Discover When Should I Take a Marijuana Tolerance Break?
Should I Take a Marijuana Tolerance Break?: Too much of anything is dangerous, whether good or bad, and the same stands for marijuana, a miracle plant with numerous health benefits. However, what happens when you smoke too much marijuana? When you consume too much cannabis occasionally, you will develop a tolerance. In other words, your body will not react as you are used to after your regular dose. Fortunately, you can reverse marijuana tolerance by taking a marijuana tolerance break.
A marijuana tolerance break, also known as a T Break, is a temporary cessation of marijuana use to get rid of its effects in your body and reset your body's tolerance levels. However, when should you take one, and is it advisable?
This article explores everything you need to know about marijuana tolerance breaks and whether it is advisable to take one. However, before we dive into details, let's discuss how individuals develop marijuana tolerance in the first place.
How Do People Develop Marijuana Tolerance?
All individuals who use marijuana and marijuana products develop tolerance over time. Like all other drugs and addictive substances, marijuana builds up in the body system and lowers the body's reaction to the standard dose.
The mechanism by which the body achieves marijuana tolerance is not known. However, scientists are still researching for more information on this complex phenomenon. According to brain imaging tests carried out on occasional marijuana consumers, chronic marijuana use diminishes the responsiveness of THC receptors in the human brain.
THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is an active compound in cannabis responsible for altering brain functions by interfering with Cannabinoid Type 1 receptors (CB-1). Therefore, if you consume cannabis regularly, its effects will overwhelm your CB1 receptors and deplete them. Consequently, you will require a higher dose to feel similar effects.
Although scientists are confident that marijuana tolerance builds up with occasional use, little is known about how long individuals take to develop tolerance. Nonetheless, your susceptibility to marijuana tolerance might depend on your;
- Genetics
- Marijuana consumption patterns
- Dosage Levels
- Method of Administration
Although there are no particular symptoms for cannabis tolerance, you can quickly identify whether you are developing tolerance if you realize that you need to consume more to feel its effects. In that case, you need a marijuana tolerance break.
Steps to Taking a Marijuana Tolerance Break
If your body has built up its marijuana tolerance and you want to reset it not to consume more marijuana, a tolerance break is your ultimate solution.
As its name implies, you have to cut off all your marijuana consumption to allow your body some time to replenish its diminished CB1 receptors. Although occasional and excess consumption of cannabis can deplete the body's CB1 levels, the condition is not permanent as you can restore them to their normal levels if you stop using marijuana.
When it comes to the time taken for your body to replenish its CB 1 receptors, there is no standard period. It's up to you to scrutinize yourself and pay attention to the process as you take regular breaks. Consequently, you will discover a tolerance break period that works for you.
However, research suggests that you can significantly reduce your marijuana tolerance after breaking for two days. Nonetheless, you must ensure that you are free from marijuana and its products during this period.
You might find it difficult to abstain from marijuana for two whole days if it's readily accessible or if you have developed an addiction. In that case, you should seek expert help for a more manageable and practical marijuana tolerance break approach. However, you can gradually cut down your consumption until you can go for two straight days without using it.
If you consume higher levels of cannabis, you might benefit from a more extended tolerance break period to reverse built-up effects.
How Often Should You Take a Marijuana Tolerance Break?
If you consume cannabis for its therapeutic benefits, it is advisable to manage your intake levels to ensure that your body is not overwhelmed.
Although researchers and scientists are yet to study several factors and attributes of marijuana use, patient advocacy groups and experts in the cannabis industry suggest a 48-hour break after every 30 days of continuous use.
Will You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms During Your Tolerance Break?
Though not severe, you should be prepared for some withdrawal symptoms during your tolerance break. Researchers suggest that about 50% of individuals experience the most common signs and symptoms, including; fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, mood swings, headaches, cognitive impairment, and nausea.
These withdrawal symptoms can be highly uncomfortable but manageable. All you have to do is get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Also, you can obtain over-the-counter painkillers to manage nausea and headaches. Luckily, these symptoms do not last for more than 72 hours or three days. Therefore, you will be feeling fine in no time.
You will also experience a strong urge to use marijuana during your tolerance break. However, it would be best not to do this because you will have eroded your efforts.
It is advisable to seek assistance from a friend to help you through the process and ensure you don't slip.
Are There Any Alternative Options to Fight Marijuana Tolerance?
If you use marijuana to manage a health condition, taking a tolerance break might be more difficult and potentially harmful. However, you can try these alternatives.
- Use marijuana products with high CBD concentration – CBD is another active component of cannabis that does not get you high and does not deplete your CB 1 receptor levels. However, it has several therapeutic properties.
- Control your intake – You should never overindulge in smoking marijuana. Only use as much marijuana as your body needs because consuming less marijuana means less tolerance.
How to Ensure that You Don't Develop Marijuana Tolerance Again
Once you have successfully persevered through your tolerance break, it is best to control your dosage to ensure that you do not build up your tolerance again. Thus, it would help to keep the following in mind.
- Find marijuana products with low THC – THC is responsible for marijuana tolerance. Hence, products with low THC levels will deliver insignificant quantities of THC into your bloodstream.
- Reduce the frequency of your marijuana consumption – Your body will not build up any marijuana tolerance if you consume it in low quantities. Avoid THC and use CBD – Users seeking health benefits from marijuana should use standalone CBD because it can facilitate these benefits without getting an individual high.
Hence, the next time you want to take a marijuana tolerance break to relieve your body of its effects, adopt the guidelines mentioned above for more satisfying results. This is the info on Should I Take a Marijuana Tolerance Break?