a wide range of debilitating conditions and related symptoms.
The organization is helping in advocating for the rights of the servicemen and women through various initiatives. Below are some of the ways the organization is helping military service personnel:
Resolution 11 - resolution 11 is one way this organization is fighting for the rights of the men and women in the service. This resolution advocates for the state’s DEA to license and allow privately-funded marijuana operations in the United States. The DEA should allow operations on medical marijuana studies and the development of safe & effective medicinal marijuana drugs.
Resolution 28 - it’s essential to authorize the VA providers or physicians to discuss medical marijuana issues openly with veterans in states with medical marijuana programs.
However, the advocacy doesn’t stop at these resolutions. This organization has also been calling for the state Congress to remove cannabis from the Schedule 1 listing. Congress can move the drug to a classification that recognizes the therapeutic potential of the drug.
Are the Marijuana Tides Turning for the United States Military?
The problem between military and medical marijuana use is very simple. There is a huge division and gap between federal and state laws on medical marijuana legalization and use. Despite the numerous benefits, military service usually must abide by the federal government's laws on medical marijuana as it works under the federal state. Regardless of the state regulations or the jurisdictions that the veterans come from, the military is usually against using medical marijuana.
Nevertheless, all hope is not lost. Some experts, including Marine Sergeant Sean Major, are pushing to be the first active military member to get permission to use medical marijuana while still in the service.
The major has suffered four different injuries, including the brain, during the four years of military service. After seeking medical care, the major reveals that the medicine cabinet is full of approximately 20 medication pills to help him alleviate and cope with the pain and the injuries. The drugs were also to help him to alleviate other related symptoms like anxiety, sleep disorders, and Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
While the federal government and the military prohibit the use of medical marijuana, this Major is seeking to break these regulations. He is using all means to get recommendations for a medical marijuana pot to alleviate the pain and disorders to remain active on duty.
The Modern Military and Marijuana
A certain article in the ‘Army Times’ reports the military force, especially the land operation branch, is looking for approximately 80000 new soldiers. Importantly, the recruiters are planning to accept soldiers or individuals who may be short of the standard military regulations. For instance, the team will accept soldiers who admitted to previous use of marijuana products.
However, the military plans to accomplish the process by accounting for or emphasizing the other recruitment criteria. The military plan to issue waivers to potential recruits who have excelled or passed the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test.
Issuance of Waivers
The report reveals that the army is considering issuing more waivers to these potential recruits to encourage other people with higher scores on the test to join the military service. Experts reveal that it’s an important move, as studies show that having higher ASVAB test scores enhance correlation and increases the chances of being effective and efficient as a soldier.
With many states legalizing medical or recreational marijuana use, it’s hard to find and recruit soldiers or individuals who haven’t taken this drug.
Furthermore, with the shifting views on marijuana, currently, people don’t regard regular marijuana smoking in teenagers as misconduct. Thus, taking marijuana regularly as a teenager can’t affect your performance in the United States Army.
What is the Supreme Court’s Take on Medical Marijuana?
In 2002, the Supreme court in the U.S ruled that physicians have the First Amendment Right to give patients an MMJ recommendation. The physicians were to provide the recommendation as long as they didn’t supply these products to the patients. The supreme court ruling also extended the judgment or resolutions to the Veterans' medical team.
Nevertheless, there was a slow change in the policies of the Veterans Health Administration. Despite the slow action to change, the VA health system has currently caught up with the ruling. While the regulation restricts them from prescribing medical marijuana, physicians can now discuss the topic openly with the patients. The doctors can even advise the patients on medical marijuana being an effective and safe treatment plan if they have qualifying conditions.
Unfortunately, the U.S federal government still restricts valuable studies and research that can help to dispel or confirm the numerous pieces of evidence on the efficacy and use of medical marijuana for alleviating various conditions. With the federal government maintaining a strict stance on marijuana and declining to support studies on the therapeutic benefits of medical Jane, most women and men in the armed forces suffer.
The classification of marijuana as a prohibited substance has various effects on men and women in military service. The classification affects the soldier in the following ways:
● Leaves them at the mercy of risky treatments like opioids medications
● Restricts them from exploring effective and safe marijuana-based treatment during their time at the service.
● Makes them unable to get government-provided veteran treatment. Despite residing in marijuana-free states, they can’t access medical marijuana products as veterans.
● The government can’t cover their medical marijuana prescription, even when the medication is effective and safe to alleviate their conditions.
Currently, the therapeutic benefits of using medical marijuana are popular. While many individuals are enjoying these benefits, most military servicemen and women serving the country can’t access these products. Studies show that the herb may help alleviate most of their conditions. This natural treatment may effectively save lives, enhance life paths, and alleviate conditions such as cancer, PTSD, chronic pains, or other physical & mental health conditions.
The push for the federal government to legalize medical marijuana is growing. Experts predict that the government may relent on the procedures in a short while. The federal state may relent the restrictions by allowing research and studies on the health benefits of marijuana use at the federal level or legalize medical marijuana use across the state to end the huge debate.
Medical marijuana has numerous therapeutic benefits that can help military personnel and veterans. While the federal, state, and military prohibit the use of medical marijuana, veterans staying in marijuana-free states can access these products legally and easily. You have to get recommendations from a state-approved physician.
HappyMD has a huge network of state-approved physicians for your medical card evaluation and application online. Getting the MMJ card allows you to access medical marijuana products to alleviate your conditions. Schedule your appointment to get the MMJ card and access these products to help you improve your quality of life.