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Posted 11/07/2022 in Health by HappyMD

Does Marijuana Use Affect Men Differently from Women?

Does Marijuana Use Affect Men Differently from Women?

Effects Medical Marijuana In Men vs Women?

Many states in the U.S are legalizing medical and recreational marijuana use. Despite most individuals demonizing the herb earlier, marijuana use is slowly gaining popularity in this country. Besides most individuals considering it an effective and potent medication, the recreational use of marijuana is growing in some states. Studies reveal that approximately nine states have legalized recreational marijuana use, while more than half the states allow medical marijuana use.


While using marijuana, there are various things you must understand. Importantly, marijuana use may affect you differently based on various factors. For instance, gender may affect how marijuana use can affect you. Some studies reveal that in areas where men outperform ladies, the amount of marijuana they have may be a determining factor.


In some recent studies, it’s evident that more than three-quarters of marijuana smokers are men. It’s more exciting that despite the high usage among males, they record minimal addiction cases. Research shows that men are more likely to have marijuana dependence than women.


Women and men vary based on various factors and levels, which determine the way marijuana use affects them. Men vary from women based on mental, physical, and emotional levels. Despite everyone having endocannabinoid receptors, there is a huge difference in how females and males react to the effects of marijuana. The Endocannabinoid receptors are vital in the body as they allow us to consume different marijuana products safely. These receptors enhance safe marijuana, as they bind with marijuana cannabinoids after entering the body system.


The common urban myth says that ladies usually get higher faster and more often than men. Ladies tend to get ‘higher’ due to increased hormone production and lightweight. However, scientific research reveals that this theory doesn’t provide appropriate facts. Scientific studies have shown that ladies usually have better pain tolerance than males. Besides the higher pain tolerance, ladies tend to have a better and higher tolerance than men while smoking marijuana.


For many years medical professionals and researchers have believed that marijuana use or consumption has different effects on men and women. Nevertheless, with the different studies and research, the belief of this weed culture is gradually changing.


Over the last few decades, the world has experienced numerous flexible cannabis policies. Different states and countries have adopted varying marijuana use policies and regulations. These policies and regulations have increased the acceptance of marijuana for adult and medical use.


Statistics show that the number of individuals switching to marijuana in the United States is escalating. Interestingly, women are the largest part of the steadily increasing number of new marijuana consumers. This rise shows the ever-shrinking gaps between the men and women who use weed, especially medical marijuana.


Research on Gender and Marijuana Use


Researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Colombia conducted a study on gender disparities and marijuana use. The study revealed that low-income and non-white above 50 years negatively reviewed marijuana use. This population believed that consuming medical marijuana was risky. The finding further shows that this population is more likely to continue with this belief than men at the same age and in the same demographic.


It’s interesting how the study connects the observation on the view of marijuana use and the sexes. With the limited research and studies on this matter, many researchers are currently using these findings as a benchmark. A huge difference exists in how cannabinoids affect men and women after using marijuana, including a difference in the hormone and transmitter functions.


Currently, there are very few studies and researchers on the effects of marijuana on the different sexes. However, some researchers carried out a certain study to establish the difference in marijuana use among the different sexes. The researchers published the findings in the ‘Scientific Drug and Alcohol Dependence Journal.’ The results showed that most males experienced a wide range of effects (including severe pain relief) after taking marijuana. Unlike women, the pain relief symptoms were stronger in males than females.


In addition, another review (2010) on the differences in marijuana actions among males and females published their findings in the ‘Bustle.’ The study revealed that various body and lifestyle factors might affect marijuana cannabinoid functioning in the different sexes. The study insisted that factors like various brain receptors, body fat percentage, estrogen levels, and other factors might affect the functioning of cannabinoids in males and females.


Many individuals have believed that ladies usually tend to medicate more frequently after taking marijuana. The belief is true, as most studies show higher medication levels in females than males. The ability of ladies to build a high natural tolerance to THC results from their bodies releasing estrogen.


However, it’s very challenging to find the exact extent of tolerance due to the limited preclinical studies on sex-specific analysis. Despite the minimal studies on the sex-specific differences in using marijuana, some researchers have performed research using animal models. Remember, animal model research or results doesn’t produce results translation or show the differences in humans. Therefore, we can’t base our verdict on the latest studies, as they focused on animals rather than humans.


In the study based on animals, it’s evident that the female animals became more sensitive to pain inhibition (antinociceptive) and reward-related marijuana cannabinoid effects. The female laboratory animals showed more results and sensitivity than the males.


However, there was a contradiction between the preclinical literature and the findings from the study. In the preclinical literature, the authors explained that there is an absence of sex-dependent differences in cannabis subjective effects after consumption. Nevertheless, the study findings show the presence of sex-dependent effects for the studies that had marijuana-induced analgesia. The confusion makes it hard to understand if there is a difference and shows the need for studying the difference in marijuana exposure in humans and rodents.


With the growing need for studies, Copper and another researcher conducted a placebo-controlled study in 2016. They focused on participants already using marijuana regularly. During the study, Copper requested that participants immerse their hands in a basin with cold water. Immersing their hands in water helped the researchers to understand how much pain the participants were experiencing. Furthermore, the process was to determine the duration they could hold their pain after smoking marijuana. The study findings revealed that men have better and longer pain relief than women.

 Does Marijuana Use Affect Men Differently from Women?

Experts reveal that the animal study findings may provide a guiding path to understanding the findings. Some studies and experiments have shown that THC has various pain-relieving effects that are more effective and last longer in female rats. Nevertheless, the results show that the female rats easily develop THC tolerance more than males when administering the marijuana components every day or more frequently. With their easy nature of developing tolerance to THC, you may have to administer huge THC doses to get the same effects of relieving pain.


How Does Marijuana Use Affect Men?


With the variation in the effects of marijuana use, studies reveal that males tend to take more marijuana quantities at a higher rate than females. Another study reveals that males usually have more and higher THC rates in their bloodstream. Interestingly, male marijuana users tend to have more or higher prevalences and incidences of reported panic and personality disorders.


Despite the disorders being common among the users, other factors may also increase the prevalence. In addition, there has been a huge variation in appetite levels among the sexes after taking marijuana. Studies have shown that males have reported higher susceptibility to the increased urge to eat or higher appetite after consuming marijuana.


In addition, the has been an issue of decreased sperm production and sexual appetite in men after taking marijuana. Studies show that high THC levels may lead to lower testosterone levels. Remember, low testosterone production and level may affect male fertility, sexual urge, libido, and overall sexual performance. The reduction of testosterone after taking THC isn’t fatal in males, as the effects are usually short-lived and temporary. Taking a break or halting marijuana usage can help restore and get your testosterone level normal.


How Does Marijuana Use Affect Women?


Despite the numerous similarities, marijuana usage may affect women differently than males. Most women report using marijuana to alleviate their anxiety. Despite using marijuana to alleviate various issues, like anxiousness, women may experience weaker or compromised effects due to factors like unique body weight distribution. Interestingly, some studies or occurrences show that ladies are more likely to develop visuospatial memory impairment with regular marijuana use.


In 2010 some researchers carried out a certain study focusing on marijuana withdrawal symptoms. The study focused on the differences in marijuana withdrawal symptoms in women and men. These researchers documented the findings and interpretation in the ‘American Journal of Drug and Substance Abuse.’


The finding reveals a difference in the marijuana withdrawal symptoms for women and men. For example, the researchers noted that, unlike men, women reported more severe withdrawal symptoms after stopping marijuana usage. These withdrawal symptoms range from lack of appetite, sleep or election issues, and anxiety. Furthermore, some studies showed that some ladies or women reported stomach complications or issues after taking marijuana products. These withdrawal symptoms are less likely in males, as most studies usually link them to ladies.


Things You Have to Consider When Understanding the Different Effects of Marijuana on Men and Females


Females and males usually vary based on various factors, like their genetic behaviors and hormone activities. With the different hormone activities and genetic make-ups, it’ll be wise to understand that their body reacts differently. For instance, the sexes process information differently and display different social skills and attitudes. Furthermore, males and females have different perceptions of experiences, languages, and how they reveal or show their emotions.


Some studies have also shown differences in sexual behaviors due to varying anatomy and brain organization. With the numerous differences between males and females, cannabinoids also may have varying effects. Studies reveal that marijuana cannabinoids have proven to show or exert effects differently in females and males. The differences in the effects cannabinoids exert depend on physiological and behavioral aspects, like food intake and energy balancing, which are common in males. However, in females, the differences may result due psychological effects like anxiety and depression.


Experts reveal that it’ll be vital to understand and consider the different ways marijuana consumption might affect you. It’s important to understand these effects based on gender. Below are some of the common ways in which marijuana may affect males and females differently:


● Unlike women, men usually don’t require more marijuana tolerance breaks.


● Women intending to use medical marijuana to alleviate pain treatment usually require slightly higher doses than males who want to alleviate the same pain.


● Unlike men, marijuana usage positively affects women’s sexual life, including stimulating sex feelings.


● Most men using marijuana regularly have reported more adverse effects on their testosterone levels than females.


● Females are more prone to marijuana withdrawal symptoms and effects than men. The symptoms become worse after taking a tolerance break.


Bottom Line on the Effect of Cannabis Use on Women and Men


With limited resources and numerous restrictions, most studies on the effects of marijuana use on women and men are still in their early stages. Thus, we don’t have conclusive research or study on the matter. Nevertheless, initial studies have shown that marijuana use affects men and women differently.


Therefore, when it comes to the safety and efficacy of using medical marijuana, gender is one of the core factors you have to consider to get optimal results. With the importance of gender in understanding the effects of marijuana, there is a need for more clinical research and studies. These studies should elaborate on or reiterate the preclinical trial findings.


Consulting a marijuana-friendly physician will help you understand more about the different effects of marijuana on men and females. You can visit our website to get a medical marijuana doctors 420 evaluation and understand the difference between the marijuana effects. After the evaluation, you can proceed to apply and get your medical marijuana card. Book with us to get your medical marijuana card and enjoy the different health benefits marijuana offers to men and women.


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