Effects of Cannabis & the Central Nervous System
Cannabis interacts directly with the body’s central nervous system, causing various effects. Besides the interaction leading to the psychoactive feeling of being ‘high,’ marijuana may cause a sense of well-being and euphoria.
Experts reveal that marijuana has various neurological benefits, including reducing inflammation, suppressing seizures, and relieving severe pain. Before deciding whether medical marijuana is a better alternative for you or your loved one, it’s essential to understand how it works in your body.
Introduction to cannabinoids
The best way to understand how marijuana works in our bodies and affects the central nervous system (CNS) is to start by understanding cannabinoids and the role they play in the body.
Experts refer to cannabinoids as a group of chemical compounds directly interacting with the body's systems. The cannabis plant has more than 400 different natural compounds, including 85 cannabinoids. Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the most popular cannabinoids. Despite some similarities, these cannabinoids interact differently with the body systems.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
It’s the most studied and widely-known cannabinoid. Experts link it to marijuana’s psychoactive effects and producing the ‘high feeling’ after taking weed. The effects of THC include enhancing a sense of relaxation, amplified senses, euphoria, increased creativity, pain relief, and overall body wellness.
Cannabidiol (CBD)
Besides THC, cannabidiol (CBD) is another commonly studied cannabinoid. Due to less or no interaction with the spinal cord or the brain, CBD offers a wide range of therapeutic or health benefits. For instance, CBD may help to improve your mood, decrease appetite, relieve pain or migraines, and offer anti-inflammatory responses.
With technological advancement, cultivators and manufacturers can alter the levels of these cannabinoids. Thus, the growers can increase the effects of a certain specific cannabinoid. Altering the particular cannabinoid levels helps to create a specialized strain to target certain body systems.
The Endocannabinoid System
Studies show cannabinoids interact with the body or organs through the endocannabinoid system (ECS). ECS is a complex body system vital in helping the body attain optimal homeostasis. The system regulates metabolism, appetite, memory, and intracellular communication. Furthermore, the system regulates pain and immune responses.
The body produces numerous natural cannabinoids (endocannabinoids). The ECS has components that regulate and dispense endocannabinoids across the body, making it easy for marijuana cannabinoids to integrate into the system. Before scientists and researchers began studies on marijuana's effects on the body systems, the ECS system was unheard of. The researchers discovered this new body system after studying cannabinoids, their functions, and cellular interactions.
The endocannabinoid system has two main receptors (CB1 and CB2). The receptors bind separately from a specific ECS part, leading to different effects and cannabinoids activating different receptors in the system.
CB1 receptors
You can find these receptors across the whole body, commonly clustering in the spinal cord and brain. The CB1 receptors are common in the brain’s hippocampus and basal ganglia. You can also find these receptors in the reproductive organs and the cerebellum.
Studies show that these receptors are common in locations linked with the behaviors they’re likely to affect. For instance, the CB1 receptors in the brain’s amygdala regions help process emotions and memories. In the hypothalamus, these receptors help to regulate appetite. Remember, the presence of these receptors in different locations explains the effects of marijuana on the users’ emotions and appetite.
The CB1 receptors in the brain are linked to euphoric feelings and are also integral in anti-convulsive pathways.
CB1 receptors are present in most brain parts except the brain stem and medulla oblongata. Remember, these brains are responsible for respiratory and cardiovascular functions. With these brain parts lacking cannabinoid receptors, marijuana doesn’t affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Due to the lack of cannabinoid receptors in the medulla, there are no cases of THC overdose. Regardless of the amount of marijuana you take or the method you choose, they can’t result in an overdose. Furthermore, the lack of these receptors on the brain’s mesocorticolimbic pathway reduces the chances of physical addiction.
With the CB1 receptors present on nerve endings, they help alleviate pain sensations. Studies show that the Central Nervous System has numerous receptors. The presence of the receptors on the CNS results in
● Increased appetite
● Balanced immune system
● Reduced nausea feelings
● Inhibits tumor growth
● Modulates anxiety and stress
Among the different cannabinoids, THC is one responsible for engaging CB1 receptors. The increased interactions explain why THC causes more psychoactive effects. After taking marijuana, THC will primarily impact your body’s neurological centers.
CB2 receptors
Studies reveal that these receptors are common in the body’s immune or peripheral nervous systems. The receptors are common in the thymus gland, spleen, and tonsils, where they act as anti-inflammatory agents. After their activation, the CB2 receptors start an immune response to alleviate inflammation and tissue damage.
These receptors are more active during immune suppression. Despite looking counterproductive, studies show various autoimmune conditions where the natural immune system in the body starts attacking healthy cells. Thus, marijuana’s anti-inflammatory properties have been vital in treating various demyelinating disorders like Parkison’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis.
Researchers reveal that CBD is the common cannabinoid likely to interact with these receptors. Remember, CBD-rich marijuana strains don’t activate the ECS receptors like THC. Instead, the cannabinoid works in systems and organs, resulting in inflammatory and immune responses.
Introduction to the Central Nervous System (CNS)
The CNS is a vital body system consisting of the brain and spinal cord. This system acts as a focal or central information point on the body, combining or taking signals from the body systems and coordinating different activities in the whole organism.
The system is responsible for controlling movements, desires, emotions, and thoughts. Thus, it’s vital for the regulation core body system, including the heart rate, realizing hormones, respiration, etc.
Studies reveal that it’s the most complex body organ that coordinates and controls activities throughout the different body systems.
The brain has an average of more than 1000 billion glial cells and 100 billion neurons. These neurons and cells are responsible for various functions, including making sense, creating memories, etc. With its highly specialized nature, each section of the brain plays a specific role. Nevertheless, the brain may coordinate or work with other body parts to solve certain problems or achieve certain tasks.
The human brain has four lobes, including the following:
Temporal lobe - it’s responsible for assigning and processing emotional meaning to memories. The lobe also helps to create long-term memories and process language perception aspects.
Parietal lobe - this lobe is vital in processing sensory information like spatial awareness, touch, and navigation. Furthermore, the lobe helps individuals to understand different languages.
Occipital lobe - it’s integral in processing or generating visual information and houses the brain’s visual cortex.
Frontal lobe - it contains most of the dopamine-sensitive neurons in the body. The frontal lobe helps enhance short-term memory, reward, attention, motivation, and planning.
These have further smaller and more focused areas, such as the hypothalamus and the cerebrum, to achieve different tasks.
The Spinal cord
It’s an essential part of the body running from down the back. The spinal cord coordinates signals between the brain and the body parts or systems.
The main function of the spinal cord is coordinating motor activity. These commands race from the brain down to the muscles through the spinal cord. Alternatively, sensory information races to the brain through this spinal cord.
Besides transmitting commands, the spinal cord also helps to control different reflexive responses to the environment or surroundings. For instance, when you touch something hot, you’ll jerk the arm away involuntarily due to the reflex the muscles send through the spinal cord. The sensory tissues send the information to the spinal cord, leading to the responses before the brain processes the occurrence.
Furthermore, the spinal cord has circuits that help to coordinate various complex movements, such as walking. A certain study reveals that the spinal cord can coordinate all muscles responsible for walking without relying on the brain’s input. Despite the spinal cord allowing you to walk without getting the brain’s signals, the brain is vital for changing, beginning, or halting movements.
Effects of Marijuana Use on the Central Nervous System
Marijuana works through the endocannabinoid system to impact the CNS directly. The impact results cause adenylate cyclase inhibition, calcium and sodium channel suppressions, and mitogen-activated protein kinase enzyme activation. These effects include
Adenylate cycle inhibition
The marijuana interaction process inhibits the adenylate cyclase during the THC and CB1 receptors binding. This enzyme is usually responsible for the conversion of adenosine triphosphate to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). The cAMP is a secondary kinase A messenger, which it’s inhibition shuts down the body’s A-type potassium channel.
Remember, this potassium channel is important for various functions. The channels help in regulating neurotransmitter release, insulin secretion, cell volume, neuronal excitability, epithelial electrolyte transport, and smooth muscle contraction.
Suppresses sodium and calcium channels
THC replicates the CNS anandamide receptor system by inhibiting the voltage-dependent sodium or calcium channel and inhibits the P/Q type. These channels are integral for releasing neurotransmitters.
The inhibition prevents calcium and sodium influx, which results in the inhibition of neurotransmitters, acetylcholine, GABA, L-glutamate, 5-HT, and noradrenaline release.
Activates MAP Kinase enzyme
Activation of the MAP kinase enzyme is one of the THC mechanisms of action in the brain. The MAP Kinase enzyme is a pathway that contributes to various cellular activities, like cell proliferation, gene expression, and differentiation. Furthermore, the pathway may also help to discover various anti-tumor cannabinoid properties.
Marijuana Effects on Neurological Symptoms
Studies show that neurological effects influence various body responses. Nevertheless, cannabis's effects result in three common neurological reactions, seizures, pain, and inflammation.
Reduces inflammation
Due to the interaction with the CNS, marijuana offers responses to help reduce inflammation in the body.
Studies reveal that inflammation is important to the body's immune response. Cannabis interacts with the body's immune system through the endocannabinoid receptors to alleviate inflammation in individuals with various conditions.
Numerous evidence links cannabinoids to strong anti-inflammatory responses in the body. Some studies in mice show THC to have various inflammatory responses. Another study suggests that marijuana could help to alleviate neurodegenerative disorders coming with inflammation, like Parkison’s disease, Alzheimer's disease, and multiple sclerosis.
Alleviate severe pain.
Most marijuana users have documented the pain-relieving benefits of this herb. Cannabis has been vital in alleviating pain, especially neuropathic pain, due to the drug’s interaction with your spinal cord. The interaction helps marijuana intercept and alleviate pain signals from the different body parts to the brain.
The drug has proven to be a safer, natural, and more effective alternative to opioid prescriptions for individuals with temporary or chronic pain. Marijuana is very important in alleviating CNS-related pain. In one study, researchers found that taking marijuana helped reduce severe neuropathic pain and inflammation in patients with various disorders and illnesses.
Findings from another scientific study showed that THC was effective in reducing pain intensity for patients with central neuropathic pain. With THC helping in the activation of ECS receptors in the CNS, it may alleviate your pain. The proven pain-alleviating properties have made marijuana a better alternative for treating nerve pain or disorders.
Reduces seizures
Marijuana’s effects on seizure are one of the common benefits of taking this herb. Marijuana has been vital in helping to reduce the intensity and frequency of seizures for patients with seizure disorders and epilepsy. In a certain study in 2017, researchers found that CBD helped to improve seizure control in epilepsy patients. In 2016 another study found that THC was responsible for reducing spasms, pains, and seizure spasticity in multiple sclerosis patients.
The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 2018 approved the first CBD-infused medication (Epidiolex) to treat seizures in severe epilepsy. The approval of this medication provides evidence of the beneficial effects of marijuana and marks the revolution to changes in the national view regarding medical marijuana.
Understand More About Medical Cannabis
Various studies have proven marijuana’s impact on the CNS. While most individuals assume that marijuana has more negative effects, it’ll be wise to understand the role of the endocannabinoid system and cannabinoids in the body.
Current studies and research reveal that cannabis is an effective treatment therapy for CNS-related issues. Marijuana will help alleviate these issues due to the direct interaction with the nerve responses. The interaction helps to alleviate pain, suppress seizures, and reduce inflammation.
Experts consider medical marijuana a holistic, effective, and natural treatment for you or your loved one. The medication has been successful in treating various conditions and disorders. Experts link most of its effectiveness to the CNS effects.
You can check out our resources and website to understand more about medical marijuana. HappyMD will also be happy to offer you a seamless process of getting your medical marijuana card online in your state. The platform has a wide network of medical marijuana card 420 doctors to help you get your card. Getting your MMJ allows easy access to medical cannabis products to alleviate your conditions and improve your quality of life.