Can Neuropathic Pain Benefit From Medical Marijuana
Chronic pain has been one of the most serious health issues in the United States and worldwide. This health issue impacts the lives of numerous individuals. Statistics reveal that chronic pain affects more than 25 million residents in the United States daily. Furthermore, an additional 15 million adults have severe pain. Medical professionals refer to severe pain as a type of pain in individuals that persists for 12 or more weeks. Neuropathic pain is the common category of severe or chronic pain.
The medical community recommends various therapies to alleviate this pain. Despite the availability of different prescription medications for neuropathic pain, these treatments have numerous damaging adverse effects. These adverse side effects have led to most patients seeking effective and safe alternatives. The emergence of medical marijuana has provided a huge relief to most patients, as it helps to alleviate various symptoms resulting from neuropathic pain and has fewer adverse effects.
What is Neuropathic Pain?
Medical professionals refer to neuropathic pain as persistent and chronic pain resulting in the Central Nervous and Peripheral Systems. Unlike nociceptive pain, this severe pain manifests or results from physical body injuries. While most individuals usually have nociceptive pain resulting from muscle tears, skin burns, or bone fractures, neuropathic pain mostly results from debilitating conditions like diabetes.
However, some sources usually show conditions that resemble or have the same symptoms as neuropathic pain. You can check for these conditions by reading medical literature and researching scholarly articles on the internet. Studies reveal that any sensation of pain indicates some issues with your body systems or organs. During this time, the Central Nervous System will send long-term, short-term, and intermittent pain signals to the brain, which is a vital body part that provides the body with adequate attention and response. In some circumstances, the brain may misinterpret the pain signals from the CNS.
Each person responds differently to pain. With the different causes of nerve pain, the experience and response to nerve pain may differ. Remember, your physicians might understand and interpret your neuropathic pain as a different condition based on its origin. Neuropathic pain is a broad spectrum encompassing the different types of severe pain in the body. With the broad nature of these pains, an individual may suffer from neuropathic pain resulting from diabetes. In contrast, other patients might suffer pain resulting from an injury to specific damaged nerve sets.
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Let’s look at some of the common neuropathic pain:
● Mononeuropathy - refers to pain resulting from single nerve damage.
● Polyneuropathy - refers to discomfort or pain from multiple nerve damage.
● Peripheral neuropathy - most individuals refer to it as peripheral diabetic neuropathy, resulting from diabetes and related conditions. The pain usually impacts nerves in the hands, arms, legs, and feet.
● Proximal neuropathy - it’s one of the neuropathy conditions that usually impacts muscles leading to the legs, buttocks, and hips weakness. In some individuals, it may result in nerve pains shooting from your lower back through the leg.
● Autonomic neuropathy - it’s a unique neuropathic condition impacting the body’s automatic nerves. These nerves are vital in the body for controlling various body functions, including digestion, breathing, and heart pumping. The pain may be present or not present with the ability to affect a wide range or set of nerves.
● Focal neuropathy - results when someone has nerve pain that associates with mononeuropathy. This severe nerve pain mainly occurs in different or specific body areas surrounding the damaged or inflamed nerve.
● Despite some of the pain sensations being nociceptive, taking any lasting or severe pain seriously will be wise. With the numerous factors being able to trigger neuropathic pains, it won’t be wise to wait for the pain or intensity to subside. It’ll be wise to consult a medical professional once you believe that you’re experiencing this type of pain.
History of Neuropathic Pain
Doctors and researchers have been studying neuropathic pain for more than a century due to the persistent nature of various forms of nerve pain. Various observers and patients have documented various forms of neuropathic conditions. For example, we’ve got a documentary of a common orofacial neuropathic pain from the first century in Greek writings. This complex regional pain syndrome was vital in the Civil War era to explain certain persisting pains that couldn’t stop even after injuries. Until the 1940s, many individuals had been thinking that phantom pain resulting from limb loss was imaginary.
Many individuals are still writing more information or history on neuropathic pain. Despite most medical experts recognizing most sensations as neuropathic pains, there is still a huge debate on the extent of defining neuropathic pain. Furthermore, there is still a huge uncertainty on the conditions that the criteria for the term or pain. While research continues, medical experts are looking for appropriate ways to identify pain conditions and get adequate treatment for the affected patients.
The Prevalence of Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain affects almost everyone in society. Statistics reveal that this pain condition usually affects the daily lives of most women and men. More than 65% of United States adults and approximately 22% of adults across the globe have this condition. The difference in the intensity, duration, and frequency of this pain among different individuals means numerous misdiagnosed and undiagnosed cases worldwide.
What Causes Neuropathic Pain?
With the different typologies, there are diverse causes of neuropathic pain. Unlike other diseases or disorders, this pain usually manifests due to infections, diseases, injury, or ineffective treatment.
Studies have linked various bacterial infections in the body to causing nerve pain. The research shows the existence of a huge association between the increased severity of these pains and high bacteria levels in the patients. For instance, patients with syphilis, HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases may have unexplained nerve pain. Other infections, like urinary tract infections, shingles, and even tooth abscesses, may result in this type of pain.
Diseases, especially diabetes, are the common causes of neuropathic pains. Statistics link approximately 30% of this pain to diabetes. Taking excessive alcohol for a long time may also cause nerve pain. Multiple myeloma, cancer, or multiple sclerosis can also cause this pain. Furthermore, some treatments, including cancer radiation and chemotherapy, negatively affect the body's nerves, leading to discomfort.
Remember, not all neuropathic pain cases result from infections and diseases. Generally, any body injury increases the potential for nerve pain. Studies show that spinal cord or back trauma may impact your CNS nerves. Spinal compression and herniated discs can also cause neuropathic pain. Lastly, muscle, joint, or tissue injuries can also cause nerve pain. Remember, the nerve pain may not get better even after the injury heals.
While it seems unlikely, some surgeries, like amputations, may result in neuropathic pain. Phantom limb syndrome results from the misfiring of the nerves adjacent to the site of the leg or arm amputation and starts sending wrong signals to your brain. This pain may also occur in other parts, like fingers, ears, toes, etc.
Besides the factors, the additional causes include hormonal imbalance, vascular problems, vitamin & nutritional levels imbalance, and liver or kidney disorders.
Symptoms of Neuropathic Pain
Despite the different causes, the pain usually has similar symptoms. The common symptoms include:
● Trouble resting or sleeping comfortably
● Shooting, stabbing, or burning pain in the particular area
● Numbness or tingling session in the affected area (pins and needles)
● Pain sensation when having activity, like sitting down or brushing your hair, gets worse in a cold environment.
● Persistent or continuous feelings of discomfort
● Psychological issues that result from loss of comfort or persistent pain.
Experts advise that you act swiftly to seek medical help, especially when the pain affects or interferes with your quality of life. Suppose you believe that you have neuropathic pain. In that case, you can visit HappyMD to help link you with a certified medical marijuana physician in your state specializing in medical cannabis treatment to prescribe the appropriate medication.
Current Neuropathic Pain and their Side Effects
Neuropathic pain is one of the common debilitating conditions which may disrupt your personal life. When having pain, most physicians will try to manage or alleviate the condition using various therapies or medications. Some physicians may also advise you to change your lifestyle.
Depending on the type of pain and the severity, your physician will insist that you try over-the-counter painkillers. Some NSAIDs or inflammatory drugs may alleviate your pain. Nevertheless, these drugs may not be suitable for most patients; their constituents don’t target specific affiliated areas.
Furthermore, extended use of NSAIDs results in numerous side effects that harm your body. The common side effects of using NSAIDs include dizziness, bloating, and gas build-up. Besides these issues, NSAIDs can lead to other severe effects, including bloody urine, jaundice, and severe stomach aches. Studies also show that prolonged use of these drugs also increases the risk of developing heart-related traumas like heart attacks or strokes for individuals using higher doses for a long time. Taking NSAIDs also puts ladies and old aged individuals above 60 years and hypertension or other health complications at risk.
With these adverse side effects, some physicians may prefer to prescribe alternative medication, like anticonvulsants, antidepressants, or opioids. Despite being effective in reducing or treating neuropathic pain, opioids can cause adverse effects, especially after the patient becomes addicted to the drug. Studies show that antidepressants can help in treating pain and helping to alleviate the related psychological effects of the pain. Nevertheless, an antidepressant also has some serious side effects. While anti-seizure and anticonvulsants are effective for pain, most researchers have yet to understand how these drugs alleviate pain.
Besides the pills and capsules, you can also consider injecting steroids or anesthetics into the affected body to block the nerves. Injecting steroids and anesthetics are temporary solutions that don’t guarantee long-term relief for chronic neuropathic pain. Surgery is usually the last option when these treatments have been ineffective. During the process, surgeons usually implant some devices into the brain or spine to block the incorrect or abnormal nerve signals that the specific body part sends. While most surgeries have risks, some contribute to or provide relief to neuropathic pain.
Some lifestyle changes and therapies, including exercises, massages, diet, and other vital therapies, help relieve stress on these affected parts. Nevertheless, these treatments may not be 100% effective all the time. Commonly, many patients will require more than one treatment alternative to alleviate their conditions.
Why is Medical Marijuana an Effective Neuropathic Pain Treatment, and How Does it Work?
With neuropathic pain being a complex condition, finding an effective, safe, and long-lasting treatment is usually daunting. Nevertheless, medical cannabis offers a safe, viable, easy, and effective way to alleviate your neuropathic pain. Many individuals worldwide have used medical marijuana for a long time to alleviate various situations and conditions, including pain management. Most states in the United States are legalizing recreational and medical marijuana use among qualifying residents.
Despite the limited scientific research on the safety of using medical marijuana, it’s evident that you can use these products as neuropathic agents. There is a need for more studies to determine the possibility of long-term adverse effects of using marijuana for neuropathic pain. Nevertheless, there is sufficient evidence that you can use medical marijuana as a universal solution to multiple health conditions, including severe pain symptoms.
The Neuropathic Pain Symptoms and Side Effects that Medical Marijuana can Alleviate?
Studies show that medical cannabis can be effective in treating neuropathic pain at the psychological and physical levels. The therapy can help relieve the following symptoms:
● Severe pain
● Anxiety
● Burning or tingling sensations
● Discomfort
● Neuropathy
● Inflammation
● Muscle weakness
● Restlessness
● Insomnia
● Depression
The Best Medical Marijuana Strain to Alleviate Neuropathic Pain Side Effects
Neuropathic pain has a vast spectrum, with each case or pain requiring unique treatment options. Let’s look at some medical cannabis strains that can help treat the different neuropathic-related conditions:
Best marijuana strains for neuropathy
● ChemDawg
● Super Silver Haze
● Jack Herer
● Purple Kush
● White Widow
Best marijuana strains for inflammation
● Critical Mass
● Cannatonic
● Harlequin
● Granddaddy Purple
● Charlotte's Web
Best marijuana strains for peripheral neuropathy
● Jack Flash
● Remedy
● Green Crack
● Afghan Kush
Best marijuana strains for anxiety
● Girl Scout Cookies
● Amnesia Haze
● Chocolate Chunk
● Northern Lights
Best marijuana strains for insomnia
● Ogre
● Big Bud
● Blackberry Hashplant
● 9 Pound Hammer
● God’s Gift
● Skywalker
Best marijuana strains for muscle spasms
● Snoop Dogg
● Head Cheese
● Green Candy
● The Hog
Remember, not all marijuana strains will help to alleviate each patient’s need or condition. Thus, it’ll be vital to learn about the different marijuana strains and their properties to help you choose the appropriate one suiting your needs or can alleviate your pains.
What are the Best Medical Marijuana Treatment Methods for Neuropathic Treatment?
Despite the numerous treatment options available for certain conditions, only one delivery method will work in most cases. For instance, injections or topical applications are the best way to administer steroids, while ingestion works best for pills and capsules. With medical marijuana, patients have the luxury of choosing the appropriate delivery form from the wide range of options available. The options allow you to choose the appropriate ones to cater well to your symptoms and consider your limitations and unique lifestyle.
We’ve a wide range of delivery methods you can consider when using marijuana to alleviate your neuropathic pains. These methods include
Smoking - studies show that it's the common way for most individuals to consume marijuana. Experts reveal that it's ideal for individuals who want to have an immediate impact.
Edibles- they are tasty marijuana delivery forms. Edibles offer an effective way to ingest cannabis for individuals who find it hard to smoke. Alternatively, these edibles help you experience slightly more concentration and delayed effects.
Topicals- these forms come in the form of ointments, salves, lotions, and sprays. Marijuana topicals work by keeping the effects localized in the given area.
Vaporizing - while vaporizing involves inhalation, the method involves heating marijuana to a lower temperature before proceeding to the lungs.
Tinctures - when using tinctures, you can spray or squirt in the mouth. The method provides a proper alternative for users who find it hard to smoke and can’t use edibles.
Suppositories - experts refer to suppositories as the most effective and fast way to enhance cannabis effects. This method is suitable for marijuana users who wish the marijuana compounds to bypass the lungs and digestive system.
Dabbing -it’s the appropriate marijuana delivery method for concentrated medical marijuana doses. The method uses inhalation to deliver the marijuana components to the brain more safely and effectively than smoking.
Transdermal patches - unlike other methods like topicals, this option delivers long-term marijuana doses and effects. It’s an ideal choice for individuals seeking consistent treatment to suit their needs if their health condition or lifestyle factors limit the use of other administration methods.
Eating raw cannabis - you can also consider ingesting raw cannabis leaves. You may also mix them with juice or smoothies to make it convenient to enjoy the cannabis effects.
Infused beverages - beverages offer slower-acting and long-lasting marijuana effects. You can choose to consume these beverages in wine, marijuana-infused soda, or tea.
Supplements/pills - this marijuana form is vital for patients seeking traditional marijuana supplements. These pills offer a discreet way of taking medical marijuana medications.
The different delivery methods are usually effective. Nevertheless, it’ll be wise to consider the appropriate way that works for your needs. Ensure you consult your physician before using medical marijuana for your neuropathic pain. The physician will advise you on the best option and appropriate medical cannabis delivery that’ll work best for your needs and alleviate the condition.
What are the Side Effects of Using Medical Cannabis for Neuropathic Pain?
Like other medications or substances, using medical marijuana comes with some adverse effects. Remember, some medications usually have more side effects than others. Thus, regardless of the medication or treatment you choose to alleviate neuropathic pain, it'll be vital to understand the possible side effects.
Importantly, it’ll be wise to consider appropriate medication offering the best results to alleviate your pains and have lower chances of adverse effects. Studies show that medical cannabis is gradually developing into an effective treatment to alleviate pain in most patients.
While most patients who use medical marijuana rarely experience adverse effects, some individuals usually experience side effects. The unique nature of these side effects makes the different patients experience varying effects. Below are some of the effects of using medical marijuana:
● Thirst, dry mouth, and hunger
● Paranoia, uneasiness, or anxiety
● Fatigue or drowsiness
● Slurred speech, dizziness, and fainting
● Tolerance, dependency, impaired balance, or slow reaction time
● Insomnia, short-term memory loss, or red eyes
● Increased heart rate, urinary retention, hallucinations, or constipation
● Respiratory issues or giddiness
Experts advise that you consult a certified physician when you’re concerned about these adverse effects that come when using medical cannabis to alleviate neuropathic pain. Besides the physician, you can talk to the marijuana dispensary budtender to help you choose a safe and effective delivery method.
Taking the Vital Step in Getting Medical Cannabis to Treat Neuropathic Pain
Individuals have used marijuana to treat a wide range of diseases and physical issues for a long time. The marijuana components help to alleviate various debilitating health conditions, including neuropathic pain. With the debilitating effects of using prescription drugs, most patients are switching to medicinal marijuana. Medical marijuana is an effective, safe, long-lasting intervention to alleviate neuropathic pain and has fewer adverse effects.
Medical marijuana experts at HappyMD are ready to guide you on choosing medical marijuana and using the therapy to alleviate neuropathic pain. Besides being a natural and affordable alternative, this medication offers a safe and effective way to alleviate pain. Medical marijuana helps treat and manage neuropathic pain to ensure you live comfortably.
HappyMD has a wide range of qualified physicians to provide online medical marijuana card evaluation and assessment to check whether your pain qualifies for the card. The telehealth platform guides you through the process to get the MMJ card and start accessing your medical marijuana products for neuropathic pains. Schedule an appointment with HappyMD to get your medical card online to start accessing these products and enhance your quality of life.