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Posted 01/17/2023 in Health by HappyMD

What Does Science Say About CBD and Blood Pressure

What Does Science Say About CBD and Blood Pressure

 What Does Science Say About CBD and Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most significant medical conditions in the United States and globally. The condition can be very severe, leading to an increased risk of stroke and other heart complications. Statistics show that heart diseases and strokes are among the leading causes of mortality in the United States. In addition, the CDC reports that high blood pressure affects approximately 45% of adults residing in the United States. The most shocking results show that only one in four American adults can manage or have control over their blood pressure.


With the debilitating effect of high blood pressure on the heart and overall well-being, many individuals are looking for various ways to control the conditions. The growing need for treating or managing the condition has left many wondering if some natural remedies like marijuana cannabidiol can help to alleviate the condition.


While there is evidence or studies that show positive results on using CBD for high blood pressure, the relationship is yet to be straightforward. This post provides insight into the current research or studies on CBD oil for hypertension. Furthermore, you'll understand if it's worth and safe trying.


What is High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)?


Before looking at the possible CBD effects in alleviating hypertension, it'll be good to understand more about the disease. Let's look at an overview of this condition, outlining its causes and symptoms.


Experts relate blood pressure to the amount of force the blood exerts on the vessels while passing through them from the heart or to the heart. Medical professionals measure the force the blood exerts on the vessels in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).


Medical professionals blood classifies blood pressure into diastolic and systolic. The systolic reading refers to the measurement of the force that blood exerts on the blood vessels as the heart muscle contracts. In contrast, diastolic blood pressure is the measurement or reading of the force the blood exerts when the muscles relax.


Remember, the blood must be exerting reasonable pressure for the circulation to work appropriately and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues. When having high blood pressure, the blood usually exerts more pressure than usual on the blood vessels. The greater pressure on these vessels increases the risk of developing stroke and other heart complications.


Some medical professionals refer to the condition using the phrase 'elevated blood pressure.' It's a term that refers to an increase in blood pressure. However, it's usually the pressure that blood exerts on the vessels that increases.


Research shows that healthy lifestyle changes and keeping physically active can help control or manage the condition. While lifestyle changes can help you manage this condition, patients having stage 1 or 2 high blood pressure usually require medical intervention.


Medical experts classify hypertension into three main categories, high, elevated, and normal blood pressure. Below is what each category constitutes


● Normal - below 120 mmHg (systolic) and 80 mmHg (diastolic)


● Elevated - between 120 to 129 mmHg (systolic) and under 80 mmHg (diastolic)


● Stage 1 hypertension - between 130 to 139 mmHg (systolic) and between 80 to 89 mmHg (diastolic)


● Stage 2 hypertension - over 140 mmHg (systolic) and over 90 mmHg (diastolic).


Most individuals consider hypertension a silent killer due to its slow development. This condition doesn’t cause symptoms or show signs until it becomes serious and causes adverse effects or problems. Due to the silent nature of the condition, as it starts, it'll be vital to have regular blood pressure check-ups. These check-ups are essential, especially when you are at risk of contracting the disease.


If you leave the disease untreated or unmanaged for a long time, you may risk developing a hypertensive emergency. During a hypertensive emergency, there is a dramatic or sudden increase in the body's blood pressure. The sudden rise in blood pressure may result in various adverse and life-threatening symptoms.


High blood pressure may result in the following;


● Confusion


● Dizziness


● Headaches


● Chest pains


● Shortness of breath


● Vomiting


● Reduced urination


● Visual changes, including blurred vision.


While the signs might vary among individuals, the above are the common signs of hypertension. Thus, it'll be vital to seek urgent medical care when you experience these symptoms.

 What Does Science Say About CBD and Blood Pressure

What are the Main Causes of High Blood Pressure?


Studies show that high blood pressure increases naturally as individuals get old. As you age, your artery or blood vessels’ walls also grow old and become less elastic, increasing the blood pressure risk. Besides aging, experts reveal other factors that can predispose you to the risk of developing this condition. These factors include:


● Ethnicity - studies show that Americans with a Hispanic or African-American origin are at a higher risk of developing this condition


● Family history


● Kidney disease


● Metabolic disorders or diabetes


● Sleep apnea


● Some tumors


● Thyroid dysfunction


● Some medications


● Being obese or overweight


Experts also reveal that some lifestyle-related factors can be the possible causes or triggers of high blood pressure. Some of these factors include


● Low potassium intake


● High salt diets


● Lack of exercise


● Excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption


● Lack or poor sleep


● Smoking


● Consuming some illicit drugs, like bath salts, methamphetamine, cocaine, etc.


Can CBD Help to Lower Blood Pressure?


Marijuana has numerous cannabinoids with different properties and health benefits. CBD is one of the most common and studied marijuana cannabinoids with different properties and health benefits. However, for a long period, the intoxicating effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) have overshadowed the effects and benefits of CBD. Nevertheless, recent studies have shown that CBD has helpful properties and components that have a great potential for alleviating various conditions. So is high blood pressure one of the conditions that CBD can treat?


Various studies and evidence shows that THC can help to reduce blood pressure, which causes most marijuana users to experience dizziness after taking a few puffs of their favorite strain. Nonetheless, we've got limited information on CBD and its influence on the body and systems. Despite the limited studies on the interaction of CBD with the body system, some evidence shows that these two marijuana compounds (THC and CBD) have the same relation to the body's blood pressure. These chemicals work by relaxing the muscles on the blood vessels.


Experts explain that the reaction results are due to the interactions of these cannabis compounds with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a huge and intricate network of body cell receptors, i.e., CB1 & CB2, and chemical compounds called endocannabinoids. The interactions include these components binding together and regulating various physiological processes in the body. These processes are vital in helping the body to attain and maintain a balanced state during different processes and times.


Studies show that CBD and THC have compounds that can influence the ECS system within the body. After consuming marijuana, THC will bind with the ECS CB1 receptors. The binding makes this marijuana cannabinoid mimic the anandamide activities in the body. Anandamide is one of the important endocannabinoids that has various functions, such as helping to relax the blood vessels' muscles, which helps to reduce blood pressure.


Unlike THC, CBD acts differently to reduce blood pressure. Scientists and researchers are still conducting studies to understand precisely how the marijuana cannabinoid works. The findings showed that the compound works differently. Unlike the other marijuana compounds that bind directly to the receptors, CBD indirectly increases the anandamide levels in the body.


The indirect action to increase anandamide levels in the body explains why CBD offers the same benefits or advantages as THC but doesn’t cause an intoxicating effect. The marijuana compound works or functions gently within the body compared to THC, which causes overstimulation. Despite the marijuana compound helping to treat hypertension and other conditions, there have been limited studies and research on CBD. Thus, there is thin evidence to show the relationship between CBD oil and treating high blood pressure.


Research on CBD Oil and High Blood Pressure


Researchers have conducted a handful of studies on the effects of CBD on high blood pressure. While most findings show positive results, some provide contradicting results. Experts reveal that the mixed results were due to the use of different testing methods, species, and other factors. The conditions of the participants, whether they are healthy or have the condition, can also be the other contributing factor.


For instance, in 2017, researchers conducted a study on nine healthy male participants and published the findings in the JCI Insight Journal. The researchers investigated the impact of a 600mg-CBD dose under stressful and normal conditions. The study yielded promising results as the team found that taking CBD helped to reduce the resting systolic blood pressure in the blood vessel by six mmHg. However, the dosage didn't have any effect on the diastolic pressure.


Nevertheless, the researchers detected the best effects in patients under stressful conditions. The researchers created the stressful condition by subjecting the participants to exercise-induced, mental and cold stress. In these conditions, CBD effectively alleviated or influenced diastolic and systolic blood pressure.


Despite having promising results, this study had numerous flaws or issues. Instead of focusing on hypertensive subjects, the researchers used healthy volunteers. In addition, the study focused on young participants, as the average age of the participants was 23. Lastly, the researchers concentrated on the effects that a single large CBD dose causes in the body or system. Although the study provided promising results, the findings don't represent the whole population or real life.


Researchers carried out another study in 2020 in which they addressed some of the issues from the above study. These researchers focused on hypertensive participants by administering varying CBD doses each day for two weeks.


While the study tried to address the issues from the initial one, the researchers opted for rats. The research produced contradicting results, as administering the hypertensive rats with CBD daily for two weeks did not reduce the heart rate or blood pressure. Nevertheless, the marijuana cannabinoid provides the rats with antioxidants.


Different Tissues Types, Different Species, Different Results?


In 2020, another research found that rats and humans have different ways they react to CBD. The researchers revealed that while other studies found that CBD reacted or interacted with the rats' CB1 receptors, it may be the opposite with humans.


The authors further explained that humans have a more complex and huge mechanism than rats. The mechanism or system involves numerous receptor types. Nevertheless, the researchers tested or focused on different cell types for the participating species. They majorly focused on the abdominal artery cells in rats and the lung artery cells in humans.


Interestingly, a prior study in 2015 focused on the effects of CBD on human abdominal artery cells. In the 2015 study, the researchers found that the marijuana cannabinoid interacted with CB1 receptors and other body receptors.


The study and research findings show that this marijuana cannabinoid (CBD) can interact and affect various tissue types and species receptors differently. However, researchers should invest in more studies to provide a clear picture of the association. In addition, more studies are vital to explain the association between CBD and high blood pressure.


Can CBD Oil Trigger High Blood Pressure?


Despite the possible benefits of CBD in alleviating blood pressure, many have been wondering if it can cause a spike or raise blood pressure. Experts reveal that research on whether this marijuana cannabinoid can cause a rise in blood pressure is even more challenging.


In 2017, a systematic review showed that using CBD didn't have any effect on the human heart rate or blood pressure under normal conditions. Despite having no effects on blood pressure, CBD use reduced high blood pressure when the participants were in stressful conditions.


The review also discussed or talked about the long-term effects of using CBD. While analyzing the long-term effects of this marijuana cannabinoid, the researchers focused on clinical trials of various conditions, including schizophrenia, Huntington's disease, and epilepsy. The review and the previous one found that using CBD for longer didn't have any effects on human blood pressure.


However, in another study where researchers focused on intraocular pressure (IOP), the findings showed negative results as CBD increased IOP. The temporary effect on IOP occurred after the participants got the first dose of 40mg. With the close relation between IOP and blood pressure, medical professionals caution individuals with a high or raised IOP to consult a healthcare provider first before consuming marijuana CBD.


What is the Right CBD Product Type for Blood Pressure?


Despite some evidence showing that CBD can be effective for blood pressure, there is some ongoing research and studies to provide a clear picture of the matter. However, currently, there is no research on the right or specific CBD form that is more effective for this condition.


Studies have shown that vaping is the best marijuana consumption form that provides a higher bioavailability. It's the best way to take CBD compared to taking marijuana edibles or consuming them sublingually. When vaping marijuana, a greater content or percentage of CBD in the vape product will get to the body.


Besides vaping, you also consider CBD vape juice to get the best results. Taking CBD vape juice makes you feel the effects in a few seconds. CBD edibles and oil may take a long time for you to feel the effects. After taking CBD oil, it may take approximately 15 minutes to feel the effects. In comparison, you'll have to wait approximately 30-90 minutes before you feel any noticeable benefits after taking a CBD edible.


Despite being the best option to take CBD and enjoy instant results, studies link vaporizing marijuana to multiple health concerns. A certain Harvard University study highlighted the possible health damages or adverse effects that vaporization causes.


In addition, CBD vape liquids contain thinning agents like propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG). Despite authorities approving and classifying these products safe for consumption, these substances can release carcinogens upon heating them. In another study that researchers published in 2017, it's evident that when you heat vape products to a maximum of 448 degrees Fahrenheit, they produce a high-level carcinogen called formaldehyde.


In addition, another 2020 study suggested that vaping e-liquid with a mixture of PG and VG might be dangerous as it results in lung inflammation and other complications.


Thus, you can opt for other CBD products when you're worried or concerned about the adverse health effects of vaping. You can consider various products like CBD gummies and Oils. Furthermore, choose products from reputable brands like Hemp Bombs and Premium Jane for the best results and fewer side effects.


Is it Safe to Use CBD for Blood Pressure?


With limited research, there needs to be more evidence or studies on the effects CBD causes on human blood pressure. With limited studies and information, making informed conclusions takes a lot of work. Experts reveal that more than the available evidence or findings are needed to determine whether it's safe to consume CBD to decrease or increase blood pressure.


Only one study has shown promising results in CBD for blood pressure, as it helped to reduce or control the condition. Despite promising results, this study has various limitations, including using young & healthy participants and a large single dose. In another study, the researchers reported that smaller CBD dosages increased the rate of IOP slightly, while most studies involving rats are inconclusive. Cannabinoids may impact rats and humans differently.


Thus, it'll be wise to approach CBD with care and ensure that you take the appropriate dose when having hypertension. You also follow the below tips if you wish to lower your high blood pressure, but doubt or are concerned about the safety of CBD products;


● Opt for healthier ways to manage stress


● Reduce sodium intake


● Exercise regularly


● If you're obese or have extra weight consider reducing


● Adopt a Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet


What is the Appropriate CBD Dosage for Hypertension?


While using CBD for high blood pressure, it's good to understand that there are no clinical guidelines for the right dosage for alleviating different conditions. Thus, there are no medical guidelines on the appropriate CBD dosage for managing hypertension.


However, the JCI Insight study of 2017 revealed promising results for participants who took 600mg of CBD. With 100mg of potent and high-quality CBD costing more than $100, regular use of this product is out of the reach of most individuals.


In addition, it's good to remember that some researchers reported in another study that using a single 40mg CBD dose increased the IOP. However, it'll be good to stick to or follow conventional wisdom that suggests you consider a slow and low approach. The approach involves taking small CBD amounts, approximately 5 to 10mg per day, to check its effects before adjusting. You can gradually increase the doses and potency until you achieve your desired results.


Bottom Line on Using CBD Oil for Hypertension


When choosing the right and effective CBD oil for your different needs, it'll be vital to consider various things. The key considerations include


You should understand that marijuana has a non-regulated market. Thus, there is a huge variation in the quality and potency of the products. It'll be good to look for an appropriate and reputable brand offering a lab report on the site. The lab report indicates the amount of CBD the different product or item has and ensures that the item is contaminant free.


In addition, check if the product is CBD isolate, broad-spectrum, or full-spectrum. Full-spectrum oils have various terpenes and cannabinoids, including THC. CBD products might be the best option due to the availability of THC to help lower blood pressure. When residing in medical marijuana legal states, you can check or opt for products having high THC levels.


It'll also be good to check the overall product quality. You can check the overall quality by considering the origin of cultivation or whether the manufacturers used extraction or organic processes. Lastly, checking online reviews is the most accurate way to check what previous customers stated on the pros and cons of the brand or product.


CBD is one of the safest and most effective natural remedies for controlling and managing high blood pressure. You use this marijuana to alleviate your high blood pressure and improve your overall well-being. Getting a medical marijuana card will allow you to legally purchase or access these products. You can join many patients applying for and getting medical marijuana cards online with HappyMD. The telehealth platform provides a straightforward process of applying for and getting your medical marijuana card instantly.


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